The continuing destruction of the peer review process


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Looks like the EPA has taken a page from the CAGW cult and now peer reviews its own work. No sense releasing it out to the world where their pre-conceived ideas might get ruined. And what is sad is not one of our resident propagandists will think there is anything wrong with this.

"According to Smith, 16 of the 20 members on the current Ozone Review Panel are cited by the EPA in key regulatory science documents the panel is tasked with peer reviewing. The work of panel members is cited more than 700 times in these documents which panelists are asked to critically assess."

EPA's shredding system makes bad news about climate regulations disappear | Mobile Washington Examiner

EPA's 'independent' science advisers get government grants | The Daily Caller
In other words, what the denialists present is so far from science that they cannot get published by anything other than the political equivelant of the National Enquirier.
The peer review process has been very tainted long before the AGW cult movement.
There is misconception on the part of GoldiRocks and Mattew and maybe some others that the US Govt is the front line for American science and that there MILES of laboratories and small cities of the best and brightest minds in the country all within the Beltway of D.C. I've spent years shaking the bushes there for cash and collusion, traveling with guys my corporations PAID to get me in the doors, and I can tell you -- they HIRE science.. They RENT IT BY THE HOUR for the most part. And often -- it gets treated like the cheap whore that it is whilst inside the beltway.

I found many exceptions, particularly in the Intel areas. But even my stint at Kennedy Space Center proved to me that no matter how DC bureaucracy gets --- it won't have a fart's worth of impact on America's place in the world technologically without the power of the grants and contracts..
In other words, what the denialists present is so far from science that they cannot get published by anything other than the political equivelant of the National Enquirier.

In other words when you have no science to present, you have to have absolute control over the review process.
Peer review is so passe. These days real scientists discuss findings on partisan websites.

Who can give us a general outline of the Warmers presentation to the APS?

Looks like the EPA has taken a page from the CAGW cult and now peer reviews its own work. No sense releasing it out to the world where their pre-conceived ideas might get ruined. And what is sad is not one of our resident propagandists will think there is anything wrong with this.

"According to Smith, 16 of the 20 members on the current Ozone Review Panel are cited by the EPA in key regulatory science documents the panel is tasked with peer reviewing. The work of panel members is cited more than 700 times in these documents which panelists are asked to critically assess."

EPA's shredding system makes bad news about climate regulations disappear | Mobile Washington Examiner

EPA's 'independent' science advisers get government grants | The Daily Caller

If we are lucky, Congress calls on hearing on the proposed rules.. The Dems defend the so-called "independent" analysis of $90Bill and the Repubs panel up some outsiders that say it will cost $180Bill and only accomplish 1/2 the job. CSPAN gets an hour of airtime, no one covers the hearings and the EPA wins..

Eight years later, and 150,000 jobs lost, the improvements are 20% of the EPA estimates and costing THREE times the estimated amount ---- AND NO ONE CARES... Any enviro improvement is PURELY coincidence..
The report of the EPA's inspector general in response to the charges that the review of the Greenhouse Gase finding was inadequate and/or improper.

I hope it you don't find it too boring. It doesn't us nearly as many insults and epithets as the lead post's article.

But what we learn is that the overly excited article to which the lead post linked got all its info from the inspector general's report. The EPA caught themselves, they didn't need the blogosphere to keep their shit together. The system worked.
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Outside of the cult, nobody pays attention to the denialist conspiracy theories any longer. They could only cry wolf so many times before people began ignoring them.
Outside of the cult, nobody pays attention to the denialist conspiracy theories any longer. They could only cry wolf so many times before people began ignoring them.

:lol::lol: Sure thing admiral..... I guess you haven't been following this thread...194 pages long, and a wonderful compendium of AGW FAIL.:lol:
194 pages and still no proof of AGW. Smeer review.
Sure thing admiral..... I guess you haven't been following this thread..

Of course not. Nobody wants to step into that thread, just to get jizzed on by the denialist circle jerk. The normal people all completely ignore that thread, so as to give you all a place to safely practice your perversions, away from the sight of decent folk.
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Sure thing admiral..... I guess you haven't been following this thread..

Of course not. Nobody wants to step into that thread, just to get jizzed on by the denialist circle jerk. The normal people all completely ignore that thread, so as to give you all a place to safely practice your perversions, away from the sight of decent folk.
Normal people don't ignore everything that disagrees with them and then claim there is no argument. That's what cults are all about.
Sure thing admiral..... I guess you haven't been following this thread..

Of course not. Nobody wants to step into that thread, just to get jizzed on by the denialist circle jerk. The normal people all completely ignore that thread, so as to give you all a place to safely practice your perversions, away from the sight of decent folk.

:lol::lol: Yes, I could see how you would avoid that thread like the plague. It destroys every claim you have ever made and exposes the fantastically poor science you asshats try and push on the ignorant.

Sucks to be you I'd say. You got into the game at the're the "greater fool" at the bottom of the Ponzi scheme....and there's a whole mountain of shit about to land on your head!:lol::lol::lol:
:lol::lol: Yes, I could see how you would avoid that thread like the plague. It destroys every claim you have ever made and exposes the fantastically poor science you asshats try and push on the ignorant.

You think Skook posting his funny pictures over and over is evidence?

Let me remind you that Skook spent months posting the same funny pictures concerning the unstoppable landslide win of Mitt Romney. How'd that prediction turn out for you?
:lol::lol: Yes, I could see how you would avoid that thread like the plague. It destroys every claim you have ever made and exposes the fantastically poor science you asshats try and push on the ignorant.

You think Skook posting his funny pictures over and over is evidence?

Let me remind you that Skook spent months posting the same funny pictures concerning the unstoppable landslide win of Mitt Romney. How'd that prediction turn out for you?

No, I think the links he posts to the various stories, and reports that shred your propaganda is. And it is beyond compelling. that's why you silly people are too afraid to look at what is being posted there. It would hurt your brain.:lol:
:lol::lol: Yes, I could see how you would avoid that thread like the plague. It destroys every claim you have ever made and exposes the fantastically poor science you asshats try and push on the ignorant.

You think Skook posting his funny pictures over and over is evidence?

Let me remind you that Skook spent months posting the same funny pictures concerning the unstoppable landslide win of Mitt Romney. How'd that prediction turn out for you?

No, I think the links he posts to the various stories, and reports that shred your propaganda is. And it is beyond compelling. that's why you silly people are too afraid to look at what is being posted there. It would hurt your brain.:lol:

BTW, I just love the non-sequiter! Your desperation is duly noted!:lol:

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