The Covid Reaper Kills again

Let's see if you can understand...
I don't trust one word from the Whore House called the World Health Organization because they exist to extort my tax money.

A patient enters a hospital and is in their death bed waiting to die.
The patient gets Omicron.
The patient, who is on their death bed, dies as expected.
The hospital reports that a patient with COVID died, not a patient died due to COVID.

Or, a 46 yr old teacher and mom, happily teaching , happily living her family life....suddenly tests positive to Covid, and dies a few days later...the rest of her family test positive too and are in isolation.
The Covid Reaper killed her, snuffed out her happy life.
Let's see if you can understand...
I don't trust one word from the Whore House called the World Health Organization because they exist to extort my tax money.

A patient enters a hospital and is in their death bed waiting to die.
The patient gets Omicron.
The patient, who is on their death bed, dies as expected.
The hospital reports that a patient with COVID died, not a patient died due to COVID.

The brainwashed masses who have ceased being able to think for themselves and can now only parrot what their TV tells them have every right to think that those are COVID deaths. They will be the first in the reeducation camps and if they can't be reeducated...................................
Or, a 46 yr old teacher and mom, happily teaching , happily living her family life....suddenly tests positive to Covid, and dies a few days later...the rest of her family test positive too and are in isolation.
The Covid Reaper killed her, snuffed out her happy life.
COVID is not Omicron.
What's your IQ?
Yes, fully vaccinated people can, and are, dying of Covid...they are unlucky enough to suffer "serious complications"...*nothing* can save them.
Mostly though, fully vaccinated people suffer less seriously from Covid if they catch it.
Having caught it, they then shed less of the virus, thus protecting others to some degree.
Funny, but I see a lot of fully vaccinated getting the virus and getting very sick. Most who aren't vaccinated don't get seriously ill either.
Funny, but I see a lot of fully vaccinated getting the virus and getting very sick. Most who aren't vaccinated don't get seriously ill either.
Nevermind. There is no reasoning with someone who thinks with their TV instead of with their brain.

The good news is that reeducation camps might some day be able to fix that.

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