The Crime of Maria Butina. nothing. Why Deep State does sentenced her for 18 months in prison?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Except to be Russian, conservative, Christian and gun lover she committed not any other crime.Nevertheless she was sentenced to prison. All allegations are laughable and an joke.
As revenge Putin shall imprison thousands of true agents - members of the Fifth Column in Russia who openly work for Deep State, its interests and WWIII

The Fifth Column in Russia works openly for Deep State and Israel.




By the way Maria looks more American as Jamaica born judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced her for nothing

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Except for she pleaded guilty, and I think she was, but why are we not sending her back where she came from , why are we paying for her stay in prison?

"An angry Vladimir Putin has denounced the 18 month sentence handed down to Russian influence agent Maria Butina, blasting her prison term an outrageous face-saving measure by U.S. authorities and claiming, against substantial evidence, 'there was nothing on her.'

"As Rolling Stone exposed in April 2018, shortly before she was arrested, Butina was at the center of a Russian campaign to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, and then to use the gun group as a conduit to meet and influence Republican decision makers.

"Butina worked to open a backchannel between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign and succeeded in meeting the future President’s son, Don Jr."

More MAGA?

Vladimir Putin Blasts Maria Butina’s Sentence as ‘Outrage’ – Rolling Stone

"An angry Vladimir Putin has denounced the 18 month sentence handed down to Russian influence agent Maria Butina, blasting her prison term an outrageous face-saving measure by U.S. authorities and claiming, against substantial evidence, 'there was nothing on her.'

"As Rolling Stone exposed in April 2018, shortly before she was arrested, Butina was at the center of a Russian campaign to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, and then to use the gun group as a conduit to meet and influence Republican decision makers.

"Butina worked to open a backchannel between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign and succeeded in meeting the future President’s son, Don Jr."

More MAGA?

Vladimir Putin Blasts Maria Butina’s Sentence as ‘Outrage’ – Rolling Stone
I though Putin was/is running this country in tardland.

"An angry Vladimir Putin has denounced the 18 month sentence handed down to Russian influence agent Maria Butina, blasting her prison term an outrageous face-saving measure by U.S. authorities and claiming, against substantial evidence, 'there was nothing on her.'

"As Rolling Stone exposed in April 2018, shortly before she was arrested, Butina was at the center of a Russian campaign to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, and then to use the gun group as a conduit to meet and influence Republican decision makers.

"Butina worked to open a backchannel between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign and succeeded in meeting the future President’s son, Don Jr."

More MAGA?

Vladimir Putin Blasts Maria Butina’s Sentence as ‘Outrage’ – Rolling Stone
I though Putin was/is running this country in tardland.
I though Putin was/is running this country in tardland.

"In sum, the investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election through the 'active measures' social media campaign carried out by the IRA, an organization funded by Prigozhin and companies that he controlled.

"As explained further in Volume I, Section V.A, infra, the Office concluded (and a grand jury has alleged) that Prigozhin, his companies, and IRA employees violated U.S. law through these operations, principally by undermining through deceptive acts the work of federal agencies charged with regulating foreign influence in U.S. elections."

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 35)

Putin's trolls found enough low-information US voters to save this country from eight years of Hillary; maybe he deserves thanks for that, but eight years of Trump could be even worse.
I love the “looks like an American” part…..

And you wonder why people giggle at you.
She was essentially targeted for advancing gun rights on an international level, but had the support of a Russian billionaire who later became a member of a Russian bank counsel.

Maria Butina - Wikipedia

Maria Valeryevna Butina is a Russian gun-rights activist. She is the founder of the "Right to Bear Arms" initiative, a Russian group.[6] Beginning in 2011, she worked for Aleksandr Torshin, a former member of the Federation Council, a member of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, and a deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia.[7]

In April 2018, Butina told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Konstantin Nikolaev, a Russian billionaire, provided funding for her gun-rights group.[8] In July 2018, while residing in Washington, D.C., Butina was arrested by the FBI and charged with acting as an agent of the Russian Federation "without prior notification to the Attorney General."[9]

In December 2018, she pled guilty to felony charges of conspiracy to act as an unregistered foreign agent of the Russian state under 18 U.S.C. §951. On April 26, 2019, a federal judge sentenced her to 18 months in prison.[14].....

(According to Russians interviewed by RFE/RL, the organization was notable for avoiding opposition to Putin during the 2011–2013 Russian protests, for its "quixotic" support for a cause with little public support and strong government opposition — Putin himself had told Russians "I am deeply convinced that the free flow of firearms will bring a great harm and represents a great danger for us" — for introducing legislation in the Russian parliament that "never went anywhere", and for receding from public view after Butina stepped down as its head.[21] According to US prosecutors who prosecuted Butina on charges of conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent, her love of guns (and Donald Trump) was a ruse to advance Russia’s agenda within the Republican Party.)[7]

In 2013 she met Republican political operative Paul Erickson in Russia. The two became close, started dating, and eventually moved in together. In 2015 she emailed him a description of her plan to help the Republicans win the 2016 elections through the National Rifle Association (NRA).[12] In January 2015, Torshin became deputy governor of the Central Bank of Russia, and Butina worked as his special assistant until May 2017.[22][6] In 2017, Butina told The Washington Post that she never worked for the Russian government.[23]

In August 2016, she moved to the United States on a student visa, and enrolled as a graduate student in International Relations at American University in Washington, D.C.[24] While a student at American University, Butina got drunk on at least two separate occasions and bragged to her fellow students about her contacts in the Russian government; on both occasions, her classmates reported her to law enforcement, sources told CNN.[25]

In February 2016, Butina and Erickson began a South Dakota business, Bridges LLC.[22][26] Erickson later said the company was established in case Butina needed any monetary assistance for her graduate studies, which Butina commenced in mid-2016 American University in Washington.[27] In 2018, she completed a masters degree in international relations.[28]......

Torshin and Butina established a cooperative relationship between the NRA and Right to Bear Arms. Torshin has attended NRA annual meetings in the United States since at least 2011. Following the 2011 meeting, then NRA President David Keene expressed his support for Torshin's "endeavors" and extended an invitation to the 2012 meeting.[29] Torshin also attended NRA annual meetings in 2012 and 2013.[30] In November 2013, Keene was a guest at the conference of the Right to Bear Arms in Moscow.[19]

Butina and Torshin attended the 2014 NRA annual meeting as special guests of former NRA president Keene.[22][31] Butina attended the Women's Leadership Luncheon at the 2014 meeting as a guest of former NRA president Sandy Froman.[23][31] Butina presented to then NRA president Jim Porter a plaque from Right to Bear Arms. Afterwards, she tweeted "Mission accomplished." As Keene's guest, Butina rang the NRA's Liberty Bell, saying, "To the right to bear arms for citizens of the whole world."[19] Butina and Torshin also attended the 2015 NRA annual convention.[32]

In 2015, a number of NRA officials attended Right to Bear Arms's annual gun conference in Russia. Among them were Keene, gun manufacturer and NRA first vice president Pete Brownell,[33] conservative American political operative Paul Erickson, and Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke. One of their hosts was Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who in 2014 was sanctioned by the White House following Russia's annexation of Crimea. Clarke's trip cost $40,000, with all expenses paid by the NRA, Pete Brownell (an NRA board member and CEO of a gun-parts supply company) and Right to Bear Arms.[23][34][35] According to a disclosure Clarke filed, Right to Bear Arms paid $6,000 to cover his meals, lodging, transportation and other expenses.[18] During the meeting, Clarke met the Russian foreign minister and attended a conference at which Torshin spoke.[23][35] In November 2016, Torshin tweeted that he and Butina were lifetime NRA members.[30][36]....

In 2015, Torshin, then the Russian Central Bank deputy governor, and Butina met the Treasury undersecretary for international affairs, Nathan Sheets, to discuss U.S.-Russian economic relations.[37] Separately, they also met with a Federal Reserve vice chairman, Stanley Fischer and with a State Department official.[37][38][39]

Donald Trump campaign
In a June 2015 article published in The National Interest, a conservative American international affairs magazine, just before Trump announced his candidacy for president, she urged better relations between the United States and Russia,[30] saying, "It may take the election of a Republican to the White House in 2016 to improve relations between the Russian Federation and the United States." Her biography on the article did not mention that she worked for the Russian government.[19] The next month, Butina attended FreedomFest, where Trump gave a speech, and asked him from the audience about ending U.S. sanctions against Russia, to which he replied, "I don't think you'd need the sanctions."[19][40] Butina hosted a birthday party attended by Erickson and Trump campaign aides shortly after the 2016 election.[30]...

According to the affidavit in support of the complaint, from as early as 2015 and continuing through at least February 2017, Butina worked at the direction of a high-level official in the Russian government, who, according to The New York Times, was believed to be Torshin. The court filings detail the Russian official’s and Butina’s efforts for Butina to act as an agent of Russia inside the United States by developing relationships with U.S. persons and infiltrating organizations having influence in the Republican Party and in conservative politics—such as the National Rifle Association, the National Prayer Breakfast and some religious organizations—for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation.[47]

The filings also describe certain actions taken by Butina to further this effort during multiple visits from Russia and, later, when she entered and resided in the United States on a student visa. The filings allege that she undertook her activities "without officially disclosing the fact that she was acting as an agent of Russian government, as required by law."[48]

Butina, Torshin, and Erickson have been subjects of an investigation by the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Erickson is referred to in Butina's indictment as "Person 1." In addition, George D. O'Neill Jr., a conservative writer and Rockefeller heir, is "Person 2."[30][27][49] Torshin has also been the subject of a probe by the FBI into whether the Russian government attempted to illegally funnel money to the NRA in order to help Trump win the presidency.[27][32]

The FBI began to monitor Butina in August 2016, after she had moved to the United States on an F-1 student visa. Rather than confront her immediately, the FBI chose to track her movements and gather information on whom she was meeting, and what her end goals were to be.[50]​
Only in Trump World do Trumps minions break the law and Trumpers think it should just be swept under the rug.
There is no bigger threat to this country than career politicians/deep state
Putin's trolls found enough low-information US voters to save this country from eight years of Hillary; maybe he deserves thanks for that, but eight years of Trump could be even worse.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?
If not for the actions of the Deep State and a 24/7 campaign of disinformation and propaganda from the left we would have very few problems at all.
And if the left would help create sensible immigration law we would be better off still.
By the way Maria looks more American as Jamaica born judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced her for nothing
Your racist comments do not help your argument. There are lots of black people here who fought in all our wars, including the Revolutionary War. Claiming this judge, who may or may not be a good judge, does not look American is pretty vile.
Putin's trolls found enough low-information US voters to save this country from eight years of Hillary; maybe he deserves thanks for that, but eight years of Trump could be even worse.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?
If not for the actions of the Deep State and a 24/7 campaign of disinformation and propaganda from the left we would have very few problems at all.
And if the left would help create sensible immigration law we would be better off still.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?

Record levels of homelessness and debt, 1600 dead civilians in Raqqa, a continuing blood-bath in Yemen, threats of war against Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, and rabid white nationalists murdering innocent human beings from Poway to Pennsylvania, and it's all vibrant, right?

Ignore The Poway Synagogue Shooter’s Manifesto: Pay Attention To 8chan’s /pol/ Board - bellingcat

"On April 27, 2019, at around 11:30 a.m. local time, a young man with a semi-automatic rifle walked into the Chabad of Poway Synagogue in Poway, California. He opened fire, killing one worshipper and wounding three others. In the hours since the shooting, a manifesto, believed to be written by the shooter, began circulating online. Evidence has also surfaced that, like the Christchurch Mosque shooter, this killer began his rampage with a post on 8chan’s /pol/ board."
Putin's trolls found enough low-information US voters to save this country from eight years of Hillary; maybe he deserves thanks for that, but eight years of Trump could be even worse.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?
If not for the actions of the Deep State and a 24/7 campaign of disinformation and propaganda from the left we would have very few problems at all.
And if the left would help create sensible immigration law we would be better off still.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?

Record levels of homelessness and debt, 1600
Putin's trolls found enough low-information US voters to save this country from eight years of Hillary; maybe he deserves thanks for that, but eight years of Trump could be even worse.
Because a vibrant economy, near full employment and no wars are the bane for any nation...right?
If not for the actions of the Deep State and a 24/7 campaign of disinformation and propaganda from the left we would have very few problems at all.
And if the left would help create sensible immigration law we would be better off still.
And if the left would help create sensible immigration law we would be better off still
If Trump would stop threatening to close the border, the current surge of migrants and asylum seekers would slow to normal levels. Immigration is yet one more issue Trump makes worse because of his arrogance and ignorance.

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