Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)
Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).