The Daughter Also Rises

Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)

Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).
We're talking humanity throughout history from the time men realized they could use religion to compel their followers to conquest. Ya know the thing called history that goes back long before yesterday. You've heard of it, right?
Oh now come on.. I don't think the neanderthals that got high ever committed violence..

(Or was that Lancelot Link?)
The Lancelot Link now only is operative in France...
Win or lose Le Pen will bring France to the right. Perhaps not all the way but, none the less, to the right.

Why? Because if she loses the margin will be so slight that even the most "progressive" of the alternative parties will realize that if they don't move right the very next election will move the country VERY FAR to the right.

Do I expect her to win? At this point I feel it's too close to call. But then the pundits said BREXIT could never happen and Trump could never win.
Which means he'll institute religious communism..
He was trying to say that after years of oppression and murder of Muslim's by French colonial rule in North Africa,, for some reason the French are getting the same from the Muslim refugees and he can't understand why...
Of course, after "1400 years" of murder and mayhem in the name of Islam, into Europe and elsewhere, heaven forbid that any nation reject Islam's goals of conquest.
Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)

Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).
We're talking humanity throughout history from the time men realized they could use religion to compel their followers to conquest. Ya know the thing called history that goes back long before yesterday. You've heard of it, right?
Which is why the most barbaric of those, Islam, should be restricted from entering the US.
Of course, after "1400 years" of murder and mayhem in the name of Islam, into Europe and elsewhere, heaven forbid that any nation reject Islam's goals of conquest.
Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)

Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).
We're talking humanity throughout history from the time men realized they could use religion to compel their followers to conquest. Ya know the thing called history that goes back long before yesterday. You've heard of it, right?
Which is why the most barbaric of those, Islam, should be restricted from entering the US.
Christians had no problem getting a country from other folks they had to lie, cheat, steal and kill to get.....just saying...
Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)

Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).
We're talking humanity throughout history from the time men realized they could use religion to compel their followers to conquest. Ya know the thing called history that goes back long before yesterday. You've heard of it, right?
Which is why the most barbaric of those, Islam, should be restricted from entering the US.
Christians had no problem getting a country from other folks they had to lie, cheat, steal and kill to get.....just saying...
Islam on the other hand, has never stopped trying to conquer all nations since it was created, primarily through violence. This is the 21st century and Islam hasn't changed one bit. "Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."
Of course, after "1400 years" of murder and mayhem in the name of Islam, into Europe and elsewhere, heaven forbid that any nation reject Islam's goals of conquest.
Non-Muslims seem to have the same problem..
But, but, but the evil Moooooslims, the evil Jooooooows, the evil Chriiiiiistians!!!!!
(Pick one depending one one's sociopolitical/religious views......)

Number of Israeli nations in the world.......1 (through the UN)
Number of Muslim nations in the world......51 (through conquest).
Number Jews in the world......14 million.
Number of Muslims in the world......1.8 billion.
Number of Jewish nations that allow minorities to live "peacefully" within them......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow non-Muslims to live peacefully and thrive without harassment, persecution and violence......none.
Number of Jewish nations that allow art, music and sculptures to exist (excluding pornographic)......1.
Number of Muslim nations that allow art, music and sculptures that would be considered "un-Islamic" to freely exist......none.
Number of Jewish nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslim nation citizens committing terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001......29,000+
Number of Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Jainists, Pagans, Atheists and Agnostics committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion against civilian population since September 11, 2001......none.
Number of Muslims committing suicide bombings in the name of their religion since September 11, 2001......thousands.
Percent of Jews that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing......none.
Percent of Muslims that condone violence against non-believers for simply not believing.....360,000,000 (20%).
We're talking humanity throughout history from the time men realized they could use religion to compel their followers to conquest. Ya know the thing called history that goes back long before yesterday. You've heard of it, right?
Which is why the most barbaric of those, Islam, should be restricted from entering the US.
Unfortunately the most barbaric were never stopped from entering the "new world"......... :eusa_whistle:

As near as I can tell from reports about France’s politics, it looks like Le Pen is winning. I hope so:

Mar 20, 8:58 PM EDT
Macron, Le Pen clash in first French election TV debate
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

As near as I can tell from reports about France’s politics, it looks like Le Pen is winning. I hope so:

Mar 20, 8:58 PM EDT
Macron, Le Pen clash in first French election TV debate
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

You don't understand the French system. Le Pen may even win the first poll, although doubtful, but she will lose the second by a huge margin.
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