The DC Triad: A Media Exposition [TrumpUSA Pheromones?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism lead us to intimations/contemplations of intelligent etiquette and responsible media?


What is the nature of ethics and the complexity of sin? Why are human beings so fascinated by consciousness, imagination, and intelligence? Animals seem perfectly content simply living/surviving, but we humans want more. We want to understand eternity and the dimensions of the supernatural and of metaphysics. Imagine a Machiavellian A.I. robot named Cyclonus from a planet called Cybertron makes contact with an American traveler named Richard who is brooding about intimations of darkness and a galactic space-pilot named Agus who is intrigued by the notion of capitalism-gauged governance-perfection. How would these three 'sentient minds/beings/characters' illuminate our human curiosity about social sanity? What would they say about TrumpUSA as they exchange ideas about Washington and the White House? Is America fertile for such divine contemplation?

{Cyclonus, Richard, Agus}


CYCLONUS: The highness of imagination leads us to valuations of mischief!
RICHARD: We're intrigued by rebelliousness, since we're interested in governance.
AGUS: Can capitalism serve as a framework for rational intelligence?

CYCLONUS: Capitalist-societies (e.g., TrumpUSA) can espouse profiteerism.
RICHARD: What's the difference between a human tycoon and an animal predator?
AGUS: Is TrumpUSA a 'foundation' for great democratic intimations?

CYCLONUS: I'd say that democracy caters to feelings about teamwork.
RICHARD: Checks-and-balances in TrumpUSA correct for political corruption.
AGUS: The modern-day city is a 'hotbed' for various forms of social sentiments!

CYCLONUS: Why are scientists curious about pheromones and mutations?
RICHARD: Are we sentient minds interested in philosophical congruence?
AGUS: What if terrorists destroyed Washington, and Trump claimed capitalism failed?


Cyclonus, Richard, and Agus called themselves the 'DC Triad' (since they were evaluating complex sentient consciousness in terms of TrumpUSA/Washington ethos/apologetics). The DC Triad decided that the best way to mobilize the minds of the masses was to use media in capitalist-societies (e.g., TrumpUSA) to foster forms of social networking. Without networking, there was little contemplation of the imagination-value of teamwork or fortune. The DC Triad wondered if American super-celebrities such as Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise embodied the sort of 'networking-diplomacy' that made TrumpUSA media expositions symbolic/reflective of imagination-sensitization. Was the Facebook-culture of TrumpUSA a sign that capitalism could serve as a foundation for ethics-intelligence?


TRUMP: I doubt consumerism will forge peace without guidance!
CARTER: That's why we admire the European Union, Mr. President.
TRUMP: Can TrumpUSA-media catalyze serious socialization dialogue?
CARTER: Many worry that capitalism will create 'mindless commerce.'
TRUMP: When commerce creates peace (e.g., World Bank), we find intelligence!
CARTER: What is the opposite of commerce-gauged peace?
TRUMP: Piracy and terrorism.
CARTER: How should we use capitalism to create negotiation networks?
TRUMP: We should start with Wall Street, the European Union, and OPEC!
CARTER: Alien-intelligences might confer with human scholars and discover sanity.
TRUMP: That's only if TrumpUSA can become a 'tower' of great commercial promise.
CARTER: In that case, the U.S. government should espouse forms of media-civics.
TRUMP: Yes, responsible journalism can create open-minded capitalism-dialogue.
CARTER: The nature of the mind is to negotiate to find practical networks!
TRUMP: We have to be wary of the 'great dragon' of contract betrayal...


In america we are intentionally not socialized in such a way as to even begin to be able to conceive of eternity, a coherent consciousness or of a spiritual connection to one another, to our ancestors and past, to our descendants or the future, or to the planet which supports all life. Capitalism has never been about anything other than wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution out of the planet, the natural world, utilizing the human being as an instrument of and for wealth extraction. Within american style capitalism the human being is nothing but an economic unit to be "managed".

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