The deadly consequences of the Biden Administration's immigration policies


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
As each day passes we are learning of the suicidal immigration policies inflicted upon the United States and her citizens. For example see: Biden administration 'importing' coronavirus into Texas by not securing border: Gov. Abbott

March 19

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R., told "America's Newsroom" Friday that the Biden administration is effectively "importing" coronavirus into the United States by not adequately securing the southern border.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT: I made a direct plea to the Biden administration a couple of days ago for Texas and our professionals in this state that deal with human trafficking all the time to have access to these minors who have come across the border to learn more about how they were trafficked here, and then we received word yesterday from the Biden administration that they would allow no such thing because they want to continue the cover-up ...

Also see: Millions of illegal immigrants set to get $4.38 billion in Biden COVID cash

Despite Democratic claims that illegals do not have a Social Security number required to get a share of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package, several federal programs provide them to 2.65 million aliens, according to data cited by Camarota.
Based on income data, likely only 2.1 million aliens and their 1.1 million U.S. born children meet the income limits in the package, said Camarota. “In total, illegal immigrants could receive an estimated $4.38 billion in stimulus checks from the new COVID relief bill – $2.85 billion directly, and another $1.53 billion on behalf of their children,” said the analysis shared with Secrets

And, what about this: Biden is spending $86 million on hotel rooms for migrants as his administration struggles to handle the surge of families and kids trying to come to the US
March 20, 2021
“The latest decision to secure hotel rooms comes as the US is seeing the biggest surge of migrants at the border in decades, pacing towards a potential 2 million migrants at the US-Mexico border this year, The Washington Post reported. The surge is putting a heavy strain on government resources and border towns.”

And let us not forget how the children of illegal entrant's are overburdening our public school systems and the children of American taxpaying citizens are paying the price. See: US schools — and students — will pay a price for Biden’s open borders for minors

March 16, 2021

"Their education will cost thousands of dollars a year more than for the average student because they’ll need linguistic experts, tutors, psychological counseling, vaccinations and other support.

They’ll also consume most of a classroom teacher’s attention, leaving the rest of the class to make do with less.

Even so, only 66 percent of students without English skills ever graduate.

They will struggle, but so will our own kids. This migration wave is hitting schools just as they’re reopening after the pandemic. Students have missed an entire year of school activities."

It is also important to point out how our prisons are filling with criminal aliens let into our country. See: One in five US prison inmates is a 'criminal alien'

" For starters, 91 percent of federal criminal aliens were citizens of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Colombia or Guatemala.

There were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. or state prisons and local jails during the period measured. They accounted for 4.9 million arrests for 7.5 million offenses. (The numbers, according to the GAO: 197,000 criminal aliens in federal prisons, arrested 1.4 million times for 2 million offenses, between 2011 and 2016; 533,000 in state or local facilities between 2010 and 2015, representing 3.5 million arrests for 5.5 million offenses.)"

The article continues by pointing out costs to America's taxpaying citizens . . . "federal taxpayers shelled out more than $15 billion during the period studied — or $2.5 billion a year — to keep criminal aliens behind bars in federal, state and local facilities."

And let us not forget the cost to American Citizens for the healthcare needs of illegal entrants. See: New NY health care law might spend over $500M on illegal immigrants

February 24, 2019

"New York legislators are pushing a new law to have the cash-strapped state spend more than $500 million to provide virtually free, taxpayer-financed health care to more than 400,000 adult illegal immigrants."

The article continues . . . "The Gottfried-Rivera measure piggybacks a similar $100 million program touted by Mayor de Blasio that guarantees illegal immigrants in the city get basic medical care through doctors at city-run hospitals."

The only thing the Biden Administration's stimulus is actually stimulating is, the poverty stricken of Central America to flood into the United States and American Citizens paying the price.


The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
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The Democrats are not compassionate.
They are greedy for power and your paycheck.
They are not against racism, they are pandering to racist Latino nationalist such as (AOC) who want to "fundamentally change" the demographics of American culture.
Progressives' are Greedy, Liars, Racists and Bigots.
The Democrats are not compassionate.
They are greedy for power and your paycheck.
They are not against racism, they are pandering to racist Latino nationalist such as (AOC) who want to "fundamentally change" the demographics of American culture.
Progressives' are Greedy, Liars, Racists and Bigots.

And the ringleaders embrace the kind of governments found in China, Venezuela and Cuba, where the ruling class lives large off the wealth created by business and labor.


They are neither “liberal”, “progressive” nor are they Republican or Democrat Leaders. They are notoriously evil Socialist Revolutionaries and Globalists who continue to use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which America’s labor, business and investors have worked to create.
I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

Millions got it and never knew they had it.....99% of all who get it survive....a mere .02% of the US population currently has it and it killed a mere .0015% of US citizens. What is the point you are trying to make?
I don't think Biden is aware or smart enough to realize what a disaster he has created on the border. The people who authored this insane policy, AOC, Bernie and Pocahontas, never anticipated this crisis, stupid assholes that they are.

I doubt if Biden knows what day of the week it is. But his socialist Revolutionary handlers do know, and I suspect they also know exactly what they are doing.

There is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, disease carrying, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.


We need to start call these scoundrels what they really are! They are not “Democrats”, “Republicans”, “progressives”, or “liberal leaders”. They are radical, Cuban style, socialist revolutionaries, supported and defended by a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalists.
Xiden and Harris's holocaust on the border is a national disgrace...a black eye for America....a major humanitarian crisis...and simply child abuse.

It's no wonder the Chinese think they can tell us and the world that the US is coming from no position of strength in discussing Chinese human rights abuses.

We don't under Xiden and Harris...that's for sure.
I don't think Biden is aware or smart enough to realize what a disaster he has created on the border. The people who authored this insane policy, AOC, Bernie and Pocahontas, never anticipated this crisis, stupid assholes that they are.

They know what they're doing. The thousands of migrants who have been raped, murdered, starved, trafficked, and illegally imprisoned mean JACK SHIT to the Democrats. The thousands of Covid-infected illegals released into our country intentionally mean JACK SHIT to the Democrats. The billions of dollars of resources squandered on housing, feeding, transporting, and catering to illegals means JACK SHIT to the Democrats. They care about one thing and one thing only - getting enough illegals in here to make their voting majority permanent.
I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

Millions got it and never knew they had it.....99% of all who get it survive....a mere .02% of the US population currently has it and it killed a mere .0015% of US citizens. What is the point you are trying to make?

Ok. So how is Biden threatening the health of anyone by not enforcing the borders regarding this disease?
I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

Millions got it and never knew they had it.....99% of all who get it survive....a mere .02% of the US population currently has it and it killed a mere .0015% of US citizens. What is the point you are trying to make?

Ok. So how is Biden threatening the health of anyone by not enforcing the borders regarding this disease?
Why would you allow illegals to flow into the country, first of all.....and also why would you let anyone in that you knew was infected with ANY disease or virus that could spread? And thirdly, why would you have to ask such a stupid question?
I don't think Biden is aware or smart enough to realize what a disaster he has created on the border. The people who authored this insane policy, AOC, Bernie and Pocahontas, never anticipated this crisis, stupid assholes that they are.
Don't forget the Shadow President>>> Barry the Magnificent
I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

Millions got it and never knew they had it.....99% of all who get it survive....a mere .02% of the US population currently has it and it killed a mere .0015% of US citizens. What is the point you are trying to make?

Ok. So how is Biden threatening the health of anyone by not enforcing the borders regarding this disease?
Why would you allow illegals to flow into the country, first of all.....and also why would you let anyone in that you knew was infected with ANY disease or virus that could spread? And thirdly, why would you have to ask such a stupid question?

I am trying to understand the reasoning. Abbot is a hero for ending the Mask Mandates and ending COVID restrictions since there is no danger. Abbot is a hero for objecting to people who may be infected with the disease entering the nation. Which is it? Is it the plague of the 21st century where we must take precautions and mandate restrictions or is it all hype based upon hysteria?

Because you can’t have it both ways. There is a term for that.
I am trying to understand the reasoning. Abbot is a hero for ending the Mask Mandates and ending COVID restrictions since there is no danger. Abbot is a hero for objecting to people who may be infected with the disease entering the nation.

Of course you don't understand the reasoning. Why not let every disease carrying citizen from Central America into the United States so American citizens can be taxed to pay for these people's health care needs?


The Biden/Harris healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___ LINK
I thought COVID was a Communist/Socialist hoax that wasn’t dangerous unless you had an underlying medical issue. At least that is what you said when Trump was in the Oval Office.

If we cant have it both ways neither can you

libs believe the wuflu is deadly

so by your own logic importing infected foreigners amounts to murder of American citizens by the biden adminstration
They know what they're doing. The thousands of migrants who have been raped, murdered, starved, trafficked, and illegally imprisoned mean JACK SHIT to the Democrats. The thousands of Covid-infected illegals released into our country intentionally mean JACK SHIT to the Democrats. The billions of dollars of resources squandered on housing, feeding, transporting, and catering to illegals means JACK SHIT to the Democrats. They care about one thing and one thing only - getting enough illegals in here to make their voting majority permanent.

You are so right, and its sickening. Also, keep in mind, there is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, disease carrying, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

How you can tell a nation to stay locked down, and then turn around and let thousands of people flood in with no regard to the pandemic, is beyond me.

Biden deserves to be strung up by his nuts for telling the third-world to "surge the border".

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