The deep states political coup: A special prosecutor means the 2018 elections are life or death for


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
If we can pack the House with Trump supporters, we can stop impeachment before it ever gets to the Senate
The deep state is orchestrating a political coup against President Trump, and this latest move makes it clear that they are going for the jugular.

Now that former FBI director Robert Mueller has been appointed as “special counsel” to investigate the scandals swirling around the Trump administration, the mid-term elections in 2018 have become of the utmost importance. There is a reason why most people refer to a “special counsel” as a “special prosecutor”. Special prosecutors usually spend

The Deep State’s Political Coup: A Special Prosecutor Means The 2018 Elections Are Life Or Death For The Trump Presidency

Well the bs lies and stories coming out of this should be good. Sheeps gone wild day.

MW, you should be very afraid. We the People are after Trump, and We the People will throw him out of office.
Here in my MI district plans are afoot to primary Rep. Justin Amash. He's run as a Republican but is a libertarian who's become too much of a quack for many fellow conservatives and lots of Republicans. Three names were in the hat 2-3 weeks ago. One has since turned down overtures for health reasons not known about until now, but the other two are interested in challenging and either would be a great replacement IMO.
Amash will stomp primary opponents.
Your opinion duly noted.

However, I live in the district, am active in the local party, and hear firsthand from folks, like myself, who've elected him in the past. His supporters are evaporating daily, Jakeoff, so we'll see about that stomping you're predicting.
well, blasnork, you are you and we know what the means. :lol: Amash is incredibly well funded and well liked in the District by GOP and libertarian and some dems, so we know what that mean, particularly when you are making predictions.

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