The democrat party and their policies cause gun crime...gang member released without bail conducts 3 more shootings.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

I don't blame the Left completely since we all knew tyrants would be tyrants.

Mostly I blame the do nothing Right.

All that is required for Leftist Tyrants to prevail is for Right Wingers to do nothing about it. It's been "easy peasy" all the way so far.
I don't blame the Left completely since we all knew tyrants would be tyrants.

Mostly I blame the do nothing Right.

All that is required for Leftist Tyrants to prevail is for Right Wingers to do nothing about it. It's been "easy peasy" all the way so far.

I agree with you. However, the dividing line for action versus reaction is much deeper than a left versus right issue—politically speaking. I believe it is more of a decent human being versus an indecent human being sort of thing. The sociopathic American left destroys our nation as we sit paralyzed on the sidelines calling the play by play annihilation of everything we cherish from religion to culture, from history to free speech. Psychotic evil is having its way with our civilization (indecent people) and ALL "good" people are doing very little in the way of resisting or attempting to stop any of it. I believe we need to organize all good people who might be left out there, regardless of their political affiliation. Although, any one who claims to be "good" or decent and is pro-choice . . . well, there's no reconciling that in my opinion.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

I'm just north of Baltimore. Every single damn night since forever there are shootings, both inner city and on the fringes. Chances that the firearms used in those crimes were obtained legally are zero, unless perhaps a few of them were legally purchased and then stolen. It's pure madness.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

I'm just north of Baltimore. Every single damn night since forever there are shootings, both inner city and on the fringes. Chances that the firearms used in those crimes were obtained legally are zero, unless perhaps a few of them were legally purchased and then stolen. It's pure madness.
Family friends who were desperate to get out of southern California told me shooting went on all night every night there. It is sickening what has been allowed to happen yet even so there is a reason and people didn't get there to that point overnight.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it.
I'm glad to see more on the Left get guns.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it.
I'm glad to see more on the Left get guns.
With black gun ownership going up, I expect to see some republicans softening on gun control.
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it. didn't since we know for a fact from Pew research that for 27 years as more Americans went out, bought and carried guns, our gun murder rate went down no, availability of guns didn't cause gun murder to go up...

We also know from Pew Research that over 27 years as more Americans bought and carried guns our gun crime rate went down no, availability of guns did not cause gun crime to go up...

We know from democrat party policies in our democrat party controlled cities that when you keep releasing known, violent gun offenders, over and over is those known criminals who are doing all of the illegal gun crime and murder...

Yet the democrat party keeps letting them out..

You are isn't normal people getting and buying guns that is the is guys like this, a convicted felon released over and over again by the democrat party, that is the problem..

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....
We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it.

And two more articles showing that normal people who own and actually carry guns is not the problem...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.


Bolsonaro's Brazil, More Legal Guns, Homicide Rates Down Precipitously

In December, 2018, in an article published by the Wall Street Journal, this pronouncement was made. From the

Now, Brazil is set to embark on an experiment that will determine what happens when you loosen gun restrictions in a country battling an overpowering wave of gun crime.
Homicides in Brazil were at historic highs in 2017. They dropped a bit in 2018, as candidate Bolsonaro ran on reform of the gun laws to allow self defense, and reform of the law to get tough on crime. The homicide numbers dropped from 59,000 in 2017, to 51,000 in 2018. President Bolsonaro was elected in October of 2018.

After taking office on 1 January, 2019, President Bolsonaro issued his first decree reforming some of Brazil's extreme gun laws on 15 January, 2019. The drop in Brazil's homicide rate accelerated.

Early in the Bolsonaro presidency, a Brazilian lawyer prediceted the homicide rate would drop. From

César Mello, asked that I include information that early reports are showing a 25% drop in Brazil's homicide rate, in the first quarter of 2019. If this trend continues, 16,000 lives will have been saved in the first year of President Bolsonaro's time in office.
The rate reduction was not quite that high. Only 10,000 lives were saved. From
Brazil had 41,635 killings in 2019, down 19% from the prior year and the least number of homicides since 2007, when the so-called Violence Monitor index was launched. It is a partnership between the non-profit Brazilian Forum of Public Security, the University of Sao Paulo’s Center for the Study of Violence, and news website G1, which published the data Friday.
When translated to homicide rates, the rate dropped 17% in 2018, then 23% more in 2019. The population of Brazil in 2019 was 210 million. The rate of homicides per 100,000 was 19.83. That is less than 2/3 of the homicide rate in 2017, which was 30.8.

We do not have gun crime in democrat party controlled cities because normal Americans own and carry guns for self defense, sport, hunting, collecting......we have gun crime in our democrat party controlled cities because the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing violent, repeat, known, gun criminals over and over again.....they are the individuals shooting people with illegal guns.

If we can stop the democrat from releasing violent gun criminals from jail, on bond, or in this case without bond....and keep them from releasing violent gun criminals from prison with short prison sentences for gun crime...our gun crime rate would drop 95%....

And before the anti-gunners say..."But, the witness recanted in that shooting....." he is a career gang member with a long history of crime and violence. The odds that he has been arrested for other felony crimes are better than even....and on one of those, he should have been in prison for 30 years.

Darrius Sutton, an alleged Brooklyn gang member, was released without bail in May, despite facing an attempted murder charge, and has allegedly been involved in three shootings since his release.

“Sutton, 23, was hauled into court months ago for a May 16 shooting, during which he allegedly shot another man in the courtyard of an East New York building, seriously injuring the victim, according to the feds,” The New York Daily News reported. “Despite charges of attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and assault with intent to cause injury, Sutton was released in the state case without bail set, according to court documents.”

Sutton was reportedly set free after the sole witness in the case recanted.

“At the time of arraignment, the sole eyewitness had recanted so we did not have sufficient evidence to keep the defendant in custody,” a spokesman for the DA said in a statement. “The investigation is continuing and we hope other witnesses come forward.”

“Less than two months after being sprung, the purported Bloods gang member allegedly joined others in three drive-by shootings this summer,” The New York Post reported. “The gunplay took place between July 13 and 14 and were just a few of the six shootings in which Sutton participated over the past year, federal prosecutors allege.”

“The defendant’s violent spree over the last year has left at least seven individuals with gunshot wounds,” federal prosecutors wrote, according to The Post. “That these events did not lead to seven deaths is entirely fortuitous — the videos described above make clear that the defendant shoots to kill.”

Authorities took him into custody last week and he is now being held in federal custody.

And the easy availability of guns had nothing to do with it.
I'm glad to see more on the Left get guns.
With black gun ownership going up, I expect to see some republicans softening on gun control.

No, the racists who want to keep black Americans from owning guns are all in the democrat party.....Conservatives and Republicans want all Americans of all races and backgrounds to own and carry guns for self saves lives...

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