The democrats and the left are actually banning and destroying works of art......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As John Nolte reports......Directors Christopher Nolan and Guillermo Del Toro and pleading with people to buy physical copies of movies and that they can't be destroyed or "editied," by the left to change them to meet woke standards of today.

The directors didn't say the left....but it is the left who are actually going after classics, from James Bond, to Gone with the Wind, changing them because they don't like the way they were written...

James Bond
To KIll a Mockingbird
Harry Potter
Gone with the Wind

And the list goes on and on....the left will change these stories to suit their isn't the Right, it is the left.....that is why they are so mad about Parents fighting them on the kiddie porn in school libraries.....

To the left, kiddie porn is good, classic literature and movies that don't fit the leftist agenda, are bad...

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started pulling titles people had purchased.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started altering Oscar-winning movies people had purchased.

Martin Scorsese isn’t even safe from the fascists who run the Disney Grooming Syndicate. My imported Blu-ray of Kundun arrived yesterday. I don’t even like the movie, but I still paid $30 for it. As del Toro points out, someone has to own the hard copies… We do indeed have a responsibility to ensure these movies both survive and survive without being vandalized by the left’s Sensitivity Gestapo.

What disturbs me more than anything is what we don’t know… What titles are being quietly pulled from circulation? What’s being quietly censored by studio vandals? Why can’t I purchase Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) on Blu-ray?

It’s not only movies… People who love books should preserve books. The jihad against the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, and Huckleberry Finn is no secret. The Sensitivity Gestapo is actively rewriting Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. This was unimaginable 20 years ago. Now imagine what these fascists will be doing 20 years from now.

As John Nolte reports......Directors Christopher Nolan and Guillermo Del Toro and pleading with people to buy physical copies of movies and that they can't be destroyed or "editied," by the left to change them to meet woke standards of today.

The directors didn't say the left....but it is the left who are actually going after classics, from James Bond, to Gone with the Wind, changing them because they don't like the way they were written...

James Bond
To KIll a Mockingbird
Harry Potter
Gone with the Wind

And the list goes on and on....the left will change these stories to suit their isn't the Right, it is the left.....that is why they are so mad about Parents fighting them on the kiddie porn in school libraries.....

To the left, kiddie porn is good, classic literature and movies that don't fit the leftist agenda, are bad...

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started pulling titles people had purchased.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started altering Oscar-winning movies people had purchased.

Martin Scorsese isn’t even safe from the fascists who run the Disney Grooming Syndicate. My imported Blu-ray of Kundun arrived yesterday. I don’t even like the movie, but I still paid $30 for it. As del Toro points out, someone has to own the hard copies… We do indeed have a responsibility to ensure these movies both survive and survive without being vandalized by the left’s Sensitivity Gestapo.

What disturbs me more than anything is what we don’t know… What titles are being quietly pulled from circulation? What’s being quietly censored by studio vandals? Why can’t I purchase Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) on Blu-ray?

It’s not only movies… People who love books should preserve books. The jihad against the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, and Huckleberry Finn is no secret. The Sensitivity Gestapo is actively rewriting Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. This was unimaginable 20 years ago. Now imagine what these fascists will be doing 20 years from now.

Last I checked "Passion of the Christ" was pulled from VUDU.
As John Nolte reports......Directors Christopher Nolan and Guillermo Del Toro and pleading with people to buy physical copies of movies and that they can't be destroyed or "editied," by the left to change them to meet woke standards of today.

The directors didn't say the left....but it is the left who are actually going after classics, from James Bond, to Gone with the Wind, changing them because they don't like the way they were written...

James Bond
To KIll a Mockingbird
Harry Potter
Gone with the Wind

And the list goes on and on....the left will change these stories to suit their isn't the Right, it is the left.....that is why they are so mad about Parents fighting them on the kiddie porn in school libraries.....

To the left, kiddie porn is good, classic literature and movies that don't fit the leftist agenda, are bad...

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started pulling titles people had purchased.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started altering Oscar-winning movies people had purchased.

Martin Scorsese isn’t even safe from the fascists who run the Disney Grooming Syndicate. My imported Blu-ray of Kundun arrived yesterday. I don’t even like the movie, but I still paid $30 for it. As del Toro points out, someone has to own the hard copies… We do indeed have a responsibility to ensure these movies both survive and survive without being vandalized by the left’s Sensitivity Gestapo.

What disturbs me more than anything is what we don’t know… What titles are being quietly pulled from circulation? What’s being quietly censored by studio vandals? Why can’t I purchase Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) on Blu-ray?

It’s not only movies… People who love books should preserve books. The jihad against the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, and Huckleberry Finn is no secret. The Sensitivity Gestapo is actively rewriting Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. This was unimaginable 20 years ago. Now imagine what these fascists will be doing 20 years from now.


Very well said.

They can try banning all they want. As long as someone owns a hard copy of a book, it still exists.

When they start squealing about banning, that's when I go on a book buying spree. They're giving me my book buying list all the time.

There will always be collectors who have EVERYTHING.

Fahrenheit 451 will always be fiction, try as they might to make it otherwise.


As John Nolte reports......Directors Christopher Nolan and Guillermo Del Toro and pleading with people to buy physical copies of movies and that they can't be destroyed or "editied," by the left to change them to meet woke standards of today.

The directors didn't say the left....but it is the left who are actually going after classics, from James Bond, to Gone with the Wind, changing them because they don't like the way they were written...

James Bond
To KIll a Mockingbird
Harry Potter
Gone with the Wind

And the list goes on and on....the left will change these stories to suit their isn't the Right, it is the left.....that is why they are so mad about Parents fighting them on the kiddie porn in school libraries.....

To the left, kiddie porn is good, classic literature and movies that don't fit the leftist agenda, are bad...

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started pulling titles people had purchased.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started altering Oscar-winning movies people had purchased.

Martin Scorsese isn’t even safe from the fascists who run the Disney Grooming Syndicate. My imported Blu-ray of Kundun arrived yesterday. I don’t even like the movie, but I still paid $30 for it. As del Toro points out, someone has to own the hard copies… We do indeed have a responsibility to ensure these movies both survive and survive without being vandalized by the left’s Sensitivity Gestapo.

What disturbs me more than anything is what we don’t know… What titles are being quietly pulled from circulation? What’s being quietly censored by studio vandals? Why can’t I purchase Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) on Blu-ray?

It’s not only movies… People who love books should preserve books. The jihad against the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, and Huckleberry Finn is no secret. The Sensitivity Gestapo is actively rewriting Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. This was unimaginable 20 years ago. Now imagine what these fascists will be doing 20 years from now.

I recently purchased the complete, unabridged works of Rudyard Kipling and Mark Twain. Get 'em while you can.

Very well said.

They can try banning all they want. As long as someone owns a hard copy of a book, it still exists.

When they start squealing about banning, that's when I go on a book buying spree. They're giving me my book buying list all the time.

There will always be collectors who have EVERYTHING.

Fahrenheit 451 will always be fiction, try as they might to make it otherwise.



And they will be banning Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, as well....siince those books show us exactly what the left wants to do.......more recent books on the left..."The Hunger Games," and others will eventually be on that list too...
And they will be banning Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, as well....siince those books show us exactly what the left wants to do.......more recent books on the left..."The Hunger Games," and others will eventually be on that list too...

So far, up to Hunger Games, I've got them all on my shelf, and many more. It's a serious responsibility.

CS Lewis wrote some shockingly prophetic work in the 30's and 40's and I'm glad I've got my copies.


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