The Depopulation of the world, consider Ebola.


Aug 26, 2014

Published on Jan 9, 2014

The NWO commandments:

We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails.
The ignorant will buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking.
For those that think the world is over populated due to food and energy shortages, you need to understand that the multi-national corporations create these shortages by forcing farmers not to grow, limiting development of new technologies etc., all to manipulate prices for their own gain.

NWO.. i Remember George HW Bush speaking of such a thing on 9-11-91 odd... seems most folks seem to consider it a conspiracy type of a thing.
Right ! over population is just their mantra. In fact they just want less people so control will be made easier.

IT is a conspiracy, the real major powers , the Elite, are conspiring to run the world.

Published on Jan 9, 2014

The NWO commandments:

We are constantly inundated with poisons forced on us through GMO foods, pharmaceuticals, fluoridated water supply, microwave radiation, and chemtrails.
The ignorant will buy into the whole global warming/population control agenda because they have been force fed this garbage their whole lives and are no longer capable of critical thinking.
For those that think the world is over populated due to food and energy shortages, you need to understand that the multi-national corporations create these shortages by forcing farmers not to grow, limiting development of new technologies etc., all to manipulate prices for their own gain.

"Population 2050: The global population is expected to increase by 38%, from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 9.6 billion in 2050."
10 projections for the global population in 2050 Pew Research Center
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"Population 2050: The global population is expected to increase by 38%, from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 9.6 billion in 2050."
10 projections for the global population in 2050 Pew Research Center[/QUOTE]

Yes there is much to take into consideration on over population ideas, The reason for the move to depopulate has nothing to do with overpopulation. It is more along the lines of managing the house staff.
That, of course, makes no fucking sense whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

really, and what do you know of Fukushima that the scientist watching the out pour of radiation don't know ?

That there aren't too many Muslims living nearby, you nutjob.[/QUOTE]

So you don't know anything about it, but you can name call. How adult, and brave to. hiding behind that monitor !

That there aren't too many Muslims living nearby, you nutjob.

So you don't know anything about it, but you can name call. How adult, and brave to. hiding behind that monitor ![/QUOTE]

I just told you, nutjob. Or do you think there are a lot of Muslims living in the Tohoku area?
I just told you, nutjob. Or do you think there are a lot of Muslims living in the Tohoku area?[/QUOTE]

The world is being contaminated fool All the northern hemisphere already has been covered. Ignorance is not really blissful. Some of the worse rads have a half life of millions of years and they are world wide and fukushima is going to continue putting this out till after we are all gone. When your dying of cancer, remember me, tough guy !!

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