The Desire To Destroy Western Civilization

"...bringing in millions of people who hate diversity."

As one who entered on the scene boasting about some background, expertise with Islam....

...shouldn't he have have been expected to have known this?


certainly HIS KENYAN background should have been a clue-----Kenyan muslims have been murdering Kenyan Christians and Hindus for DECADES

Interesting that you've brought that up.....

1. "Should Obama’s cousin, Raila Odinga, the leader of Kenya’s violent Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), a Marxist and Socialist political party with strong Islamic fundamentalist leaning be permitted to enter the U.S. to attend Obama’s inauguration?"
Pollware - Custom Polling for Websites


2. "Mr. Obama’s judgment is seriously called into question when he backs an official with troubling ties to Muslim extremists and whose supporters practice ethnic cleansing and genocide. It was Islamic extremists in Kenya who bombed the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 and injuring thousands. None of this has dissuaded Mr. Obama from maintaining disturbing loyalties.
HYMAN: Obama’s Kenya ghosts

chic-----lots of people in the USA are completely CLUELESS about KENYAN violence against hindus and Christians------I got my most reliable information
from KENYANS in the USA---------it is barely in the news The US embassy and the DEPARTMENT STORE thing was obscure stuff

PS----I cannot provide a link to acquaintances

I didn't ask you for any....I provided sources that backed up what you stated.

no----you didn't-------I think your opponent IMPLIES that such links are Mandatory
at all times
"I haven't seen you state your educated, carefully formed opinion."
That would be an indication of your shortcoming, not mine.
Again, I'm more than willing to wait for you to give us hard data or peer-reviewed sources and then have you construct your own argument. It would require more than your google searches.

You have yet to provide any indication of what you claim to be 'unreliable' sources.

Instead, you have identified yourself as a closed-minded drone.

All of your posts can be reduced to, simply, "is not, isssss noootttttt!"

"...then build your OWN ARGUMENT...."
Exactly what I have done, and the very reason you have found it undeniable.

Could it possibly be that you are an Obama supporter?

Could be?
Could it be that I'm not an Obama supporter? Somebody that is pointing out that you are copy-and-pasting things you google doesn't have to be an Obama supporter (by the way, I'm neutral on his presidency). In fact, I never even disagree (or agreed) with any of the points you made.

The only thing I have stated, and repeated, is that you have not constructed your own arguments (you literally just copy and pasted text from things you googled) and you haven't provided any hard, unbiased data to support any of your claims (everything you linked goes straight to news articles of varying reliability...nothing goes towards peer-reviewed journals, independent studies, or hard data regarding anything). My point, and I'll repeat, is that all you are doing is googling for things you like and pasting them here. I'm simply asking you to do your own research, construct your own argument, and then post your own opinion.

I'm really not sure how dense you are, but it seems you are more dense than lead at this point.

"...haven't provided any hard, unbiased data..." keep whining that view....but haven't provided any such.

Why is that?

" have not constructed your own arguments...."

That's exactly what I've done.
That's why you are here.
False. Let me actually post everything from your OP and leave out everything you copied and pasted:

If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article: a related story:

Yep...that is literally everything you posted that wasn't copied word for word from one of your articles. You presented ZERO arguments here. closely as I destroy your constant whining:

1. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(Critical Appraisal and Analysis - Critically Analyzing Information Sources - LibGuides at Cornell University)

2. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience?? Do you find the level ‘over your head’?

3. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

4. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

5. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

6. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

Needless to say, your carping notwithstanding, I will continue to post is the fashion I choose.

Now.....write soon.
Last edited:
I see you are still googling for articles that agree with your beliefs rather than forming your own opinions based off of reliable sources.


That pic in the avi certainly suits you.

I note that you are unable to identify anything you can point to as unreliable.

I state my educated, carefully formed opinions and support them.

You....not so much.

that's going to leave a mark, as it should. :eusa_clap:
You hate diversity.

As usual, you are wrong. I doubt if explaining will help you much, but will try.

Without assimilation and an appreciation of America, this cannot work. Diversity is merely variety. But we need much more than that. We need unity and too many are unwilling to identify as Americans and embrace our constitution. Diversity is good and we've been diverse forever. It used to work because while people retained individuality, the immigrants assimilated to the country they came to live in. And they respected the people, in fact, loved the people and country that offered them a new life.

Now we have Obama telling people there is no need to assimilate. We see more and more people openly showing their hatred of America and Americans. They don't come to join us, they come to take over. This has been especially true with Muslims who make demands and insist on living by their own laws above ours and find our culture to be something they despise.

They don't like diversity at all and seek to undermine our culture. They are unwilling to embrace other cultures and every single Muslim group exists to push their own agenda. There is no reaching out, only demanding to have their own way.

Again, diversity is great IF the people are willing to unite under the constitution of the country they choose to live in. Really feels more like invasion instead of immigration because they seek to destroy that which they hate- America.
Again, I'm more than willing to wait for you to give us hard data or peer-reviewed sources and then have you construct your own argument. It would require more than your google searches.

You have yet to provide any indication of what you claim to be 'unreliable' sources.

Instead, you have identified yourself as a closed-minded drone.

All of your posts can be reduced to, simply, "is not, isssss noootttttt!"

"...then build your OWN ARGUMENT...."
Exactly what I have done, and the very reason you have found it undeniable.

Could it possibly be that you are an Obama supporter?

Could be?
Could it be that I'm not an Obama supporter? Somebody that is pointing out that you are copy-and-pasting things you google doesn't have to be an Obama supporter (by the way, I'm neutral on his presidency). In fact, I never even disagree (or agreed) with any of the points you made.

The only thing I have stated, and repeated, is that you have not constructed your own arguments (you literally just copy and pasted text from things you googled) and you haven't provided any hard, unbiased data to support any of your claims (everything you linked goes straight to news articles of varying reliability...nothing goes towards peer-reviewed journals, independent studies, or hard data regarding anything). My point, and I'll repeat, is that all you are doing is googling for things you like and pasting them here. I'm simply asking you to do your own research, construct your own argument, and then post your own opinion.

I'm really not sure how dense you are, but it seems you are more dense than lead at this point.

"...haven't provided any hard, unbiased data..." keep whining that view....but haven't provided any such.

Why is that?

" have not constructed your own arguments...."

That's exactly what I've done.
That's why you are here.
False. Let me actually post everything from your OP and leave out everything you copied and pasted:

If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article: a related story:

Yep...that is literally everything you posted that wasn't copied word for word from one of your articles. You presented ZERO arguments here. closely as I destroy your constant whining:

1. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(Critical Appraisal and Analysis - Critically Analyzing Information Sources - LibGuides at Cornell University)

2. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience?? Do you find the level ‘over your head’?

3. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

4. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

5. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

6. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

Needless to say, your carping notwithstanding, I will continue to post is the fashion I choose.

Now.....write soon.
1. None of the opinions posted (In the OP) are your own. In fact, if you have been to university, doing what you have done (cut and pasting and adding maybe a sentence or two) would not be accepted by any professor and, even though you do link the material, might even be the basis for suspending you for plagiarism since your own dialogue is so absent.

2. I haven't addressed your sources or your argument (here at least, I did that a while ago and you just cut and pasted more stuff). I've actually just pointed out that you have refused to display your own data, form your own argument, and construct your own opinion. Why you have brought up something I haven't even attacked is beyond me. I'm addressing your argument construction, not anything contained within the argument.

3. See above.

4. You have provided neither. You just cut and pasted clips from articles that you googled. You provided no summarizing terms, no introductions, nothing but cut and paste.

5. This is what my entire point is addressing. If you disagree then you simply have to say that you disagree and go your separate way. My point has been, and is, that simply cut and pasting things you google does not mean you form an argument, let alone a good one. It simply means you googled things that happened to agree with the phrase you typed into the search bar. Again, this is what my whole discussion has been about, but you seem to be a bit too dense to pick up on that fact.

6. False. This proves you have never done any academic work. Footnotes expand upon quotes or opinions that are cited, they provide a frame of reference or additional details that may or may not pertain to the discussion in the main body of the work. You, on the other hand, haven't footnoted anything. You literally just ripped things from articles you googled, came here, and then hit CTRL+V. You have to actually present some sort of opinion or argument and then back that up using sources...not rip from articles you agree with and think that you have some semblance of an argument. What you have is a farce.

I don't think you would change your habits. But I've been away from this site for a while and just wanted to make sure you know that you poor argument structure fools nobody with half a brain.
You hate diversity.

As usual, you are wrong. I doubt if explaining will help you much, but will try.

Without assimilation and an appreciation of America, this cannot work. Diversity is merely variety. But we need much more than that. We need unity and too many are unwilling to identify as Americans and embrace our constitution. Diversity is good and we've been diverse forever. It used to work because while people retained individuality, the immigrants assimilated to the country they came to live in. And they respected the people, in fact, loved the people and country that offered them a new life.

Now we have Obama telling people there is no need to assimilate. We see more and more people openly showing their hatred of America and Americans. They don't come to join us, they come to take over. This has been especially true with Muslims who make demands and insist on living by their own laws above ours and find our culture to be something they despise.

They don't like diversity at all and seek to undermine our culture. They are unwilling to embrace other cultures and every single Muslim group exists to push their own agenda. There is no reaching out, only demanding to have their own way.

Again, diversity is great IF the people are willing to unite under the constitution of the country they choose to live in. Really feels more like invasion instead of immigration because they seek to destroy that which they hate- America.

We have a large contingent of the RWnut crowd yakking about secession and you want to pretend that conservatives support unity and diversity?

shut the fuck up.
I see you are still googling for articles that agree with your beliefs rather than forming your own opinions based off of reliable sources.


That pic in the avi certainly suits you.

I note that you are unable to identify anything you can point to as unreliable.

I state my educated, carefully formed opinions and support them.

You....not so much.

that's going to leave a mark, as it should. :eusa_clap:

The fact that PoliticalChic is able to deny that her inane assertions have been refuted is meaningless.

People deny the holocaust, too.
If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article:

1. "German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks
A German state minister allegedly tried to pressure police in Cologne to remove the word rape from reports about the mass sexual assaults committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve.

Cologne's Express newspaper claimed that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia pressured a senior police officer to delete 'rape' from an internal report issued on January 1.

'KHK told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression "rape" deleted,' read a document written by another police officer which was printed by the Express.

According to the paper, officer KHK and his colleague were on duty when the events of the night before were being discussed for an interim report.

The night before hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs of refugees, most of them from North Africa."
German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks a related story:

2. "Obama is reducing the screening time of 18-24 months to 3 months!
Regular readers know I have been reporting how the Obama Administration is way behind (so far) in resettling the 10,000 Syrians it has ‘promised’ you would be coming to your towns this fiscal year (by September 30th). Well, here comes the news!

The Syrian Muslim surge is underway! And, it could involve MORE than 10,000!

From AP:

Since October last year, 1,000 Syrian refugees have moved from Jordan to the U.S. The resettlement surge hopes to increase that number ten-fold.

....Obama’s target of resettling 10,000 Syrians to the United States by Sep. 30.Every day, the center interviews some 600 Syrian refugees.
The temporary processing center for the surge operation will run until April 28, U.S. Ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells said. She travelled to the airport to greet the family before their departure.

The regional refugee coordinator at the U.S. embassy in Amman, Gina Kassem, said that while the 10,000 target applies to Syrian refugees living around the world, the majority will be resettled from Jordan.

“The 10,000 is a floor and not a ceiling, and it is possible to increase the number,” she told reporters."
Announcement from US Embassy in Jordan: Syrian refugee surge to America is now underway
Nothing like the moronic demagoguery, bigotry, and lies common to most on the right.
You hate diversity.

As usual, you are wrong. I doubt if explaining will help you much, but will try.

Without assimilation and an appreciation of America, this cannot work. Diversity is merely variety. But we need much more than that. We need unity and too many are unwilling to identify as Americans and embrace our constitution. Diversity is good and we've been diverse forever. It used to work because while people retained individuality, the immigrants assimilated to the country they came to live in. And they respected the people, in fact, loved the people and country that offered them a new life.

Now we have Obama telling people there is no need to assimilate. We see more and more people openly showing their hatred of America and Americans. They don't come to join us, they come to take over. This has been especially true with Muslims who make demands and insist on living by their own laws above ours and find our culture to be something they despise.

They don't like diversity at all and seek to undermine our culture. They are unwilling to embrace other cultures and every single Muslim group exists to push their own agenda. There is no reaching out, only demanding to have their own way.

Again, diversity is great IF the people are willing to unite under the constitution of the country they choose to live in. Really feels more like invasion instead of immigration because they seek to destroy that which they hate- America.
As if on cue…
You have yet to provide any indication of what you claim to be 'unreliable' sources.

Instead, you have identified yourself as a closed-minded drone.

All of your posts can be reduced to, simply, "is not, isssss noootttttt!"

"...then build your OWN ARGUMENT...."
Exactly what I have done, and the very reason you have found it undeniable.

Could it possibly be that you are an Obama supporter?

Could be?
Could it be that I'm not an Obama supporter? Somebody that is pointing out that you are copy-and-pasting things you google doesn't have to be an Obama supporter (by the way, I'm neutral on his presidency). In fact, I never even disagree (or agreed) with any of the points you made.

The only thing I have stated, and repeated, is that you have not constructed your own arguments (you literally just copy and pasted text from things you googled) and you haven't provided any hard, unbiased data to support any of your claims (everything you linked goes straight to news articles of varying reliability...nothing goes towards peer-reviewed journals, independent studies, or hard data regarding anything). My point, and I'll repeat, is that all you are doing is googling for things you like and pasting them here. I'm simply asking you to do your own research, construct your own argument, and then post your own opinion.

I'm really not sure how dense you are, but it seems you are more dense than lead at this point.

"...haven't provided any hard, unbiased data..." keep whining that view....but haven't provided any such.

Why is that?

" have not constructed your own arguments...."

That's exactly what I've done.
That's why you are here.
False. Let me actually post everything from your OP and leave out everything you copied and pasted:

If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article: a related story:

Yep...that is literally everything you posted that wasn't copied word for word from one of your articles. You presented ZERO arguments here. closely as I destroy your constant whining:

1. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(Critical Appraisal and Analysis - Critically Analyzing Information Sources - LibGuides at Cornell University)

2. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience?? Do you find the level ‘over your head’?

3. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

4. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

5. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

6. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

Needless to say, your carping notwithstanding, I will continue to post is the fashion I choose.

Now.....write soon.
1. None of the opinions posted (In the OP) are your own. In fact, if you have been to university, doing what you have done (cut and pasting and adding maybe a sentence or two) would not be accepted by any professor and, even though you do link the material, might even be the basis for suspending you for plagiarism since your own dialogue is so absent.

2. I haven't addressed your sources or your argument (here at least, I did that a while ago and you just cut and pasted more stuff). I've actually just pointed out that you have refused to display your own data, form your own argument, and construct your own opinion. Why you have brought up something I haven't even attacked is beyond me. I'm addressing your argument construction, not anything contained within the argument.

3. See above.

4. You have provided neither. You just cut and pasted clips from articles that you googled. You provided no summarizing terms, no introductions, nothing but cut and paste.

5. This is what my entire point is addressing. If you disagree then you simply have to say that you disagree and go your separate way. My point has been, and is, that simply cut and pasting things you google does not mean you form an argument, let alone a good one. It simply means you googled things that happened to agree with the phrase you typed into the search bar. Again, this is what my whole discussion has been about, but you seem to be a bit too dense to pick up on that fact.

6. False. This proves you have never done any academic work. Footnotes expand upon quotes or opinions that are cited, they provide a frame of reference or additional details that may or may not pertain to the discussion in the main body of the work. You, on the other hand, haven't footnoted anything. You literally just ripped things from articles you googled, came here, and then hit CTRL+V. You have to actually present some sort of opinion or argument and then back that up using sources...not rip from articles you agree with and think that you have some semblance of an argument. What you have is a farce.

I don't think you would change your habits. But I've been away from this site for a while and just wanted to make sure you know that you poor argument structure fools nobody with half a brain.

Every single opinion I post is my own.

And I document every one or 'em.

Thus: '....cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point.'

Wasn't that neat, the way I eviscerated your entire string of post with that one post, #62?

Did you like that, Uggg?
If you ever find yourself imagining that the Leftist elites you've cast your vote for, are looking out for you.....remember this article:

1. "German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks
A German state minister allegedly tried to pressure police in Cologne to remove the word rape from reports about the mass sexual assaults committed by asylum seekers on New Year's Eve.

Cologne's Express newspaper claimed that the interior ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia pressured a senior police officer to delete 'rape' from an internal report issued on January 1.

'KHK told me that the state control centre wanted the report cancelled and the expression "rape" deleted,' read a document written by another police officer which was printed by the Express.

According to the paper, officer KHK and his colleague were on duty when the events of the night before were being discussed for an interim report.

The night before hundreds of women had been sexually molested and robbed by marauding gangs of refugees, most of them from North Africa."
German minister 'told police to remove the word "rape" from reports about mass migrant sex attacks a related story:

2. "Obama is reducing the screening time of 18-24 months to 3 months!
Regular readers know I have been reporting how the Obama Administration is way behind (so far) in resettling the 10,000 Syrians it has ‘promised’ you would be coming to your towns this fiscal year (by September 30th). Well, here comes the news!

The Syrian Muslim surge is underway! And, it could involve MORE than 10,000!

From AP:

Since October last year, 1,000 Syrian refugees have moved from Jordan to the U.S. The resettlement surge hopes to increase that number ten-fold.

....Obama’s target of resettling 10,000 Syrians to the United States by Sep. 30.Every day, the center interviews some 600 Syrian refugees.
The temporary processing center for the surge operation will run until April 28, U.S. Ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells said. She travelled to the airport to greet the family before their departure.

The regional refugee coordinator at the U.S. embassy in Amman, Gina Kassem, said that while the 10,000 target applies to Syrian refugees living around the world, the majority will be resettled from Jordan.

“The 10,000 is a floor and not a ceiling, and it is possible to increase the number,” she told reporters."
Announcement from US Embassy in Jordan: Syrian refugee surge to America is now underway
Nothing like the moronic demagoguery, bigotry, and lies common to most on the right.

"...lies common to most on the right."

So....where is the 'lie'?

Oh....your post?
PC you had some good points in your first post. Then in a later post you threw out the patriotism word. I've lived here my whole life and that overblown patriotic garbage turned me off.

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