The drone operators who halted Moscow convoy headed for Kyiv 🇺🇦. US kamikaze-drones are in action ?

I have been saying for decades that Russia is essentially an Asian country, not really much of a European country. People always think I'm out of my mind. Glad to see I'm not the first to say so.
Well it's both and always has been.
Tanks and other armored vehicles are vulnerable from above, the heavy armor is frontal, side, and the under plates.

That's why even a small shape charge can penetrate from above.

By Natalie Huet with Reuters • Updated: 18/03/2022
The United States is reportedly sending "kamikaze" drones to Ukraine, as part of a new $800 million (€724 million) military aid package to help the country fight off Russia’s invasion.
The package will include 100 "tactical" unmanned drones, which US officials speaking on condition of anonymity say are Switchblades - small “suicide” drones that explode on impact.
What exactly do we know about this flying weapon, and what difference can it make in the war in Ukraine?

‘Precise targeting’​

The Switchblade is basically a single-use drone that’s small enough to fit in a backpack, cruises at around 100 km/h and carries cameras, guidance systems and explosives to dive-bomb into its target.
Unlike most weapons, the Switchblade can also disengage or abort a mission at any time, and then recommit to another target depending on what the operator commands.

This aims to ensure that strikes are precise and can be called off at the very last minute if they endanger civilians or properties nearby.

Anti-armour warhead​

There are two versions of this suicide drone: the Switchblade 300 and the Switchblade 600.

According to manufacturer AeroVironment, the Switchblade 300 can fly for up to 15 minutes and 10 km before striking its target.
The kamikaze drone uses real-time GPS coordinates and video for "precise targeting with low collateral effects," the company says.
It’s launched from a tube and its small size allows it to take off from a variety of air, sea, and ground platforms. The whole kit - including the payload, launcher, and transport bag - weighs just 2.5 kg.

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I have been saying for decades that Russia is essentially an Asian country, not really much of a European country. People always think I'm out of my mind. Glad to see I'm not the first to say so.
Russia is a Mutt mix country with Russian Steep Slavs, Scandinavian, Central Asian Mixture, so they are Mutts that should be treated as the rabid Mutts they are!
Russia is a Mutt mix country with Russian Steep Slavs, Scandinavian, Central Asian Mixture, so they are Mutts that should be treated as the rabid Mutts they are!
Funny you just gave a really good description of the US as well.... .

Just what nations today are racially/ethnically pure?

Pretty decent on most points but the Russian Offensive has pretty well crapped out. They are now losing more ground than they are gaining and he's starting to pull troops back to concentrate them in more defensible locations and formations.

The nice part of that is that it also creates a shooting gallery for the Ukrainians to exploit.
Interesting how this ex kgb agent clearly defines who the USEFUL IDIOTS ARE.

Our college professors and civil rights leaders are two of the groups.


The others are YOU.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Other than being a hypocrite about everything you virtue signal about, you also completely lack any self awareness.

If the 6 minute video is too long for your idiot mind, here is one a bit shorter for your attention span.

About 2 minutes you useful idiot.

The world is made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

Let me be a bit more clear. BLM, Antifa, Feminists, LGBTQ?????, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Race based agitators, News talking orgs, Hollywood celebs, Hollywood sports athletes, Rappers, Anarchists and many of their ilk will be shot by firiing squads after the Revolution ends.
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Lol...and the Ghost of Ukraine just shot down his 79th MIG.

Drones stopped the convoy....ok :iyfyus.jpg:

Except there is virtually nothing left of the Ukraine military as of 10 days ago.

Only the intellectual cripples are being duped on the matrix take on the invasion. It's a fucking rout....dOy

Soon enough will come the news Russia using chemical weapons....the shitheads of the world will be suckered like they have for the past month.

Oh....this just in...the Ghost of Ukraine just shot down his 80th MIG:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Lol...and the Ghost of Ukraine just shot down his 79th MIG.

Drones stopped the convoy....ok :iyfyus.jpg:

Except there is virtually nothing left of the Ukraine military as of 10 days ago.

Only the intellectual cripples are being duped on the matrix take on the invasion. It's a fucking rout....dOy

Soon enough will come the news Russia using chemical weapons....the shitheads of the world will be suckered like they have for the past month.

Oh....this just in...the Ghost of Ukraine just shot down his 80th MIG:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
Well of course it's obvious you're fabricating bullshit wholesale now since we're actually seeing the Ukrainian Army advance, retaking ground, and driving the Russians back from it as they are retaking towns.

Drones, manpads, and light anti tank weapons conspired with the weather and Putin's bad judgement to cost him an easy victory that is now turning into a miserable defeat for him and his nation.

Best try to collect from your Russian masters now while they still have a few rubles left to pay you with.
Let me be a bit more clear. BLM, Antifa, Feminists, LGBTQ?????, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Race based agitators, News talking orgs, Hollywood celebs, Hollywood sports athletes, Rappers, Anarchists and many of their ilk will be shot by firiing squads after the Revolution ends.
You should be ashamed of this and yourself.
People don't realize it yet but this war is becoming a proving ground for a whole lot of future weapons tech, tactics, and strategy.

Pretty much the purpose of every conflict post WWII

The razor drones can be launched and targeted individually or in swarms.

Drones and missiles are making conventional armored units obsolete at least as far as current design goes.

And don't forget Predator Drones with Hellfire missiles. No armor system can withstand them.

Next of course will be the development of automated systems firing essentially huge shotgun shells to defeat aerial threats incorporated into all armored vehicles at least for nations that can afford to field them.

I day keep pouring everything the Ukrainians can use to continue destroying the Russian Army to the greatest extent possible before Putin can pull his remaining forces back across the borders.

What we really need to do is to figure out how to provide them the assets necessary to put the rest of the Russian Fleet out of commission so UKR can take back the south and southeast.

Putin is a pile of shit and a war criminal.

It's foolish though to pretend Ukraine is any better than Russia.
Tanks and other armored vehicles are vulnerable from above, the heavy armor is frontal, side, and the under plates.

That's why even a small shape charge can penetrate from above.

Tanks are the technology of WWII. Tank warfare was the heart of that conflict.

Times change. Putin is finding out the hard way that the tactics of 1945 don't work in 2022.

Machine guns ended cavalry charges. for 300 years heavy horse was the deciding factor in battles. But machine guns rendered them useless.

Weapons technology changes tactics. We are in the age of drones. The good news is no country comes close to the USA in drone technology.

The bad news is that China controls chip manufacturing, and you can't build drones without chips.

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