The drone operators who halted Moscow convoy headed for Kyiv 🇺🇦. US kamikaze-drones are in action ?

You 🇺🇦 need to pick off as much armored units in this convoy as much as you can. Keep in mind every single unit Ukraine destroy in this 40 mile long convoy is a unit that will not be used elsewhere in Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are fighting for their country and their homes and families, Muscovite soldiers are fighting and dying for the arrogance of a 70-year-old crazy czar and badly outdated pseudo-Genghisid imperialism. Slava Ukraine ! 🇺🇦

I have been saying for decades that Russia is essentially an Asian country, not really much of a European country. People always think I'm out of my mind. Glad to see I'm not the first to say so.
I have been saying for decades that Russia is essentially an Asian country,

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501

In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
I have been saying for decades that Russia is essentially an Asian country, not really much of a European country. People always think I'm out of my mind. Glad to see I'm not the first to say so.
Muscovites =/= Juchi Mongols

"Charles Halperin - 1987 - ‎History
... that the language of the Muscovite bureaucracy was a kind of meta-Turkic, "
Karl Marx : "The bloody mire of Mongolian slavery, not the rude glory of the Norman epoch, forms the cradle of Muscovy, and modern "Russia" is but a metamorphosis of Muscovy.""...Muscovite bureaucratic paper followed Mongol formats." from the same source


primitive form of empire (realm) =/= Ulus
It is simple. Vlad is for his nation. We used to be for our nation. We are not anymore. and the stupid in that is the endgame. There will be very little sympathy for mass poverty here from others. We have done the Ugly American act for many decades. Using our fiat currency in an irresponsible way which has helped to destroy others and is now closing in on us.
Human ingenuity is astounding and terrifying at the same time. And the MASKALI getting the full load of it.
How much hurt are you willing to dump on other Americans for the sake of political party's? Party's use all the right buzz words but only deliver the goods to there contributors & them self's.
See any vast improvement for the majority of us over the last 60 years? Compare that to the increase of billionaires and multi millionaires politicians. Now we are willing to go against each other in the role we play in how we handle our response to the Ukraine? Heads up, people are being killed. Gain some gratitude for what we have had, and now are throwing away. War a by product of greed envy & hate.
1. Lieutenant General Yakov Ryazantsev (03/25/2022, Kherson). 2. Lieutenant General A.N. Mordvichev (03/18/2022, Kherson). 3. Major General Oleg Mityaev (03/15/2022, Mariupol, Donetsk region). 4. Major General Andrey Kolesnikov (03/11/2022,?). 5. Major General Vitaly Petrovich Gerasimov (03/07/2022, Kharkov region). 6. Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky (02/28/2022, Mariupol, Donetsk region). 7. Major General Magomed Tushaev (02/26/2022, Gostomel, Kyiv region). 8. Major General Vlaislav Yershov (03/?/2022, Dismissed) Colonel Vladimir Zhoga, Commander Sparta Battalion Colonel Yuri Medvedev, Commander 37th Motor Rifle Brigade - Run over by Russian tank Colonel Sergi Sukharev, Commander 331st VDV Colonel Sergi Porokhnya, Commander 12th Engineer Brigade Colonel Konstantin Zizevsky, Commander 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment Colonel Andrei Zakharov, Commander 6th Tank Regiment, 90th Tank Division Colonel Alexei Sharov, Commander 810th Guards Separate Order of Zhukov Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Safronov, Commander 61st Marine Brigade Lieutenant Colonel Yuri Agarkov, Commander 33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment Lieutenant Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade. Lieutenant Georgy Dudorov, Deputy Commander Airborne Reconnaissance Division. Captain First Rank Andrey Paliv, Deputy Commander Black Sea Fleet Captain Alexey Glushchak, Commander GRU Military Intelligence

The sad thing
that you are an



You 🇺🇦 need to pick off as much armored units in this convoy as much as you can. Keep in mind every single unit Ukraine destroy in this 40 mile long convoy is a unit that will not be used elsewhere in Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are fighting for their country and their homes and families, Muscovite soldiers are fighting and dying for the arrogance of a 70-year-old crazy czar and badly outdated pseudo-Genghisid imperialism. Slava Ukraine ! 🇺🇦

People don't realize it yet but this war is becoming a proving ground for a whole lot of future weapons tech, tactics, and strategy.

The razor drones can be launched and targeted individually or in swarms.

Drones and missiles are making conventional armored units obsolete at least as far as current design goes.

Next of course will be the development of automated systems firing essentially huge shotgun shells to defeat aerial threats incorporated into all armored vehicles at least for nations that can afford to field them.

I day keep pouring everything the Ukrainians can use to continue destroying the Russian Army to the greatest extent possible before Putin can pull his remaining forces back across the borders.

What we really need to do is to figure out how to provide them the assets necessary to put the rest of the Russian Fleet out of commission so UKR can take back the south and southeast.

You say the Ukrainians are getting crowd funding. We JUST saw a totalitarian dictator shut down crowd funding and steal the proceeds. So is Putin less of a dictator than Trudeau? Why didn't Putin attack the crowd funding?
Putin cant' control anything beyond his own borders really and neither did Trudeau.
No. Those Switchblade "kamikaze" drones are very small (5lbs.).
You need "Javelins" to kill a tank.

Not from above where their armor is thinnest. The SB has a shape charge similar to the WH in an RPG.
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