The Drug Suppression Failure$ & A Cheaper Solution


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
With all the $billions we spend on drug eradication, related crimes, prison & at the core, education to keep kids off drugs, a simpler & cheaper solution has eluded us.

Given that drug use often starts by peer imitation, why not just put money into promoting going to church or basic morality education? I mean sure, you'd get your lefty nutters crying foul about church & state. But hey, if they can titilate kids with deviant sex indoctrinization or if we are already teaching a moral "drugs are bad" course in school, why not just emphasize morality in general via media & education?

Back in the day when nearly everyone I knew went to some type of church, mosque or synagogue once a week, drug addicts were fewer & farther between. When one encountered one you were shocked into really keeping a check on your own habits. Now degeneracy is worn as a badge of honor. That's merely a function of improper emphasis.

Seems like the Devil has got a loophole in that if he doesn't call his evangelizing "a religion" then in the US he has created an uneven playing field. He gets to promote his dogma via "secular freedoms". And at the same time he gets to gag & bind morality teaching as illegal.

Pretty sweet racket from his point of view.

So how about it? Sink $ into morality education? At least as much $ say as drug rehab?

The theory is really, brainwashing. All education is brainwashing to some degree. And the most effective type of brainwashing takes advantage of numbers: ie: peer pressure. Being primates, there is nothing more horrifying to a human than to be seen as an outsider. Our DNA propels us to "fall in line" with the troop or die. This is why "monkey see, monkey do" is such a powerful mechanism and utterly true. Just ask TV advertisers...

So since we have to face that brainwashing is the name of the game, why not moral brainwashing if the other type is going on constantly under the cloak of "secular freedoms" and "anti-bullying" (about behaviors)? Couldn't another form of brainwashing be anti-bullying education to dissuade those who would judge or "hate" people of basic morality and restraint? I mean this is America, right? Equal opportunity for all.

If we made drug use a thing that looks like something strange, rare, unusual, even freakish (like it looked still when I was in elementary school), wouldn't we see a decrease in it as a problem that is wiping out our budgets right now?

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