the early morning crowd needs a mod!!!

Did you say steak?!

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gunny we realize you do a great job and cant be here 24/7...herding cats so to speak...
i agree with article...the 2 to 6 am ....hours...

seems the morning backing divecon...i dont know why sgt is being a grump..but what is you do realize the morning crowd consists of about 6 to 8 posters who hate spam...

<---thinks its cute divecon gives them neg rep...come on dive as soon as someone gets here they ban them
well for only one thing..since there are only a hand full of us...but we need an early morning mod to clean up the spam...i nominate.....drum roll....dive con or diu....

esp dive con...spam makes him a wee bit crazy...

i think the spammers are wasting their time with the early morning crowd....i think i can speak for the whole crowd of 6? we wont buy shit from a spammer....wont consider it...wont do it...wasting their time, we may be a small group but we are a loyal group...give one of the saner ones the ability to remove spam...

*looking at list* okay just go for maybe the least unbalanced?

5:02 am

strollingbones, Munin, KittenKoder, Luissa, bk1983, eots, DiveCon, RetiredGySgt

eep that is just a scarey little crowd

What period of time exactly are you talking about? And what Time Zone?

Just make me a mod. I will gladly enforce the RULES. As to a certain aussie, I wouldn't trust him as a mod anymore then you should trust me.

word to ya: not one time did your name come up as a good choice for a mod

of course the discussion was just the inside voices....the ones no one esle can hear....can we get a limited powered mod?

i wonder if that is a semi mod? just to remove the spammers time period 2 to 6 am est...
of course i guess a full powered mod wouldnt make much difference..its not like the morning crowd is rowdy...we tend to be real laid back
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I would just like to say that I hope bones has absolutely fuck all to do with anything other than her own posts on this board and that includes influencing admin decisions.
I would just like to say that I hope bones has absolutely fuck all to do with anything other than her own posts on this board and that includes influencing admin decisions.

hello was a suggestion...there are only a handful of morning people....last i heard the board admins are open to suggestions...
I would just like to say that I hope bones has absolutely fuck all to do with anything other than her own posts on this board and that includes influencing admin decisions.

hello was a suggestion...there are only a handful of morning people....last i heard the board admins are open to suggestions...

I have a suggestion for you...:lol:
I would just like to say that I hope bones has absolutely fuck all to do with anything other than her own posts on this board and that includes influencing admin decisions.

hello was a suggestion...there are only a handful of morning people....last i heard the board admins are open to suggestions...

I have a suggestion for you...:lol:

you expect me to read the vacate space tween your ears or what?
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