The Economy is Booming Like Never Before !!

Obama was the energy president and he made the US an energy exporter. he even passed funding to build the infrastructure to export energy. He also fixed the Bush crash
Clinton had one of the best economies in US history
Biden has the best economy of the 21st century
Bush inherited a balanced budget and the imploded the ecopnomy. He also started 2 wars we didn't need and couldn't win those wars and those wars destroyed America.
Trump mismanaged covid and then crasher the economy and incited a riot at the Capitol based on lies.

The GOP is a total failure, these are the results. The Dems have all the wins, these are the results.
Deal with it.

What were the 3 most important things Obama did to increase US oil production?
You've been told this numerous times, you can't accept it.
Obama encouraged the US fracking industry, letting fracking thrive and boom, which it did.
Obama passed funding for infrastructure to export US energy to foreign companies
Obama reversed the ban on exporting oil.

Obama was the energy president. Clinton was the Golden Age president, Biden is the mega booming economy president. Contrast that with Bush, the crash and collapse president, and Trump the covid disaster riot at the Capitol president.

There is nothing you can say anymore. The republicans are failed presidents with failed results, I only care about the results.
You're just mad because Bush and Trump were terrible, failed presidents with failed results and Clinton, Obama, and now Biden are successful presidents with winning records.

“The natural gas boom has led to cleaner power, and greater energy independence….Natural gas isn’t just appearing magically…. We’re encouraging it and working with the industry,” Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States.

Woaahhh !

Booming jobs number today with big upward revisions to last month's number too !
Add in the booming +7% GDP blaster we had last week !!
Wages are rising like never before and workers have a lot more money!
Port and covid induced inflation is set to ease in a few months.

This is the strongest the US economy has ever been and 2022 is setting up to be a great year !

We just added 468k new jobs !!! What a big number
Last month jobs revised up to 500+k !!! What a big number

God Bless Joe Biden and the Booming Biden Economy !!!!

Biden is benefitting from all of Trump's work, he just coasting on the Trump economy
You've been told this numerous times, you can't accept it.
Obama encouraged the US fracking industry, letting fracking thrive and boom, which it did.
Obama passed funding for infrastructure to export US energy to foreign companies
Obama reversed the ban on exporting oil.

Obama was the energy president. Clinton was the Golden Age president, Biden is the mega booming economy president. Contrast that with Bush, the crash and collapse president, and Trump the covid disaster riot at the Capitol president.

There is nothing you can say anymore. The republicans are failed presidents with failed results, I only care about the results.
You're just mad because Bush and Trump were terrible, failed presidents with failed results and Clinton, Obama, and now Biden are successful presidents with winning records.

“The natural gas boom has led to cleaner power, and greater energy independence….Natural gas isn’t just appearing magically…. We’re encouraging it and working with the industry,” Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States.

Obama encouraged the US fracking industry,

How? When? Be specific.

Obama passed funding for infrastructure to export US energy to foreign companies

What infrastructure? Be specific.
Obama encouraged the US fracking industry,

How? When? Be specific.

Obama passed funding for infrastructure to export US energy to foreign companies

What infrastructure? Be specific.
The same crap from you.
You hate that Obama was the enrgy boom president. It pains you. I love watching you squirm and flail over Obama's highly successful energy policy including the export of oil and nat gas and the fracking boom.

Obama sped up the approval to build the infrastructure required to export LNG...
You love feeding yourself to the wolves. I have feasted on you.

The same crap from you.
You hate that Obama was the enrgy boom president. It pains you. I love watching you squirm and flail over Obama's highly successful energy policy including the export of oil and nat gas and the fracking boom.

Obama sped up the approval to build the infrastructure required to export LNG...
You love feeding yourself to the wolves. I have feasted on you.

I love watching you squirm and flail over Obama's highly successful energy policy

Funny, considering you've never shown anything he did to encourage domestic production.
Try again?

I have feasted on you.

Must suck to banker and kissmy being on thst deserted island of biden supporters. They think entire nfl stadiums and major blue city’s even like New York are chanting let’s go Brandon.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:The DNC sure pays these commie America haters the big bucks for their ass beatings they suffer here everyday getting their asses handed to them on a plattter.:abgg2q.jpg: They can’t accept reality the democrat party thst you could be proud of under kennedy does not exist anymore,thst it has earned the title the Demonrat party.

They want to pretend RFK jr has not said that he is horrified by what his party has become that he was once so proud of when his uncle was president. :lmao: :rofl:
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That was AOL and Wall Street and I was there.
Bullshit! AOL didn't even exist until 1991 or have email until 1993. Then it was lame & only used by 100k people. Al Gore's funded Mosaic was copied by Microsoft & AOL. By 1995 Mosaic was #1 web browser. There are two ages of the Internet—before Mosaic, and after.
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As long as the fed keeps pumping the gravy, it'll run hot. Kinda like taking injections to get that antibody high before the crash.

It's a "Federal Cash As Cocaine Economy"

As long as they can keep throwing the high / fix at it.....but like any addiction, the problem is it's unsustainable and has a high price that must be paid.
Democrats seldom if ever consider the consequences. They know they'll be out of office by the time the misery of the artificial high wears off.

After 4 years their addicts have all forgotten and are so hungry for another high they will vote literally for ANYTHING to get it.
Woaahhh !

Booming jobs number today with big upward revisions to last month's number too !
Add in the booming +7% GDP blaster we had last week !!
Wages are rising like never before and workers have a lot more money!
Port and covid induced inflation is set to ease in a few months.

This is the strongest the US economy has ever been and 2022 is setting up to be a great year !

We just added 468k new jobs !!! What a big number
Last month jobs revised up to 500+k !!! What a big number

God Bless Joe Biden and the Booming Biden Economy !!!!


And you are oblivious to the fact that the midterms are in sight and so the centuries most corrupt administration would never, ever fudge any numbers....just to try to get votes...nah....Democrats have always been pillars of morality and fairnes...even when they owned the KKK.

uh huh....
Yeah.....whatever low rent mess resides between your ears wasn't worth the dime you gave for it. :abgg2q.jpg:
It's a "Federal Cash As Cocaine Economy"

As long as they can keep throwing the high / fix at it.....but like any addiction, the problem is it's unsustainable and has a high price that must be paid.
Democrats seldom if ever consider the consequences. They know they'll be out of office by the time the misery of the artificial high wears off.

After 4 years their addicts have all forgotten and are so hungry for another high they will vote literally for ANYTHING to get it.
You Lie!


Trump printed 5 times more US Dollars than all presidents in history COMBINED!!!
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