The end of an era, replaced by the fog of the internet.

it is so much eiasier to revise facts and history on the net than in print.
It is the way our real leaders want us to go.
I'm still sad that the Weekly World News is no longer in hard copy.

The tragedy of it all!
Sad day in the media. Newsweek will cease it's weekly print at the end of this year. Gone is a business who cared deeply about informing the public; replaced by the fog of the internet - where seemingly you can get news instantly. Seemingly.

Going out of Print, Newsweek Ends an Era - ABC News

I'm personal friends with their last Circ. Director (the one they canned a few years ago).

Newsweek ceased caring about anything but political advocacy long ago. They just couldn't run a business doing it.
Some sage poster predicted the impending demise of Tina Brown's rag not too long ago in here...
Newsweek was only half right. It was a weekly magazine but it wasn't news. It was opinion based trash with a typical elitist New York liberal slant. Good riddance.

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