Turmoil at CBS — Catherine Herridge’s Firing Escalates as Network Seizes Files that May Expose Confidential Sources: Report

Why did CBS want to keep Catherine Herridge's reporting files?

Was it the choice of CEO of CBS to fire Catherine Herridgem or did the order come down from the E.H?
That would be the simplist answer, despite the fact that CBS found it necessay to fire up to 1,000 employees nation wide.
We know everything is being done to protect Biden and his ilk,and the continued destruction of American values.
In the end, if you think you are a serious journalist and decide to work at CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, or MSNBC then you are not a serious journalist.
Yes I'm quite capablel of connecting the dots. Like Junior meets with Russian lawyer defending a client on a money laundering charge at Trump Tower, to get dirt on Hillary. Trump gets elected President. Jeff Sessions gives Russian lawyer's client a sweetheart deal on money laundering charges. Reduces fine from $240 million to $6000, and no admission of guilt - no deportation. I can connect those dots.

Republicans connect the fly spots on their computers. There are no dots to connect here. CBS fired 800 employees and she was one of them.

Why do Republicans try to build conspiracy theories around EVERY LITTLE THING THAT HAPPENS to one of them. Oh yeah, to create faux outrage against Democrats and blame Biden for everything.
No you’re not.

No it doesn’t. She was a top investigative reporter, which is why CBS hired her. To take all her notes files and computer, something’s up.

Of course if she were investigating Trump, you’d magically see it.

If she were investigating Trump, there'd be a shitload of criminality.

Meanwhile, the "investigation" against Biden was just proven to be entirely Russian disinformation.
If she were investigating Trump, there'd be a shitload of criminality.

Meanwhile, the "investigation" against Biden was just proven to be entirely Russian disinformation.
The ignorance of duopoly dupes is legendary.
The ignorance of duopoly dupes is legendary.
Yawn, I wish we had a duopoly. Or even a functioning parlimentary democracy where the two parties reach sensible agreements.

What we have is one responsible party and one party that is obstructionist because they're pandering to a few fanatics in their ranks.
Yawn, I wish we had a duopoly. Or even a functioning parlimentary democracy where the two parties reach sensible agreements.

What we have is one responsible party and one party that is obstructionist because they're pandering to a few fanatics in their ranks.
Yeah and the two crime families ALWAYS oppose each other. Trump is a Russian agent. Putin blew up his pipeline and was unprovoked. Plus Israel isn’t mass murder civilIans. And the USG only lies when an R is potus.

Yawn, I wish we had a duopoly. Or even a functioning parlimentary democracy where the two parties reach sensible agreements.

What we have is one responsible party and one party that is obstructionist because they're pandering to a few fanatics in their ranks.
Yawn. It’s not obstructionist to demand accountability for flooding the country with terrorists and criminal illegals.

It’s not obstructionist to demand accountability for $billions of dollars dumped in Ukraine.

The obstructionists are the rabid Dems / Socialists who demand an unfettered hand to raise deficit spending while taking no responsibility for the disasters they create.
Yeah and the two crime families ALWAYS oppose each other. Trump is a Russian agent. Putin blew up his pipeline and was unprovoked. Plus Israel isn’t mass murder civilIans. And the USG only lies when an R is potus.

Oh, nobody is denying Israel is mass murdering civilians... AFTER THE PALESTINIANS MURDERED THEIR CIVILIANS.

Trump is a Russian Agent, or at least a useful idiot.
Oh, nobody is denying Israel is mass murdering civilians... AFTER THE PALESTINIANS MURDERED THEIR CIVILIANS.

Trump is a Russian Agent, or at least a useful idiot.

Just a gentle nudge and the really, really loon component of the Dem / Socialist squad launch into their most entertaining conspiracy theories.
You get fired.

CBS "News" Fired Catherine Herridge As She Was Pursuing Stories About Joe Biden's Decrepitude -- And Then Seized Her Notes, Including the Names of Her Confidential Administration Sources​

Why don't you trust the media, bigot?

Jonathan Turley wrote of the suspicious timing of the firing:

Nick Arama from RedState:


In related media corruption, CNN anchor John Avlon is running for Congress as --

Wait, this can't be right.

It says here that John Avlon is a Democrat, and apparently a MAGA-hating liberal extremist Democrat, but I know my eyes must be deceiving me, because when he was on CNN he claimed to be an objective journalist without fear or favor for either party.

And yet... I can't shake the nagging feeling that someone is lying to me here.
She should have known better. You don't go against the Borg Collective. There is no such thing as journalism. You either toe the party line and agenda or you're out.
Just a gentle nudge and the really, really loon component of the Dem / Socialist squad launch into their most entertaining conspiracy theories.
October 7 Hamas mass murder raid is not a conspiracy theory.

Gaza continues emperiled until Hamas unconditionally surrenders.

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