The End Of Miss America

Finally! Beauty pageants will include women who can't be bothered with all that effort required to look good!
Women are sex objects to the vast majority of men. Men are sex objects to the vast majority of women.

That is the natural order of things and will never change.
Most women have no desire to prance around on a stage in a bathingsuit and high heels. I'm glad they finally dropped that part of it..even though I don't bother to watch. Beauty is in many things...not just bone racks strutting around.

I don't care. Most people that I asked don't care.
Yes..people of the opposite sex are sexual objects..among the many other things that they are. Do we have to glorify it/ Make money off of it?

No, we do not..let it die.

I don't care. Most people that I asked don't care.
Yes..people of the opposite sex are sexual objects..among the many other things that they are. Do we have to glorify it/ Make money off of it?

No, we do not..let it die.
IKR? I cant wait to kill all those porn movies, nude pics, teen vogue magazine all that shit. Glorifying a person for looks? Fogettaboutit
Some in this country, a large segment of society, are fucking dipshits. No joke.
Guys don't have to have beer bellies. Some of them can pass as women. Will that be next? Transgenders in Miss America pageants? Or is it already being done?
This is a man.

Some in this country, a large segment of society, are fucking dipshits. No joke.
Well, we can agree on that..even if we might be thinking of different segments!

One thing I know is this..we all play the fool--but some..they ain't playing!
Has anyone really cared about Miss America in the last twenty years?
These Moon Bats would like for a 330 Lb butch Lesbian to be "Miss America", wouldn't they?


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