The End


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2014
Just a question, based on a comment in another thread, which was ....
How do we know how much territory each state will have in "The End."

So what is your vision of "The End," the last chapter?
What do you predict the stable end point of the Israel/Palestine conflict will be, and how and when do you think it will come about?

I'll share mine later.
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With all due respect, Amity, your question makes no sense at all for there is only one certainty regarding the entire Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

A certainty shared by the entire political spectrum... from die-hard, fanatical zionists to those who advocate the dismantlement of the state of Israel:

The certainty that, "in the end", there will be a single state comprising the entire region of Palestine.
"You can erect all the walls in the world here but you won’t be able to overcome the fact that this country will not tolerate a border in its midst.””

Ari Shavit: Cry, the beloved two-state solution, Ha’aretz (6 August 2003)
Just a question, based on a comment in another thread, which was ....
How do we know how much territory each state will have in "The End."

So what is your vision of "The End," the last chapter?
What do you predict the stable end point of the Israel/Palestine conflict will be, and how and when do you think it will come about?

I'll share mine later.

A stupid question. Abbas has made it quite clear he wants Pre 67 Borders, No Israelis in E. Jerusalem and " Right of Return" which will eventually anneliate the primarily Jewish State. Next? :D
José;9260365 said:
With all due respect, Amity, your question makes no sense at all for there is only one certainty regarding the entire Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

A certainty shared by the entire political spectrum... from die-hard, fanatical zionists to those who advocate the dismantlement of the state of Israel:

The certainty that, "in the end", there will be a single state comprising the entire region of Palestine.

... and its character?
The crises will end when those Zionists in Israel learn from history that king Hussein was right. His actions for Jordan resulted in the one & only lasting peace ever achieved from Palestinians. Let us all join together & pray Israel will stop provoking the Palestinians into hatred & violence with their damn Zionist peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
"Just a question, based on a comment in another thread, which was:"

- How do we know how much territory each state will have in "The End."

- So what is your vision of "The End," the last chapter?

- What do you predict the stable end point of the Israel/Palestine conflict will be, and how and when do you think it will come about?

- I'll share mine later.

Just a question, based on a comment in another thread, which was ....
How do we know how much territory each state will have in "The End."

So what is your vision of "The End," the last chapter?
What do you predict the stable end point of the Israel/Palestine conflict will be, and how and when do you think it will come about?

I'll share mine later.

After both sides have sat down and discussed mutually agreed terms of peace and mutually agreed borders that meet with all parties agreement. As for when this will happen will be in the lap of the Gods, or the rest of the world force the issue and dictate the terms of the END POINT. As for territory again that is in the lap of the gods and with the existing treaties already dwindling the land accessible to the Palestinians then this will have a bearing on what each nation gets.
José;9260365 said:
With all due respect, Amity, your question makes no sense at all for there is only one certainty regarding the entire Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

A certainty shared by the entire political spectrum... from die-hard, fanatical zionists to those who advocate the dismantlement of the state of Israel:

The certainty that, "in the end", there will be a single state comprising the entire region of Palestine.

... and its character?

Just another despotic0 apartheid 3rd world cess pit of an Islamic state in endless civil war as each faction vies for supremacy
Just a question, based on a comment in another thread, which was ....
How do we know how much territory each state will have in "The End."

So what is your vision of "The End," the last chapter?
What do you predict the stable end point of the Israel/Palestine conflict will be, and how and when do you think it will come about?

I'll share mine later.

After both sides have sat down and discussed mutually agreed terms of peace and mutually agreed borders that meet with all parties agreement. As for when this will happen will be in the lap of the Gods, or the rest of the world force the issue and dictate the terms of the END POINT.

translation of "when peace will come is in the lap of the Gods":

No amount of israeli bombings, raids and ethnic cleasing, no amount of political pressure / economic strongarming from the West, Asia and the Arab League...

No kind of dehumanization except perhaps the almost complete physical extermination of the palestinian people (similar to what happened to the native inhabitants of the United States) will succeed in forcing them to renounce to their right to live in the western half of their homeland.
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OK, the posts have been interesting, but i think its played out, so I will keep my promise and post my long range theory about the inevitable future stable state.

First I have to say something that some folks might not like, but it has been said by many brilliant Jewish minds, it is nothing new with me.

Everything that has made Jewish culture (not religion) distinct in the West has come about as a result of unfortunate isolation of the Jews from the larger society as a result of anti-Semitism. Jewish culture, as beautiful as it is, has developed in shtetl and ghetto, and if Jews were living in the larger society they would have assimilated. And in the modern world, in the absence of institutionalized anti-Semitism, Jews would surely lose their identity in the west. Israel artificially creates a ghetto environment in the Middle East, which can preserve that identity for awhile longer. But I predict once peace comes, however it comes, even if Israel ends up stretching from the Mediterranean to the Tigris, the Israelis will trade and visit the surrounding countries, will marry with their inhabitants, will learn Arabic and in short will assimilate to the larger society just like the Palestinians did in centuries past, and the Jews will again become Arabs.

If you don't believe me, look at Central and South America. Two even more radically distinct cultures, native American and Spanish/Portuguese, have blended together entirely and created a synthesis. Those who feel they can trace their Spanish roots back to the Conquistadors may be a little haughty, but basically everyone is mestizo in some form or another. And it alll took less than 500 years.

And THAT's what is going to happen in the Middle East. It will be, as one thoughtful Jewish writer lamented, "The End of the Jewish People."
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OK, the posts have been interesting, but i think its played out, so I will keep my promise and post my long range theory about the inevitable future stable state.

First I have to say something that some folks might not like, but it has been said by many brilliant Jewish minds, it is nothing new with me.

Everything that has made Jewish culture (not religion) distinct in the West has come about as a result of unfortunate isolation of the Jews from the larger society as a result of anti-Semitism. Jewish culture, as beautiful as it is, has developed in shtetl and ghetto, and if Jews were living in the larger society they would have assimilated. And in the modern world, in the absence of institutionalized anti-Semitism, Jews would surely lose their identity in the west. Israel artificially creates a ghetto environment in the Middle East, which can preserve that identity for awhile longer. But I predict once peace comes, however it comes, even if Israel ends up stretching from the Mediterranean to the Tigris, the Israelis will trade and visit the surrounding countries, will marry with their inhabitants, will learn Arabic and in short will assimilate to the larger society just like the Palestinians did in centuries past, and the Jews will again become Arabs.

If you don't believe me, look at Central and South America. Two even more radically distinct cultures, native American and Spanish/Portuguese, have blended together entirely and created a synthesis. Those who feel they can trace their Spanish roots back to the Conquistadors may be a little haughty, but basically everyone is mestizo in some form or another. And it alll took less than 500 years.

And THAT's what is going to happen in the Middle East. It will be, as one thoughtful Jewish writer lamented, "The End of the Jewish People."

Now after Amity has finished with her spiel about the Jews, it appears that in the Middle East her newly adopted brethren are busy killing each other while the Israelis are busy in such fields as medicine and technology with innovations that will benefit humanity. Meanwhile, here in America, we actually are a country of mutts, but when it is important, we all come together. Maybe Amity would feel more comfortable in a Middle East country. After all, if she lives in the U.S., she will have to be breathing the same air of any Jews who are here. She will probably be more comfortable among the Arabs.
Now after Amity has finished with her spiel about the Jews, it appears that in the Middle East her newly adopted brethren are busy killing each other while the Israelis are busy in such fields as medicine and technology with innovations that will benefit humanity. Meanwhile, here in America, we actually are a country of mutts, but when it is important, we all come together. Maybe Amity would feel more comfortable in a Middle East country. After all, if she lives in the U.S., she will have to be breathing the same air of any Jews who are here. She will probably be more comfortable among the Arabs.

Hey, I almost married a very committed Jew. But he was anti-Zionist, so I am sure you would consider him a traitor.

I just think it is too bad that Israel puts all that undoubted talent to work finding better and more industrially efficient techniques for killing people and depriving them of their rights.
OK, the posts have been interesting, but i think its played out, so I will keep my promise and post my long range theory about the inevitable future stable state.

First I have to say something that some folks might not like, but it has been said by many brilliant Jewish minds, it is nothing new with me.

Everything that has made Jewish culture (not religion) distinct in the West has come about as a result of unfortunate isolation of the Jews from the larger society as a result of anti-Semitism. Jewish culture, as beautiful as it is, has developed in shtetl and ghetto, and if Jews were living in the larger society they would have assimilated. And in the modern world, in the absence of institutionalized anti-Semitism, Jews would surely lose their identity in the west. Israel artificially creates a ghetto environment in the Middle East, which can preserve that identity for awhile longer. But I predict once peace comes, however it comes, even if Israel ends up stretching from the Mediterranean to the Tigris, the Israelis will trade and visit the surrounding countries, will marry with their inhabitants, will learn Arabic and in short will assimilate to the larger society just like the Palestinians did in centuries past, and the Jews will again become Arabs.

If you don't believe me, look at Central and South America. Two even more radically distinct cultures, native American and Spanish/Portuguese, have blended together entirely and created a synthesis. Those who feel they can trace their Spanish roots back to the Conquistadors may be a little haughty, but basically everyone is mestizo in some form or another. And it alll took less than 500 years.

And THAT's what is going to happen in the Middle East. It will be, as one thoughtful Jewish writer lamented, "The End of the Jewish People."

I completely agree with you in secular terms.
There's nothing a Jew wants more than to be accepted.
The only problem with this is that God won't allow it...
Olive Seedlings - ????? ?????: Ki Savo - The Tochacha and Serving God with Joy
If we were smart, since the most worthless people in the US as a group live west of Tallahassee along to Ocean Spring, we should move every out of the panhandle to Lousiana's border, send them to Iran, and settle the Jews where the losers had lived.

They would make it self supporting in like three days.

In reality, Amity, only God knows and she is not speaking.

Potentially, it could be a terrible blood bath.
Now after Amity has finished with her spiel about the Jews, it appears that in the Middle East her newly adopted brethren are busy killing each other while the Israelis are busy in such fields as medicine and technology with innovations that will benefit humanity. Meanwhile, here in America, we actually are a country of mutts, but when it is important, we all come together. Maybe Amity would feel more comfortable in a Middle East country. After all, if she lives in the U.S., she will have to be breathing the same air of any Jews who are here. She will probably be more comfortable among the Arabs.

I just think it is too bad that Israel puts all that undoubted talent to work finding better and more industrially efficient techniques for killing people and depriving them of their rights.

Fuck you and drop dead.

You have to admit that she is very entertaining in her silliness. Naturally she would never say that her Muslim brethren should find tolerance for people who are non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects so that so many people wouldn't be killed in the name of a religion. Meanwhile, of course, she is not interested in the lack of rights that people have in Muslim countries.
Now after Amity has finished with her spiel about the Jews, it appears that in the Middle East her newly adopted brethren are busy killing each other while the Israelis are busy in such fields as medicine and technology with innovations that will benefit humanity. Meanwhile, here in America, we actually are a country of mutts, but when it is important, we all come together. Maybe Amity would feel more comfortable in a Middle East country. After all, if she lives in the U.S., she will have to be breathing the same air of any Jews who are here. She will probably be more comfortable among the Arabs.

Hey, I almost married a very committed Jew. But he was anti-Zionist, so I am sure you would consider him a traitor.

I just think it is too bad that Israel puts all that undoubted talent to work finding better and more industrially efficient techniques for killing people and depriving them of their rights.

Yeah, sure. Tell us another one. Maybe you almost married King Kong, but he turned you down.
I just think it is too bad that Israel puts all that undoubted talent to work finding better and more industrially efficient techniques for killing people and depriving them of their rights.

Fuck you and drop dead.

You have to admit that she is very entertaining in her silliness. Naturally she would never say that her Muslim brethren should find tolerance for people who are non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects so that so many people wouldn't be killed in the name of a religion. Meanwhile, of course, she is not interested in the lack of rights that people have in Muslim countries.

Amity doesn't have to do anything; she's a scholar.
Of course I rarely mention that I live in the suburbs and go to shul with several dozen graduates from Harvard and Yale, not to mention other prestigious institutions and academic bullshit is still bullshit.
Now after Amity has finished with her spiel about the Jews, it appears that in the Middle East her newly adopted brethren are busy killing each other while the Israelis are busy in such fields as medicine and technology with innovations that will benefit humanity. Meanwhile, here in America, we actually are a country of mutts, but when it is important, we all come together. Maybe Amity would feel more comfortable in a Middle East country. After all, if she lives in the U.S., she will have to be breathing the same air of any Jews who are here. She will probably be more comfortable among the Arabs.

Hey, I almost married a very committed Jew. But he was anti-Zionist, so I am sure you would consider him a traitor.

I just think it is too bad that Israel puts all that undoubted talent to work finding better and more industrially efficient techniques for killing people and depriving them of their rights.

Wow! So Hostility is just as well informed about Latin America as she is about Israel and Zionism. Is anyone surprised?

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