The Exodus Begins: Ravenous Joe Rogan Is Leaving LA For Texas Because He Wants "A Little Bit More Freedom"

Why pick Austin ??
A huge college town and will have much riots !!
Dallas - is too much a non-white City
What's the deal with Joe Rogan? I'll admit he can be mildly entertaining sometimes, but he seems to be the right wing crazies new hero. I didn't think he was crazy enough to hold such a position. I guess I was wrong.
Joe can afford to buy a castle in Texas !!!
He is very uneducated and makes childish comments ,but only in America can a drop out rise to the top
What's the deal with Joe Rogan? I'll admit he can be mildly entertaining sometimes, but he seems to be the right wing crazies new hero. I didn't think he was crazy enough to hold such a position. I guess I was wrong.
Good for him, Joe Rogan is one of the true independent voices in America. "Crazy enough" to think that L.A. is a shit hole? What part of that position is crazy? Have you been to L.A.? My God I have no idea how anyone lives there.
Why pick Austin ??
A huge college town and will have much riots !!
Dallas - is too much a non-white City
In Texas, he can blow away an intruder without fear of a liberal throwing him in jail.
You never did that in your life, so it's not a reason to move. He is leaving because of over crowding.

And taxes, and insane laws and stupidity from California government.
Joe can afford to buy a castle in Texas !!!
He is very uneducated and makes childish comments ,but only in America can a drop out rise to the top

That is a feature, not a problem. In the United States, anyone can find success and wealth if they work hard, think smart and have a little luck......that is why so many people around the world want to come here.........

But that will end if biden wins in November, then we will just be another shithole country, created by the democrat party.
Joe has insane kicks and his BJJ is super high level
Joe in his 60s could easily handle most in their 20s and he is an expert with weapons

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