The Fable of the siege.

Why cant' they have an airport and fish? They CAN.. They just need a RESPONSIBLE govt to proceed on normalization and diplomacy with the rest of the world and their neighbors.
Israel always whines about the government that the Palestinians elected but the Palestinians can't say anything about the assholes that the Israelis elect.
That transition to normal trade and souvereignty only lasted about a year before the Hamas moved in and then PURGED the previously recognized partner in peace.
Another Israeli lie. When Israel "left" in 2005 they closed the doors to trade, travel, and tourism. They cut the water to the greenhouses rendering them useless.

Hamas "purged" the losers of the elections who tried to stay in power at the point of a gun.
Besides, Gaza is in NO WAY occupied by Israel. It's called a BLOCKADE for economic sanctions. All Gaza has to do is clear customs through the neighboring Israeli port. And work out an agreement with Egypt to RESPONSIBLY provide a compliant customs inspection regime open to international scrutiny.

The US right now has virtual Blockades on about 20 countries. And we enforce that without "occupying" an inch of property.
Israel lied about leaving Gaza. It still patrolled Palestinian territorial waters. It still patrolled Palestinian airspace. It still shot at farmers over the fence. It still entered Gaza at will to bulldoze crops and kill anyone it wants.
Israel always whines about the government that the Palestinians elected but the Palestinians can't say anything about the assholes that the Israelis elect.
Because electing assholes is a tenet of the palistanian occupation, of course.
Another Israeli lie. When Israel "left" in 2005 they closed the doors to trade, travel, and tourism. They cut the water to the greenhouses rendering them useless.
The palistanian ideology of freeloading.
Hamas "purged" the losers of the elections who tried to stay in power at the point of a gun.
Whatever the folklore, of course.
Israel lied about leaving Gaza. It still patrolled Palestinian territorial waters. It still patrolled Palestinian airspace. It still shot at farmers over the fence. It still entered Gaza at will to bulldoze crops and kill anyone it wants.
Hamass drivel.
It is Israel's business if the elected government in Gaza wants to wipe out Israel and push all Jews into the sea.
It's none of Israel's business, what other governments want to do. Only when they act on it and it includes Israel, then it's Israel's business. Not before.

They were elected, yes, but after that they just commited a coup and removed all Fatah officials.
It doesn't change the fact they are the elected government of Gaza.

Israel can't stop the blockade of Gaza with all the terrorists there.
Israel can't stop the blockade because of all the terrorists in the Likud Party.

A blockade is not equivalent to an occupation.
Then you don't know shit about occupational law.

Hamas decides everything that happens in Gaza.
Spoken like a true, irresponsible piece of shit, who thinks they don't have to be held accountable for their own actions.

It was Israel's decision to attack; Israel's decision to pull the trigger; Israel's decision to bomb civilian infrastructure; Israel's decision to kill innocent civilians; Israel is responsible, because they "decided" all of the above.

Maybe Hamas should just stop firing rockets.
The rockets are in response to Israeli aggression. Maybe Israel should stop firing missiles into Gaza first?
Hello again,

Here in would like to share a very interesting article to all the people thinking that removing the blockade could bring peace
Israel Hayom | The fable of the Gaza siege

The fable of the Gaza siege
By Uri Heitner.

According to the reports out of Cairo, one of the main issues in the negotiations, maybe the biggest one, is Hamas' demand to remove the Israeli blockade on Gaza. The Palestinian narrative of the "siege" has taken roots in the public consciousness, to the point where we have also fallen into the trap. Is Gaza really under a siege?

The "siege" narrative was born after Israel's disengagement from Gaza in the summer of 2005 to replace the Palestinian narrative of "occupation," as an excuse for terrorism against Israel. After the withdrawal from Gaza, when the settlements were uprooted and every last trace of every last Jew eradicated, the Palestinians couldn't cling to their claim of "occupation." So ever since they have painted Gaza as an area under a "brutal siege."

Is this a siege? This is how the dictionary defines "siege": "The act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible." Does this bear any resemblance to the reality on the Gaza border?

Moreover, Israel does not even have the ability to keep Gaza under siege, because Gaza shares a border with Egypt. The Gazans and the Egyptians belong to the same people. Thousands of rockets have not been fired at Egypt from Gaza. Siege? Let Egypt open its Gaza border crossings.

The whole siege story is nothing more than a fable made up to sway world opinion against Israel.

Israel evacuated all Israeli towns in Gaza, negotiated, all under fire even when there was no blockade, under Fatah (Abbas) rule and under Hamas rule, now you seriously expect us to break the law and remove the blockade putting all the southern Israelis as Human Shields?
It is alleged, Israel officially left Gaza on November 8, 2005. However, they still maintained control over the airspace and territorial waters. So how is that leaving?

Furthermore, during the month of December 2005, there were:

9 incidents of rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel.

And during that same period, there were:

42 incidents of Israeli attacks, arrests and extra-judicial killings.

Any chance of a link so we can see your source, or would that give your game away.
It is Israel's business if the elected government in Gaza wants to wipe out Israel and push all Jews into the sea.
It's none of Israel's business, what other governments want to do. Only when they act on it and it includes Israel, then it's Israel's business. Not before.

They were elected, yes, but after that they just commited a coup and removed all Fatah officials.
It doesn't change the fact they are the elected government of Gaza.

Israel can't stop the blockade of Gaza with all the terrorists there.
Israel can't stop the blockade because of all the terrorists in the Likud Party.

A blockade is not equivalent to an occupation.
Then you don't know shit about occupational law.

Hamas decides everything that happens in Gaza.
Spoken like a true, irresponsible piece of shit, who thinks they don't have to be held accountable for their own actions.

It was Israel's decision to attack; Israel's decision to pull the trigger; Israel's decision to bomb civilian infrastructure; Israel's decision to kill innocent civilians; Israel is responsible, because they "decided" all of the above.

Maybe Hamas should just stop firing rockets.
The rockets are in response to Israeli aggression. Maybe Israel should stop firing missiles into Gaza first?

You would think the word of the government ruling gaza would be enough to satisfy the most ignorant of people, but it seems not

Hudson Institute Looking for something -

Gaza Not Occupied, Says Hamas

In a stunning about-face, and after decades of violence justified by excuses of being under occupation, Hamas recently admitted that Gaza is not occupied by Israel

In response to a statement by Hamas Politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal that Hamas will hold mass demonstrations against Israel inside Gaza to parallel those organized by the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar declared such a protest to be irrelevant. Al-Zahar stated that while the West Bank is “still under occupation” and that all forms of resistance, including armed resistance, should be used in that territory, “popular resistance is inappropriate for the Gaza Strip.”
“Against whom could we demonstrate in the Gaza Strip?” al-Zahar asked. “When Gaza was occupied, that model was applicable.”
@Billo_Really I lost your post out of the hundred alerts I got when everyone quoting me, anyway, the difference is that Israel operate by law, shooting at armed criminal is the law, the essence of army is to shoot people, taking street justice and launching rockets as revenge over some dead terrorist killed in the WB is not only wrong but also bring more violence, there is no place for street justice in Israel, spot the difference.
Israel's attempt at combating crimes that might be connected with terrorism, including smuggling of war materials in all its aspects, illicit arms trade, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable rocket and mortar systems, and other potentially deadly materials, is fully in compliance with the UN General Assembly Adopts Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. And HAMAS, along with a number of its associate organizations, is a designated Terrorist Activity; with a history of behaviors and past practices in the criminal realm.

They are self proclaimed Jihadist --- who, by HAMAS official policy (2013) declare Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle.

They are, what they are, they act the way they act, and the consequence are the result.

Most Respectfully,
Israel's attempt at combating crimes that might be connected with terrorism, including smuggling of war materials in all its aspects, illicit arms trade, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable rocket and mortar systems, and other potentially deadly materials, is fully in compliance with the UN General Assembly Adopts Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. And HAMAS, along with a number of its associate organizations, is a designated Terrorist Activity; with a history of behaviors and past practices in the criminal realm.

They are self proclaimed Jihadist --- who, by HAMAS official policy (2013) declare Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle.

They are, what they are, they act the way they act, and the consequence are the result.

Most Respectfully,
Israel's attempt at combating crimes that might be connected with terrorism, including smuggling of war materials in all its aspects, illicit arms trade, in particular of small arms and light weapons, including man-portable rocket and mortar systems, and other potentially deadly materials, is fully in compliance with the UN General Assembly Adopts Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. And HAMAS, along with a number of its associate organizations, is a designated Terrorist Activity; with a history of behaviors and past practices in the criminal realm.

They are self proclaimed Jihadist --- who, by HAMAS official policy (2013) declare Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle.

They are, what they are, they act the way they act, and the consequence are the result.

Most Respectfully,
Which is why the blockade is not only necessary, fully legitimate and legal, it is the right and moral reaction to do.
So good to finally agree over something.
@Billo_Really I lost your post out of the hundred alerts I got when everyone quoting me, anyway, the difference is that Israel operate by law, shooting at armed criminal is the law, the essence of army is to shoot people, taking street justice and launching rockets as revenge over some dead terrorist killed in the WB is not only wrong but also bring more violence, there is no place for street justice in Israel, spot the difference.
Don't talk to me about the law, when your country deliberately bombs hospitals.
@Billo_Really I lost your post out of the hundred alerts I got when everyone quoting me, anyway, the difference is that Israel operate by law, shooting at armed criminal is the law, the essence of army is to shoot people, taking street justice and launching rockets as revenge over some dead terrorist killed in the WB is not only wrong but also bring more violence, there is no place for street justice in Israel, spot the difference.
Don't talk to me about the law, when your country deliberately bombs hospitals.
So you want to talk about deliberately bombing hospitals? what about deliberately bombing entire Israel? you can easily ask the same questions about the terrorists in Gaza, except that Israel obey the international law, and they not only disobey it, but also abuse it.
So you want to talk about deliberately bombing hospitals? what about deliberately bombing entire Israel? you can easily ask the same questions about the terrorists in Gaza, except that Israel obey the international law, and they not only disobey it, but also abuse it.
You do not obey international law when you deliberately bomb hospitals!

What kind of psycho say's shit like that?
Which is why the blockade is not only necessary, fully legitimate and legal, it is the right and moral reaction to do.
So good to finally agree over something.
The blockade is illegal and immoral.
I Think the law is pretty decisive about the blockade, It is fully legal act of counter-terrorism strategy, and it is also implemented in a unique way to minimize civilian infrastructure damage, perhaps you would say it could have be done differently and I would be glad to hear your view on this matter, we can go on debate if its moral or immoral since we both blessed with a different view, but the blockade is legal, period.
It's none of Israel's business, what other governments want to do. Only when they act on it and it includes Israel, then it's Israel's business. Not before.
Everybody knew that Hamas was going to attack Israel sooner or later, since Muslim fundamentalists did it already before Hamas even existed.
Stopping the threat before it becomes a real problem was a good decision of Israel.

It doesn't change the fact they are the elected government of Gaza.
It still is taking power by force.

Israel can't stop the blockade because of all the terrorists in the Likud Party.
No, lifting the blockade and a safe Israel at the same time is impossible when Hamas is in charge.

Spoken like a true, irresponsible piece of shit, who thinks they don't have to be held accountable for their own actions.
Israel just has no power inside Gaza, Hamas is the controlling power there. There is no Israeli occupation inside Gaza.

It was Israel's decision to attack; Israel's decision to pull the trigger; Israel's decision to bomb civilian infrastructure; Israel's decision to kill innocent civilians; Israel is responsible, because they "decided" all of the above.
The rockets are in response to Israeli aggression. Maybe Israel should stop firing missiles into Gaza first?
Hamas committed an act of war when they kidnapped the teens and started firing rockets (what they actually did already befire the kidnapping and killing of the teens).
I Think the law is pretty decisive about the blockade, It is fully legal act of counter-terrorism strategy, and it is also implemented in a unique way to minimize civilian infrastructure damage, perhaps you would say it could have be done differently and I would be glad to hear your view on this matter, we can go on debate if its moral or immoral since we both blessed with a different view, but the blockade is legal, period.
You're fucking full of shit, dude! Where do you get off saying it's legal? The only UN report saying its legal, is that bullshit Palmer Report that is fatally flawed. That's the only one! It wasn't commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade; it had no experts on international law on its panel; what it did have, was a bunch of Israeli kiss-asses with serious conflicts of interest. You fuckers really need to stop pointing to that report, because its a totally bogus finding.

Here's what the real world thinks of your bullshit blockade...

U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal
Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip violates international law, a panel of human rights experts reporting to a U.N. body said on Tuesday, disputing a conclusion reached by a separate U.N. probe into Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship.

The so-called Palmer Report on the Israeli raid of May 2010 that killed nine Turkish activists said earlier this month that Israel had used unreasonable force in last year's raid, but its naval blockade of the Hamas-ruled strip was legal.

A panel of five independent U.N. rights experts reporting to the U.N. Human Rights Council rejected that conclusion, saying the blockade had subjected Gazans to collective punishment in "flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law."
Collective punishment is a war crime. You are fucking disgusting, if you think that is legal.
Everybody knew that Hamas was going to attack Israel sooner or later, since Muslim fundamentalists did it already before Hamas even existed.
Stopping the threat before it becomes a real problem was a good decision of Israel.
Hamas didn't attack, you did.

It still is taking power by force.
Winning a democratic election, is not taking power by force.

No, lifting the blockade and a safe Israel at the same time is impossible when Hamas is in charge.
End the occupation and blockade and Israel will be safe. Not end it and you just keep creating enemies.

Israel just has no power inside Gaza, Hamas is the controlling power there. There is no Israeli occupation inside Gaza.
You can't tap dance your way out of this one, bitch, Gaza is occupied. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about! And occupational law, is something you know nothing about.

Hamas committed an act of war when they kidnapped the teens and started firing rockets (what they actually did already befire the kidnapping and killing of the teens).
You're a fuckin' liar, who tells bullshit lies.

The occupation is an act of war and it started 34 years before there was any Hamas.
I Think the law is pretty decisive about the blockade, It is fully legal act of counter-terrorism strategy, and it is also implemented in a unique way to minimize civilian infrastructure damage, perhaps you would say it could have be done differently and I would be glad to hear your view on this matter, we can go on debate if its moral or immoral since we both blessed with a different view, but the blockade is legal, period.
You're fucking full of shit, dude! Where do you get off saying it's legal? The only UN report saying its legal, is that bullshit Palmer Report that is fatally flawed. That's the only one! It wasn't commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade; it had no experts on international law on its panel; what it did have, was a bunch of Israeli kiss-asses with serious conflicts of interest. You fuckers really need to stop pointing to that report, because its a totally bogus finding.

Here's what the real world thinks of your bullshit blockade...

U.N. experts say Israel's blockade of Gaza illegal
Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip violates international law, a panel of human rights experts reporting to a U.N. body said on Tuesday, disputing a conclusion reached by a separate U.N. probe into Israel's raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship.

The so-called Palmer Report on the Israeli raid of May 2010 that killed nine Turkish activists said earlier this month that Israel had used unreasonable force in last year's raid, but its naval blockade of the Hamas-ruled strip was legal.

A panel of five independent U.N. rights experts reporting to the U.N. Human Rights Council rejected that conclusion, saying the blockade had subjected Gazans to collective punishment in "flagrant contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law."
Collective punishment is a war crime. You are fucking disgusting, if you think that is legal.
You consider Navi Pilay the one said Arabs beat their wives because of the Israelis, and the one condemned Israel for not arming Hamas with Iron Dome as a legitimate independent UN commissioner? So full of shit yourself..but of course you will ignore those agree with Israel because what you think must be true so fuck everyone else Billo said so!
Stupid bitch.. you are the reason people die in Israel and GAZA! ! Keep encourage those terrorists fuck head, but don't play like you care about them only thing you do is blaming Israel for everything you can, later on doing us a favor 'praising ' Israelis - although they are not- just because they agree with psychopathic morons like you, how convenient bitch don't you think?

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