The facts on firearms deaths 1993 to 2011

JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.

I typed up some highlights from your link, Gunny:

U.S. Department of Justice,
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Special Report, May 2013, NCJ241730
Michael Planty, PhD & J. L. Truman, PhD
BJS Statisticians


Firearm-related homicides declined 395 from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011. Typo (see below)

Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69% from 1.5 million victimizations in 1993
to 467,300 victimizations in 2011.

For both fatal and nonfatal firearm victimizations, the majoriy of the decline
occured during the 10-year period from 1993 to 2002.

Firearm violence accounted for ~ 70% of all homicides and less than
10% of all nonfatal violent crimes from 1993 to 2011.

About 70 to 80% of firearm homicides and 90% of nonfatal firearm
victimizations were committed with a handgun from 1993 to 2011.

From 1993 to 2010, males, blacks, and persons ages 18 to 24 had the
highest rates of firearm homicide.

In 2007-2011, about 23% of victims of nonfatal firearm crime were

About 61% of nonfatal firearm violence was reported to the police in

In 2007-2011, less than 1% of victims in all nonfatal violent crimes
reported using a firearm for self-defense during the incident.

In 2004, prisoners who possessed a gun at the time of offence, less than
2% bought firearm at a flea market or gun show. 40% were obtained from an
illegal source.

Firearm-related homicides declined 39% from 18,253 in 1993 to 11,101 in 2011.
Somehow, 39% was mistyped. I noticed this morning first thing, it didn't add up. That's because my % is above the 5, and somehow didn't register as %, but "5". I don't have the equipment to copy and save pdf files, so I retyped it onto a notepad, copied the entire "highlights" area I had retyped, and didn't catch the error last night.
My apologies!
Of course, the dishonest right ignores the fact that the problem of gun deaths and violence can be addressed having nothing whatsoever to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives instead resort to demagoguery and lies – such as the lie that those who seek a solution to the problem advocate for more ‘gun control.’
Did you bother to watch the democratic debates? They all advocate banning firearms OPENLY. In direct violation of the Supreme Court ruling that all firearms in general use are protected by the 2nd Amendment.
That calls to my mind that the Democrats pretending to be "socialists" actually are in the stage of converting to "communism" but calling their moves to destroy American freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights to end. Once they get rid of people's guns, they can change voting laws to not have to get popular votes, but have rule by a committee, just like they do in Russia. This committee will have the right to change laws to allow them to kill "traitors." They will redefine the death penalty to go after "traitors" and change it to "shoot on sight," or deal with it as a party matter, which they will also eliminate all other parties than the "socialist" (by then actually, communist which is presently against the law).

If the present-day communists get power, they will decimate not only the 2nd Amendment, but all amendments that prevent them from creating chaos for faster changes.

They have a number of precedents for changing freedom to communism--and they will have to have absolute power just like the Bolsheviks did in Communist Russia and what the Maoists did to communize China.

Beware America. The socialists are planning not socialism for you, but total power for themselves. Instead of doing America's choices for four years like they did President Trump, it will be forever and always things going their way without public approval. Get rid of the socialists by voting them out of office.

Democrats have pushed atheism and pushed Christianity out of public schools. For that reason, I am against public support of schools and hope they return to education within the Church as they were before they became public schools, which at first carried responsibility for the moral upbringing of youngsters using Morning prayers, the pledge of allegiance to the flag, and scriptures to teach people to do right. Now all of that is gone, and they're working on getting rid of the pledge of allegiance, if that hasn't already been accomplished in some states.

Under Communism, the small persecutions here against Christians by Democrats online will grow into executions of Christians that get a showing, like the Romans did in their colliseums, in which Christians were executed in cruel and animalistic ways such as isolation into a camp of man-eating lions, and will include parents as well as children. Look at the kill rates in Russia and China, hiding behind the skirts of world war, they murdered millions and millions of their own people the committees hated, calling them incorrigible dissidents.
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JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
Little fella I was hunting as early as I can remember. I was learning to blowup tree stumps rocks and more at an early age. I was around material that could have taken out the entire base. If you are afraid to use them in a civilian venue then you don't know how to properly handle them.

I had no problem with having guns in the gun rack of my truck that sat in the parking lot of the school. Many others did the same. I often walked down the street and into stores with loaded weapons during hunting season.
You crazy claim that someone is lying or insane shows that you do not understand anything that you say.
Joe B is a communist who does not belong in the country. Who gives a shit what he says? You can bet, it's to undermine the country.
Joe targeted me, and after the third 24-hour ignore list timeout I give people, I decided to ignore him permanently. His last straw was to take a page from the atheist book and proffer it as the truth. The Christian faith does not allow people to destroy human beings wantonly. Communists know they have to weaken the church, so they make a big deal out of their own misinterpretation of scriptures to indoctrinate college students in universities. They were so successful at their blasphemy, they are now peddling it online with people like JoeB shilling their nonsense and perversion of scriptural meanings. I reject it, and I reject the filthy names Joe calls people like me who've done nothing but patiently abiding his critiques. He's a goner on Communism. I pray for his victims on this board. I no longer care what he says about me behind my back or to my face. He's beyond ever knowing the Constitutional freedoms we have will be gone if we fall for turning our back on Godly principles and letting atheists betray our freedoms of speech, religion, to bear arms against freedom destroyers if enough of them get themselves elected through importing people who want freedom by taking them to the polls and having Democrat loyalists to "help" them vote Democrat if they cannot read. It's a footshoot for America, and we need to stop this practice of soliciting and getting votes inside the voting booth. It's become their best vote-getter to date.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
Little fella I was hunting as early as I can remember. I was learning to blowup tree stumps rocks and more at an early age. I was around material that could have taken out the entire base. If you are afraid to use them in a civilian venue then you don't know how to properly handle them.

I had no problem with having guns in the gun rack of my truck that sat in the parking lot of the school. Many others did the same. I often walked down the street and into stores with loaded weapons during hunting season.
You crazy claim that someone is lying or insane shows that you do not understand anything that you say.

Just how old do you think I am, Junior. Your fantasy is a wonderful thing. And if anyone had guns in those gunracks in the school parking lot in an unattended vehicle is just pure "Only seen in the Movies". If you were my kid and that stupid, you wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun.

You have no idea what it would take to take out an entire Base. The last time I checked, they outlawed the sale of those things to sillyvillians in 1934. Now, unless you are over 120 years old I doubt you ever had access to anything like that. Anyone that has access to that much C-4 is closely watched at all times. And it would probably take a Nuclear Device to take out a normal Military Base since even a truck load of C-4 has a terminal limited blast range. And I know you don't have a nukes hanging around the house. You would need train carloads of normal explosives to do that much damage. Now that I've shown the fantasy to your fantasy, go back to dreaming of taking over the world. We don't fear you. You can't even get hour fantasy straight long enough. You would probably blow yourself up trying to accomplish even a fraction of what you claim you can do so the Darwin affect will take care of it.
Joe B is a communist who does not belong in the country. Who gives a shit what he says? You can bet, it's to undermine the country.
Joe targeted me, and after the third 24-hour ignore list timeout I give people, I decided to ignore him permanently. His last straw was to take a page from the atheist book and proffer it as the truth. The Christian faith does not allow people to destroy human beings wantonly. Communists know they have to weaken the church, so they make a big deal out of their own misinterpretation of scriptures to indoctrinate college students in universities. They were so successful at their blasphemy, they are now peddling it online with people like JoeB shilling their nonsense and perversion of scriptural meanings. I reject it, and I reject the filthy names Joe calls people like me who've done nothing but patiently abiding his critiques. He's a goner on Communism. I pray for his victims on this board. I no longer care what he says about me behind my back or to my face. He's beyond ever knowing the Constitutional freedoms we have will be gone if we fall for turning our back on Godly principles and letting atheists betray our freedoms of speech, religion, to bear arms against freedom destroyers if enough of them get themselves elected through importing people who want freedom by taking them to the polls and having Democrat loyalists to "help" them vote Democrat if they cannot read. It's a footshoot for America, and we need to stop this practice of soliciting and getting votes inside the voting booth. It's become their best vote-getter to date.

Maybe you could learn from him on this one item. If a person has a conservative view and can't read, maybe you should take them to the polls, read them the ballot and assist them in voting. Not being able to read does not take away their right to be able to vote. That's the way it used to be done where an election official would assist the voter.
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
---------------------------------------- YOU asked a question and i'd respond and simply say that YOU are a proponent of Gun Control same as 'gabby giffords' Veterans gun control group made up of 'veterans' and Government men many retired but still living off their Government Granted Titles and taxpayer money 'mgc' Daryl .
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JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
Little fella I was hunting as early as I can remember. I was learning to blowup tree stumps rocks and more at an early age. I was around material that could have taken out the entire base. If you are afraid to use them in a civilian venue then you don't know how to properly handle them.

I had no problem with having guns in the gun rack of my truck that sat in the parking lot of the school. Many others did the same. I often walked down the street and into stores with loaded weapons during hunting season.
You crazy claim that someone is lying or insane shows that you do not understand anything that you say.

Just how old do you think I am, Junior. Your fantasy is a wonderful thing. And if anyone had guns in those gunracks in the school parking lot in an unattended vehicle is just pure "Only seen in the Movies". If you were my kid and that stupid, you wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun.

You have no idea what it would take to take out an entire Base. The last time I checked, they outlawed the sale of those things to sillyvillians in 1934. Now, unless you are over 120 years old I doubt you ever had access to anything like that. Anyone that has access to that much C-4 is closely watched at all times. And it would probably take a Nuclear Device to take out a normal Military Base since even a truck load of C-4 has a terminal limited blast range. And I know you don't have a nukes hanging around the house. You would need train carloads of normal explosives to do that much damage. Now that I've shown the fantasy to your fantasy, go back to dreaming of taking over the world. We don't fear you. You can't even get hour fantasy straight long enough. You would probably blow yourself up trying to accomplish even a fraction of what you claim you can do so the Darwin affect will take care of it.
Sorry, but I saw it a lot growing up and never thought a thing about it.
whats the number of dead in a year in Mall and School shooting , say 2016 Lesh ??
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
Tell that to the FIVE HUNDRED victims of the Las Vegas massacre or the thousands of victims and family members of those victims of the numerous school and mall shootings
---------------------------------- 500 eh , ---- What to Know About the Mass Shooting in Las Vegas --- for YOU Lesh .
JoeB claimed in another thread that firearm deaths were going up Here is a chart from 1993 to 2011.
You do have to realize that guns, any guns (even cap guns) scare the bezeejus out of the left. They will say anything whether true or not in the hopes that everyone will become so afraid that they will allow them to get rid of them.

They believe that everyone including crimminals will magically give up guns and stop selling them if only the law says they need to. Of course they also believe in unicorns and rainbows.

Oh, stop this scare nonsense. Are you saying I am afraid of Guns because I support common sense gun regulations? Considering I spent over 20 years around them as a occupation. Am I scared of Weapons? Not hardly. Am I scared of using them? I was around some real nightmare weapons and anyone not scared to use them in a civilian venue is either lying or completely insane. And that pretty well sums up you.
Little fella I was hunting as early as I can remember. I was learning to blowup tree stumps rocks and more at an early age. I was around material that could have taken out the entire base. If you are afraid to use them in a civilian venue then you don't know how to properly handle them.

I had no problem with having guns in the gun rack of my truck that sat in the parking lot of the school. Many others did the same. I often walked down the street and into stores with loaded weapons during hunting season.
You crazy claim that someone is lying or insane shows that you do not understand anything that you say.

Just how old do you think I am, Junior. Your fantasy is a wonderful thing. And if anyone had guns in those gunracks in the school parking lot in an unattended vehicle is just pure "Only seen in the Movies". If you were my kid and that stupid, you wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a gun.

You have no idea what it would take to take out an entire Base. The last time I checked, they outlawed the sale of those things to sillyvillians in 1934. Now, unless you are over 120 years old I doubt you ever had access to anything like that. Anyone that has access to that much C-4 is closely watched at all times. And it would probably take a Nuclear Device to take out a normal Military Base since even a truck load of C-4 has a terminal limited blast range. And I know you don't have a nukes hanging around the house. You would need train carloads of normal explosives to do that much damage. Now that I've shown the fantasy to your fantasy, go back to dreaming of taking over the world. We don't fear you. You can't even get hour fantasy straight long enough. You would probably blow yourself up trying to accomplish even a fraction of what you claim you can do so the Darwin affect will take care of it.
Lol you can't possibly be that stupid so I will assume that you are going senile and like to think you know what you are talking about.
You obviously grew up in some large city where you were never around a gun.
Rolf you can't even read a post about guns without hyperventilating and going off into some fantasy world. I am not even going to try and straighten out your delusional rant as it would take too long and and I doubt you have the mental capacity to even comprehend. So just keep ranting at least it is entertaining.

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