The Failed Boehner-Rebellion of 2015!!

After the complete victory in the 2015 elections, they go and do this to us...

Ääääh, do you maybe mean the 2014 elections?


Nah, they couldn't do anything until 2015 and as soon as they could they jacked it all up.

Uh, if you are referring to the mid-terms, they were in 2014.......

....and not effective until now, 2015.

Ain't you jus the asshole?

You are having a problem understanding, now aren't you, sweetcheeks. President said:

After the complete victory in the 2015 elections, they go and do this to us

Those elections were in November 2014, they were WON in November 2014. Anything about that you didn't understand, sweet cheeks?

After the complete victory in the 2015 elections, they go and do this to us...

Ääääh, do you maybe mean the 2014 elections?


Nah, they couldn't do anything until 2015 and as soon as they could they jacked it all up.

Uh, if you are referring to the mid-terms, they were in 2014.......

....and not effective until now, 2015.

Ain't you jus the asshole?

You are having a problem understanding, now aren't you, sweetcheeks. President said:

After the complete victory in the 2015 elections, they go and do this to us

Those elections were in November 2014, they were WON in November 2014. Anything about that you didn't understand, sweet cheeks?


You don't seem to be able to a follow a thread very well, ADD?

Power just changed hands now didn't it?

Surely even a dolt like you can understand that?
Retribution toward those who didn't vote for him, eh?

This is why our elections are by secret ballot. :badgrin:

maybe during the vote itself, but Organgeman nailed the guys who passed out flyers attacking him fore the vote was taken .. ooooopsie!

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