The Fakebook fake Whistleblower who testified before Congress yesterday is very dangerous


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
She is a confirmed leftist and she is being used as a pawn to get the government to censor dissenting opinions on social media.

They are using teenage girl suicide as a precursor for the censorsh… Funny, they did nOT mention how Beyonce videos are bad for young womens’ self image….why not censor beyonce?

THE USA is turning into a nation run by technofascists, right out of BLACK MIRROR.

There is an ACTIVE civil war going on RIGHT NOW.

The Marxists keep pushing away our freedom every single day.

Wake the fuck up…..this is not going to end well.
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The government will silence any dissent under the guise of saving teenage girls.

You Marxists are fucking vicious boy.

You all need to delete your facebook accounts.

Just text or email the video of your kids piano recital to your friends….GET THE FUCK OFF OF FAKEBOOK.
She is a confirmed leftist and she is being used as a pawn to get the government to censor dissenting opinions on social media.

They are using teenage girl suicide as a precursor for the censorsh… Funny, they did nOT mention how Beyonce videos are bad for young womens’ self image….why not censor beyonce?

THE USA is turning into a nation run by technofascists, right out of BLACK MIRROR.

There is an ACTIVE civil war going on RIGHT NOW.

The Marxists keep pushing away our freedom every single day.

Wake the fuck up…..this is not going to end well.
"A confirmed leftist"???

Who confirmed her, you?

For the reader, Col.. Angus is one of several dozen who are confirmed assholes (confirmed here by me in this post). A confirmed asshole is one or more of these sets: Racists, White Supremacist's; Neo fascists, Misogynists, domestic terrorists, Trump Supporters, aka Trumpanzees, and 21st Century Republicans; of course the 21st Century Republican is one or more of the former declasse', thus I have repeated myself.
Facebook should equally apply their censorship algorithyms to all parties.

The government should NOT be the oversight vehicle for Facebook content.

Should the government censor newspapers and TV?
She is a confirmed leftist and she is being used as a pawn to get the government to censor dissenting opinions on social media.

They are using teenage girl suicide as a precursor for the censorsh… Funny, they did nOT mention how Beyonce videos are bad for young womens’ self image….why not censor beyonce?

THE USA is turning into a nation run by technofascists, right out of BLACK MIRROR.

There is an ACTIVE civil war going on RIGHT NOW.

The Marxists keep pushing away our freedom every single day.

Wake the fuck up…..this is not going to end well.
We had a 60 minutes segment and congressional testimony over FACEBOOK causing teen girl body image issues?



She is a confirmed leftist

There is an ACTIVE civil war going on RIGHT NOW.
No, there isnt.

The Marxists keep pushing away our freedom every single day.
No there are no Marxists and your freedoms are not being taken away.

Wake the fuck up…..this is not going to end well.
I would agree things will not end well for you if you keep down this road of delusional thinking. You need your head checked before you take your crazy talk off of a message board into the outside world.
Facebook would shrivel and die the moment the federal government took an active role in any type of oversight. I'm all for it.
"A confirmed leftist"???

Who confirmed her, you?

For the reader, Col.. Angus is one of several dozen who are confirmed assholes (confirmed here by me in this post). A confirmed asshole is one or more of these sets: Racists, White Supremacist's; Neo fascists, Misogynists, domestic terrorists, Trump Supporters, aka Trumpanzees, and 21st Century Republicans; of course the 21st Century Republican is one or more of the former declasse', thus I have repeated myself.
Well, to be fair, I am pretty sure she is openly on the left and she is being brought out in a dog and pony show to set up regulating FB under the guise that they market to children.

It is a rather stupid angle to take IMHO, these companies are not analogous to cigarettes, the last time I can recall they used this angle. There was noting that she said, AFAIK, that was surprising, not already known and is not absolutely expected. Unless there is something that I have missed.
There definitely are dangers to large social media like FaceBook and Twitter, but they are from arbitrary censorship and discrimination, not from too much being posted.

For example, the woman testifying said FaceBook used an algorithm that deliberately encouraged conflict.
What was the algorithm?
It simply used the activity counts to move interactions higher in the list.
Of course then if conflicts have more back and forth activity, they will get promoted.
But that is NOT bad, deliberate, or evil in any way.
Conflict does have the most interest and should get the most coverage for resolution.
She is a confirmed leftist and she is being used as a pawn to get the government to censor dissenting opinions on social media.

They are using teenage girl suicide as a precursor for the censorsh… Funny, they did nOT mention how Beyonce videos are bad for young womens’ self image….why not censor beyonce?

THE USA is turning into a nation run by technofascists, right out of BLACK MIRROR.

There is an ACTIVE civil war going on RIGHT NOW.

The Marxists keep pushing away our freedom every single day.

Wake the fuck up…..this is not going to end well.
"She is a confirmed leftist" :lol:
"A confirmed leftist"???

Who confirmed her, you?

For the reader, Col.. Angus is one of several dozen who are confirmed assholes (confirmed here by me in this post). A confirmed asshole is one or more of these sets: Racists, White Supremacist's; Neo fascists, Misogynists, domestic terrorists, Trump Supporters, aka Trumpanzees, and 21st Century Republicans; of course the 21st Century Republican is one or more of the former declasse', thus I have repeated myself.

You are such a brainless sheep. When the march to mass graves happen, I hope you are first in line.

Why do you WANT the government to censor Facebook?
The big thing from the hearing was teenage girl suicide because of body image issues from social media.

It was repeated by the fake whistleblower and by Jen Psaki.

The "WHISTLEBLOWER" said we must have government censorship of facebook so that 14 year old girls do not Hillary CLinton themselves.


Are we going to start censoring commercials with pretty women who are in good shape?
This is a HUGE HUGE HUGE deal.


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