The Fakebook fake Whistleblower who testified before Congress yesterday is very dangerous

"A confirmed leftist"???

Who confirmed her, you?

For the reader, Col.. Angus is one of several dozen who are confirmed assholes (confirmed here by me in this post). A confirmed asshole is one or more of these sets: Racists, White Supremacist's; Neo fascists, Misogynists, domestic terrorists, Trump Supporters, aka Trumpanzees, and 21st Century Republicans; of course the 21st Century Republican is one or more of the former declasse', thus I have repeated myself.

^^^Says the guy who voted for the candidate who doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" with black people.

^^^Says the guy who voted for the candidate who doesn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle" with black people.

You sure make stuff up. No wonder you worship dumb Donald, he too makes up stuff. Making stuff up is a lie, misinformation and sometimes harmless and sometimes harmful. Trump's dishonesty was and remains harmful; yours not so much, your lies are laughable and most of your posts are either idiot-grams or ludicrous.

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