Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

Personally, I'm opposed to all ''foreign aid.'

I'm tired of being strongarmed for the fruits of my labor at the barrel of a government gun for the prosperity of other nations while my own country is systematically reduced to rubbles.
You mean you haven’t decided between the Islamic terrorists and Jews? Or the Gazans who cheered on the barbaric torture of Jews, and Jews?
The Jewish, genocidal terrorists, have been besieging and bombing Gaza for many years before October 7th. The Jews have been cheering in the face of Palestinian suffering and destruction for decades. Much of the Jewish Israeli propaganda (i.e. Hasbara), of what occurred on October 7th has been proven false.

There were no ritualistic murders, much less beheadings of Jewish babies, there were no mass rapes of Jewish women, and now it's known and even acknowledged by Israeli sources, that the Israeli army, following the Hanibal Directive, killed many Israelis on October 7th, to prevent them from becoming prisoners/"hostages". So you and your fellow Zionist Jews are a bunch of LIARS, just as you've lied and exaggerated "The Holocaust". The following evidence isn't for you brainwashed Jews and your gentile bootlicking slaves, but for genuine truth seekers:

Israel Rape.jpg

The Israelis have committed many massacres against the Palestinians, and hence have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point their crooked feculent finger at the Palestinians, Hamas, or anyone else. Hamas is a militant, resistance against Israel's brutal, murderous, racist, occupation of Palestinian lands.


The Jews are the perpetual victims of their own victims! Jewish atheist communists are responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians in Russia.



Karl Marx was born Jewish.

Many of the military commissars in Soviet Russia and the head of the gulags were Jewish communists. All of the leaders of the communists in Germany were Jewish. Most communists, in Germany were Jewish. Even Orthodox rabbis admit to this:

The Ashkenazi, European Jews have been using usury (charging high interests), money lending, and the repossession of lands, and people's property, for centuries in Europe. They were hated and mistrusted due to their own xenophobic, misanthropic, rancorous, nasty attitude towards Christians and other non-Jews. People kicked them out of their lands, and sometimes there was bloodshed, yes. That's true. But to pretend that Jews are always the innocent little lambs, being unjustly persecuted of no fault of their own, is preposterous. It's dishonest.

Only ignorant, brainwashed non-Jews believe that, and unfortunately in the modern Western world, Ashkenazi Jews have done a masterful job of convincing almost everyone, that they're the poor little victims of every hostile act committed against them by non-Jews. Non-Jews in the Western world, need to de-program themselves from their Jewish programming. You've been brainwashed and these Jews are destroying Western, Christian civilization. I challenge whoever disagrees with me to a debate. Debate me, don't just insult and gaslight me, debate me. If you debate me, you can insult and gaslight me all you want, but you have to get in the ring. Debate me or STFU.
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You mean you haven’t decided between the Islamic terrorists and Jews? Or the Gazans who cheered on the barbaric torture of Jews, and Jews?
Making a choice based upon media war propaganda isn't a good idea. I learned that during the Vietnam conflict.

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