The falsification of history: 'Ukraine' isn't a country


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The people which 'run' Ukraine today has nothing to do with it.
To 90% all of them are Jewish which ancestors were allowed to settle in Malorossya not longer as 200 years ago, the remaining 10% are former citizens of Austrian Imperial who became citizens of USSR after 1939
There is almost no one a TRUE Ukrainian in any leading office of the 'country'

Ukraine has degenerated from a Russian/Soviet region into an American colony.

The territory currently called Ukraine has never been a state or a country, nor will it ever be. It was always a part of another, real country or, even more frequently, divided between other real states such as Poland, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and most importantly Russia. Of course, according to the Kiev Nazi junta the Trojan War was fought between "Ukrainian tribes", Alexander the Great was secretly "proto-Ukrainian" and the Byzantine Empire was a "Ukrainian colony,” but for the rest of the world the fact remains that there is not one single historical document or reference that refers to "Ukraine" as a state or an independent country. As much as “Ukrop” nationalists would like, they cannot change "old" history as they try to do with modern history, as they do, for example, in whitewashing the war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and mass-murderer Bandera. The Kiev Nazi junta tries to falsify even "old" history, but ancient and medieval authors and sources are too well known and too well documented to be falsified so easily.

It is a proven and a well-known fact that the first Russian state was Kievan Rus - take note: “Rus,” not Ukraine! It is also well known that the very word “Ukraine” is from the old Russian world which refers never to a country, but to the mere border region between the countries and empires mentioned above. Later, the word "Ukraine" was used for the westernmost parts of the Russian Empire. When the Russian Empire expanded southwards, the new territories that were liberated from mostly Turkish occupation were called Novorossiya, or New Russia. Again, no mention of "Ukraine"! These are also well-known and proven historical facts. The north-eastern parts of the territory were called Malorossiya, or Little Russia. Unfortunately, the communist leaders of the USSR chose to put all of these parts together into a new Soviet republic and called the combination "Ukraine". They also added the only historically non-Russian part, Galicia, to this new republic and later added Crimea as a "gift", and all of this without calling the territory (minus Galicia) by its real, historical names: Novorossiya and Malorossiya. This was done partly by coincidence and partly for convenience, because most of this large territory had formerly been the "borderlands" of Russia.

When the USSR was broken up by internal treason and against the will of the vast majority of the people as shown by the 1991 referendum, the Americans could, by controlling their puppet, the alcoholic traitor Yeltsin, ensure that the genuine Russian parts of the Soviet Union, i.e., most of the Ukrainian SSR such as Novorossiya and Malorossiya, were left outside of Russia and not returned to the Russian Federation. This was of course done to weaken the new Russian state, and not out of any compassion for the new pseudo-state of "Ukraine". Now the main task of any Russian government must not be to arrange football world championships or build Disneyland’s, but to liberate and return Russian lands such as Novorossiya and Malorossiya to Mother Russia. The best way to start is to help the Army of Novorossiya to liberate all the lands stretching from Kharkov to Odessa and east of the Dnepr.

By the way, how can the Ukrainian regime even dream of being a country when they are subsidized by the US and, at the same time, sell their people’s assets to foreigners? That is not a country, that is a colony. It takes more than re-naming streets and villages after Nazi criminals to become a real country.


The State of Ukraine Has Technically Never Existed - What the Media Won't Tell You​

February 25, 2022

The creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

As the former Soviet Union began to fall, Gorbachev, still President of the USSR — having been elected on 1 March 1990 by the Soviet deputies after obtaining the necessary amendment to the Constitution — tried, in vain, to have a treaty of economic union adopted.


Ukraine is Curiously Missing From The Commonwealth of Former Soviet States
On 3 December he issued a dramatic appeal to prevent disintegration of the Union. On 8 December, however, the Presidents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, meeting in Minsk, decided that ‘the Soviet Union as a geopolitical reality and a subject of international law has ceased to exist’. They signed an accord establishing a Commonwealth of Sovereign States open to all the States of the former USSR. Gorbachev had no option but to endorse this solution. On 21 December, at a meeting in Alma-Ata, eight other republics joined the initial three.
The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) thus came to be established. It originally comprised 11 republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan (formal membership in 1993), Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (formal membership in 1994), Uzbekistan (formal membership in 1992), Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Ukraine. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Georgia refused to sign the Declaration of Alma-Ata. The same day, the 11 signatories informed Gorbachev that the USSR and his role as President had ceased to exist. Gorbachev resigned on 25 December.
HOWEVER, only 9 territories ended up comprising the finalized Commonwealth of Independent States. All the founding states, apart from Ukraine and Turkmenistan, ratified the Charter of the CIS and became the member states. Nevertheless, Ukraine and Turkmenistan kept "participating" in the CIS, without being member states. Ukraine became an associate member of the CIS Economic Union in April 1994, and Turkmenistan became an associate member of the CIS in August 2005. Georgia left the CIS altogether in 2009 and Ukraine stopped participating in 2018.
So what does this make Ukraine? An 'unregistered State' without sovereign registered borders.
In July of 2014, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon made an astonishing statement, the distribution of which is forbidden in Ukrainian media and has been shadow-banned on the Internet. At the meeting of the UN Security Council the growing conflict between Russia and Ukraine was raised.
The following conclusion was drawn from it:
Ukraine has not registered its borders since December of 1991. The registration of Ukraine's borders as a sovereign state has not taken place in the UN. Additionally , Ukraine rejected its opportunity to participate as a full member in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Therefore, it can be legally assumed that any territorial actions by Russia do not constitute violations with regard to Ukraine.
According to the CIS treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the former USSR, now Russia. Therefore, no one can be blamed for separatism and forcible change of Ukraine's borders.
According to international law, the "country" of Ukraine simply does not have officially recognized borders.
To solve this problem, Ukraine would need to finalize a border demarcation with neighboring countries and obtain the consent of said countries, including Russia, to their common border. It is necessary to document everything and sign agreements with every surrounding country.
The European Union has pledged its support to Ukraine on this important issue and has decided to provide all the technical assistance.
But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? No, of course not!
Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the territories on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and no one has the right to dispose of this territory without Russia's consent.
Basically, all Russia needs to do is declare that Ukraine is Russian and that everything that happens in this territory is an internal Russian affair.
Any interference is considered a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can cancel the manipulated, CIA-influenced May 2014 elections and do what is necessary to "clean up" the rampant Deep State operations that have plagued Ukraine for decades. According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, there are no recognized borders of Ukraine.
The state of Ukraine does not exist (and NEVER HAS existed!). Vladimir Putin is not "invading" Ukraine. He is executing a "Special Military Operation" aimed at taking out the Deep State Cabal. The international criminals that have been using Ukraine as a major base of nefarious operations for decades. As with just about everything these days, what we are seeing is not a complete depiction of truth and reality.

Stay Tuned.

Alexander Panin,
Central News

Fast forward to 2014: "Who Is Provoking Unrest in Ukraine?"

In this approximate 20 minute debate between Yale history professor Timothy Snyder and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern the question of whether the US or Russia was most responsible for the 2014 Maidan Revolution that drove a corrupt, yet duly elected, president from office by an armed mob of neo-Nazis is analyzed.

Ukraine has always been known as Little Russia.

It was a huge fault of Russian rulers to include small Ukraine into Russia three hundred years ago
The same is about the current situation, Russia doesn't need Ukraine and Ukrainians, they are absolutely poor, corrupted and ungrateful
Let USA and EU pay for Ukraine, not Russia
why you can´t leave Ukraine ?

Ask Russians what they need Ukraine for?
More as 80% in privately will deny the necessity of occupation
The point is ( you can't grasp until now ) Putin, Zelensky, Biden, NWO, USA, NATO, EU, Schwab & Co butcher both Russians and Ukrainians, soon Polish and other Europeans
Russia doesn't need Ukraine, it should use resources for own people
The people of Ukraine including former Russians become enemies to Russians
But this isn't agenda of aforementioned criminals
"The territory currently called Ukraine has never been a state or a country, nor will it ever be.

"It was always a part of another, real country or, even more frequently, divided between other real states such as Poland, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and most importantly Russia.

"Of course, according to the Kiev Nazi junta the Trojan War was fought between 'Ukrainian tribes', Alexander the Great was secretly 'proto-Ukrainian' and the Byzantine Empire was a 'Ukrainian colony,' but for the rest of the world the fact remains that there is not one single historical document or reference that refers to 'Ukraine' as a state or an independent country.

"As much as 'Ukrop' nationalists would like, they cannot change 'old' history as they try to do with modern history, as they do, for example, in whitewashing the war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and mass-murderer Bandera.

"The Kiev Nazi junta tries to falsify even 'old' history, but ancient and medieval authors and sources are too well known and too well documented to be falsified so easily."

The Falsification of History: ”Ukraine" is not a country
why you can´t leave Ukraine ?
When are you invading Poland, Puppet?

"A general view of a building of the Polish Police Headquarters, where, according to Poland's interior ministry, top cop was injured by an exploding official gift, in Warsaw, Poland December 15, 2022. REUTERS/Kuba Stezycki"

Exploding grenade launcher a gift from Ukraine, Polish police chief says

"WARSAW, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Poland's top policeman said that an explosion in his office was caused by a grenade launcher, telling private broadcaster RMF FM that he had received two of the weapons as a gift from Ukraine."
Ask Russians what they need Ukraine for?
More as 80% in privately will deny the necessity of occupation
The point is ( you can't grasp until now ) Putin, Zelensky, Biden, NWO, USA, NATO, EU, Schwab & Co butcher both Russians and Ukrainians, soon Polish and other Europeans
Russia doesn't need Ukraine, it should use resources for own people
The people of Ukraine including former Russians become enemies to Russians
But this isn't agenda of aforementioned criminals
You seem to know a lot about Russia and Ukraine, but your posts are disjointed and inconsistent. What is your assessment of:
1. Why Russia invaded;
2. What is the current status of the conflict; and
3. What outcome do you foresee?
  • Thanks
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You seem to know a lot about Russia and Ukraine, but your posts are disjointed and inconsistent. What is your assessment of:
1. Why Russia invaded;
2. What is the current status of the conflict; and
3. What outcome do you foresee?
Do you understand that these questions don't make sense because there are two opposing views and the answers will be mutually exclusive.
"The territory currently called Ukraine has never been a state or a country, nor will it ever be.

"It was always a part of another, real country or, even more frequently, divided between other real states such as Poland, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, and most importantly Russia.

"Of course, according to the Kiev Nazi junta the Trojan War was fought between 'Ukrainian tribes', Alexander the Great was secretly 'proto-Ukrainian' and the Byzantine Empire was a 'Ukrainian colony,' but for the rest of the world the fact remains that there is not one single historical document or reference that refers to 'Ukraine' as a state or an independent country.

"As much as 'Ukrop' nationalists would like, they cannot change 'old' history as they try to do with modern history, as they do, for example, in whitewashing the war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and mass-murderer Bandera.

"The Kiev Nazi junta tries to falsify even 'old' history, but ancient and medieval authors and sources are too well known and too well documented to be falsified so easily."

The Falsification of History: ”Ukraine" is not a country

but of course Ukraine is a country!

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