The FBI and DOJ have been corrupted to protect the hildebeast

Let's see if anyone else discerns a pattern of desperation among right wingers......

To smear Hillary...........the accusation is that the FBI and its director (a republican, no less) and the entire DOJ is corrupt.
To "excuse" Trump's stupidity and arrogance.......the accusation is that the media, pollsters, sane women, all minorities, the LGBT communities, and virtually the entire planet,must also be "corrupt" and unfairly picking on the orange charlatan.

Hillary took millions from countries and regimes that execute gays and treat women as property.

Her husband has a long history of abusing women, she helped smear the women that he raped or tried to rape.

The "woman" thing is a loser for you libs and the hildebeast, but keep it up.
Does anyone care that our two law enforcement agencies, that are supposed to be above politics have now been corrupted to protect one politician? The hearings this week once again confirm that the FBI and DOJ violated their own rules and federal laws in order to protect HRC and her cronies from prosecution for the unauthorized release of classified information via an illegal unsecure email server.

Our government is falling apart to continue the career of the most corrupt person ever to run for president. Does anyone care? WTF has happened to this great country?
FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

The above "reported" from Truth Uncensored.....the same blog that prints such articles as:
University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be AROUSED By Children’

I'm not sure what your broken link about a University Study has to do with the content of the article I posted. Feel free to explain. I am happy to discuss the facts in the article I posted. Where would you like to start?

FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes
The FBI and the DOJ work for and are responsible to the A.G. and the A.G. works for president Barry Hussein. If the president is corrupt and the A.G. (who told Americans they would be prosecuted if they insulted a Muslem) is corrupt, what choice does the FBI and the DOJ have?

Let's follow your "logic".....

Does the IRS ALSO work under Obama? Yes or No?
Why hasn't Obama ordered the IRS to finish that infamous audit of Trump taxes so that we can all see those returns??

Trump gets audited every year. If he was cheating,
the Obama IRS would have already made an issue of it.

HIs return is hundreds of pages and very complicated (and in complete compliance with the tax code). If he released it, the corrupt media and the corrupt dems would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and hurl it all over the airways and the internet.

Trump would have to spend days correcting the lies. We understand why you want them, its another way to take the attention off of hillarys lies, corruption, and failing health. We get it, now shove it up your ass.
Does anyone care that our two law enforcement agencies, that are supposed to be above politics have now been corrupted to protect one politician? The hearings this week once again confirm that the FBI and DOJ violated their own rules and federal laws in order to protect HRC and her cronies from prosecution for the unauthorized release of classified information via an illegal unsecure email server.

Our government is falling apart to continue the career of the most corrupt person ever to run for president. Does anyone care? WTF has happened to this great country?

The DOJ is an openly criminal organization. Under Obama's shock collar Eric Holder, the thin veneer of legitimacy was stripped away on these thugs. They exist to attack and harass political enemies. No different than the KGB under Stalin.

I'm not sure what your broken link about a University Study has to do with the content of the article I posted. Feel free to explain. I am happy to discuss the facts in the article I posted. Where would you like to start?

FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

Gnat is attempting to blow smoke, to obscure your point using a red herring logical fallacy. It is a desperate ploy to keep others from paying attention to information that damages his criminal party.
Does anyone care that our two law enforcement agencies, that are supposed to be above politics have now been corrupted to protect one politician? The hearings this week once again confirm that the FBI and DOJ violated their own rules and federal laws in order to protect HRC and her cronies from prosecution for the unauthorized release of classified information via an illegal unsecure email server.

Our government is falling apart to continue the career of the most corrupt person ever to run for president. Does anyone care? WTF has happened to this great country?
FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

The above "reported" from Truth Uncensored.....the same blog that prints such articles as:
University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be AROUSED By Children’

I'm not sure what your broken link about a University Study has to do with the content of the article I posted. Feel free to explain. I am happy to discuss the facts in the article I posted. Where would you like to start?

FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

"Truth Uncensored" is FAKE news from some bloggers with a right wing agenda, catering to morons who "think" that made-up news when repeated over and over starts sounding like the "truth"....
Gnat is attempting to blow smoke, to obscure your point using a red herring logical fallacy. It is a desperate ploy to keep others from paying attention to information that damages his criminal party.

No, NO.....I do want you morons to get your news from right wing bloggers....LOL
Does anyone care that our two law enforcement agencies, that are supposed to be above politics have now been corrupted to protect one politician? The hearings this week once again confirm that the FBI and DOJ violated their own rules and federal laws in order to protect HRC and her cronies from prosecution for the unauthorized release of classified information via an illegal unsecure email server.

Our government is falling apart to continue the career of the most corrupt person ever to run for president. Does anyone care? WTF has happened to this great country?
FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

The Lockheed thread is pretty thin. Like all primes, they pay bribes to everyone, on both sides of the aisles.
Does anyone care that our two law enforcement agencies, that are supposed to be above politics have now been corrupted to protect one politician? The hearings this week once again confirm that the FBI and DOJ violated their own rules and federal laws in order to protect HRC and her cronies from prosecution for the unauthorized release of classified information via an illegal unsecure email server.

Our government is falling apart to continue the career of the most corrupt person ever to run for president. Does anyone care? WTF has happened to this great country?
FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

The above "reported" from Truth Uncensored.....the same blog that prints such articles as:
University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be AROUSED By Children’

I'm not sure what your broken link about a University Study has to do with the content of the article I posted. Feel free to explain. I am happy to discuss the facts in the article I posted. Where would you like to start?

FBI Director Received Millions From Clinton Foundation- His Brother’s Law Firm Does Clinton’s Taxes

"Truth Uncensored" is FAKE news from some bloggers with a right wing agenda, catering to morons who "think" that made-up news when repeated over and over starts sounding like the "truth"....
What part exactly is incorrect?

"Truth Uncensored" is FAKE news from some bloggers with a right wing agenda, catering to morons who "think" that made-up news when repeated over and over starts sounding like the "truth"....

No moron, it is not, They do hype stories and make some wild leaps - but not nearly as much as your usual sources such as Huffingglue and ThinkProgress.

What you're too stupid to grasp gnat, is that the weakness of the story is the CONCLUSION drawn. The facts are the facts - outside of your party, facts can not be altered at will. But the fact that Comey worked for Lockheed and that Lockheed bribed Clinton means little. Our government runs on bribes. Lockheed bribes everyone with power, the HAVE to to stay in business. We are a banana republic after all, nothing happens without payoffs in this nation. That Lockheed bribed Clinton means nothing in regard to Comey.
Excellent. The loonies are reaching for that perfect fevered pitch.
Excellent. The loonies are reaching for that perfect fevered pitch.

I must be a real nice guy....There's a tiny part of me that actually feels bad about their predicament......I'll get over it, though.
Excellent. The loonies are reaching for that perfect fevered pitch.

I must be a real nice guy....There's a tiny part of me that actually feels bad about their predicament......I'll get over it, though.

funny, because the predicament belongs to those of you who are supporting the most corrupt human being ever to run for president. A proven liar, a proven criminal, and a proven tax cheat.

Tax cheat---------------someone who donates a million dollars to their own foundation, deducts if from their taxes, and then gets it back from the foundation as "salary and expenses".
A proven liar, a proven criminal, and a proven tax cheat.

Only in your twisted, hate filled, half-brain......Proven???? LOL

yes, proven. Comey's testimony proved it. He said she violated federal law, but wouldn't prosecute her because she didn't "intend" to do it.

Would that work for you? "but officer, I didn't intend go 70 in a 35 zone"
August 7, 2017
What are the FBI and DoJ hiding?
By J. Marsolo

On March 15, 2017, Judicial Watch sued the Justice Department to obtain records about the meeting. It requested:

- All records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton in June 2016.

- All records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton in June 2016.

- All references to the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton contained in day planners, calendars and schedules in the Office of the Attorney General.

The American Center for Law and Justice, the ACLJ, also filed suit because its FOIA request to the FBI produced the following reply from Comey's FBI:


The serious question is why the Justice Department, presumably led by Sessions, and the FBI, presumably led by a Trump appointee, are redacting the communications between the Obama Justice Department, then clearly led by Lynch, and the Obama FBI, then clearly led by Comey. There are no national security issues, so why not release the entire unredacted documents?


Read more: Blog: What are the FBI and DoJ hiding?
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