The FBI Raided Trump's Home Based On Some Of The Exact Crimes Hillary Committed

Meanwhile Charlie Kirk exposes the fact that 35 Trump allies have were raided yesterday.

If true, this country has gone Maoist Communist.
Guess the FBI/STASI crack down on MAGA people came sooner than expected,
The Bai Dung Gestapo FBI/STASI have been very busy boys lately. They will suffer the same fate as the Gestapo/STASI did, even if it takes some time to do it.
We have now entered Stalin, Hitler and Maoist territory. That is not an exaggeration. Thanks to Joey Xi Bai Dung and his criminal DSA Democrat cabal.

"At what point, then, should one resist? When one's belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one's home? An arrest consists of a series of incidental irrelevancies, of a multitude of things that do not matter, and there seems no point in arguing about one of them individually...and yet all these incidental irrelevancies taken together implacably constitute the arrest".

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Trump and his supporters are the Nazi scum in this country. You are the criminal cabal and good riddance to you trash.
There are page and paragraph notations that are added to all classified docs, and she directly sent docs with those classified notations.
Her excuse she said was they were either classified later, (which can't be right since they then would not have the notations), or they had already been declassified, (which is possible, but unlikely).

It could not possibly have made her job easier, since she would have to first move the docs from the State Dept computers to her email server, before sending them.
It was not a "shortcut", but greatly more convoluted, and intended only to prevent anyone following the trail.

One does not "upgrade" but simply add another server, and that is still irrelevant, since she wiped the CURRENT servers before allowing the FBI to have access.

There are NO laws, federal or otherwise, relating to presidential access to classified docs.
By virtue of being elected and representing the people, presidents are totally above any arbitrary security legislation.
They are the ultimate, with total discretion.
Hillary's goal was to avoid FOIA, but Trump likely was just lazy and slow to sort all the boxes.

She had ZERO Marked Classified Documents on her computer or in her home office.

Her staff and she, had loose lips in emails to each other. Though they did not believe it was top secret classified and to this day claim it was over classified by the CIA and not really top secret.
We know for sure that hundreds of emails on those servers DID have classified info.
Of that there is no question.

The problem is Hillary had them wiped before handing them over, so we will never know the extent of the violations of regulations.
And this was verified by Comey, who clearly said there WERE violations, but just not enough to prove criminal intent.

Why do you think Weiner's laptop was so important?
It was because 98% of Hillary's emails were never recovered and Weiner's laptop was hoped to have some.

Yes there are questions. Comey identified 110 e-mails that contained classified information. However only one contained top secret information and 109 were initiated by lower level employees.
Yes they did.
They did not allow the FBI to have access for almost a week, during which time the servers were totally wiped clean.

And you are totally wrong about what was recovered from other servers Hillary had sent emails to.
There were hundreds with classified docs.

Since presidents are specifically exempt in every piece of classified doc legislation, that would be impossible.
Presidents in no way could ever violate any classified doc law or regulation, (which they get to make).

Former Presidents are not exempt. They have no right to classified information once they leave office. Thje servers were wiped once she resigned as Secretary of State.
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