The Federal Sci-Fi Thing


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Orwellian sci-fi horror tales about governments mismanaging science and creating mutated abominations are popular in the modern age.

Does this trend in 'paranoia-storytelling' parallel the rise of 'pro-nationalism politics' and how is such politics related to the propaganda behind 'capitalism grandstanding' (e.g., NATO)?

These are the questions the Trump Administration will have to address, and there's no real reason this all can't be just a little bit fun!

This yarn was inspired by The Thing and the film Universal Soldier.



Two vigilantes from an apocalyptic future (Kurt and Ajay) wrestled with a genetically-engineered 'mistake' (an abomination meant to be a super-soldier shaped like a minotaur but instead become a leviathan-like creeping reptilian monster of terrible proportions). The creature, known simply as 'The Thing' had a taste for toxic waste and fed off human flesh and became strong when it came into contact with any kind of fear.

Kurt and Ajay were assigned by U.S. President Jerry Trump (the descendant of U.S. President Donald Trump) to hunt down and destroy The Thing. Kurt and Ajay called themselves the Saviors, and they decided the best way to destroy an abomination that fed off toxic waste and human flesh was to electrocute it to the point of complete debilitation and then burn it alive with a flame-thrower. First, Kurt would have to place a well-aimed shot at its eyes to blind the beast and Ajay would have to find a way to inject it with a powerful tranquilizer (to impair its reflex-rich body).

The Saviors successfully performed the deed and threw the burnt ashes of The Thing into the Hudson River. They congratulated each other, and President Trump awarded them medals. Kurt and Ajay were taken to a special medallion ceremony after which they were told during a top-secret briefing that The Thing was once a soldier in the U.S. army who volunteered to have the genetic 'experiment' performed on his body as a gesture of 'patriotic duty.' When Kurt and Ajay heard this, they realized they were terrible pawns in a devastating politically corrupt 'machination' but were relieved that a true horror-genesis was simply gone.



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