Rate the Presidents of which you of have first hand knowledge ...

Best: Reagan

Worst: Trump. Worst in history. Trump makes everyone else look good.

Second Worst: Dubya

Third Worst: Carter

I would give Clinton second best were it not for the fact he deregulated financial derivatives, setting us up for the 2008 crash. Then the Republicans and Wall Street ran with it.

Everyone else was mediocre with no particular ranking order.
Title says it all.

List in order from best to worst the Presidents of which you have first hand knowledge...as in, you were alive and cognizant of either domestic or international affairs. Not when you were two...but when you were civically engaged on the world.

I'll start.

1) Reagan (Great man, Great President)

2) Trump (a flawed man but a good President)

3) Clinton (a flawed man but a decent President)

4-5-6) Obama, the Bush's (not good men, not good Presidents)

7) Carter (good man, terrible President)

8) Biden (Terrible man, Terrible President)

Your turn....
Assuming "first hand knowledge" means presidents in my lifetime the list looks like this:

1) Kennedy, Reagan, Obama. [I would take any of the three, they were game changing giants]

2) Clinton...he was far better than I gave him credit for during his time in office. [I attribute my original disdain for him to his unelected self/media appointed co-president]

3)G.H.W. Bush, Nixon, Johnson, none really appeal to me but they all did to the vast majority of American voters with Nixon being the only one the voters/people liked better after his first full term. [Nixon was so well liked the media had to step in]

4) "DUBYA"...never should have served two terms, nice guy with no skills for the job. [I voted for him vs. Gore which I do not regret and voted for him vs. Kerry which was a huge mistake]

5). Ford, Carter, Trump...JMO, the bottom of the barrel...[hope this doesn't upset the good folks on the right whom I consider friends] Trump has one redeeming quality and it is his immense capacity for knocking white libs on their behind.

I intentionally left off the first and last presidents of my lifetime [EISENHOWER and BIDEN] as I was just born during IKES second term, and BIDEN, whose legacy is still unfolding and whom I voted for and will again.
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So LBJ spied on the Nixon campaign?? (From your link). I should have dropped him below Carter.

"decided against it because they lacked “absolute proof” that Nixon was personally involved"

So you lied.

No, they were spying on North Vietnam. And guess who called them...Nixon.
The Nixon administration put a man on the moon but JFK usually gets the credit. The son of card carrying communist parents brought Nixon down with salacious leaks by an unidentified alleged informant who wasn't identified until he died. Fair and balanced news?
The son of card carrying communist parents brought Nixon down with salacious leaks by an unidentified alleged informant who wasn't identified until he died. Fair and balanced news?
And I don't believe there was really a "deep throat", I think he just allowed himself to be named the informant as there was no consequences just some fleeting fame to give some validity to the claim...the media is the real power behind the throne, everything else is an extension of its power including white liberals who hijacked the party and are the political arm of the media machine.
It's uncanny that I was literally thinking about this earlier today.
PoliticalChic 's thread "top five presidents" gave me the idea.

I only have history books and maybe some second and third hand stories from parents and grandparents and such from which to judge the Roosevelts, Jackson, Garfield, Hays, Arthur, Wilson, Truman and the rest.

All I can truly give my opinion on are the ones I've lived through.
PoliticalChic 's thread "top five presidents" have me the idea.

I only have history books and maybe some second and third hand stories from parents and grandparents and such from which to judge the Roosevelts, Jackson, Garfield, Hays, Arthur, Wilson, Truman and the rest.

All I can truly give my opinion on are the ones I've lived through.

It's funny.

I thought, at first, you were the guy I had beef with last night.

But you just have similar screen names.

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