The First Spiritual Leader?


Sep 23, 2010
Conrad Black reviewed:

By A. Scott Berg
(Putnam, 832 pages, $40)

I did not read the book, nor do I intend to. I do want to play off of Black’s review and offer a few comments about Woodrow Wilson. The criticisms in the first paragraph do not come close to my low opinion of Wilson:

. . . Woodrow Wilson was a naïve interloper, infusing deadly serious strategic considerations with sophomoric nonsense about “open covenants openly arrived at”; a hyper-righteous, puritanical Presbyterian inflicting absurd restraints on America’s natural allies for the benefit of her enemies; an innocent abroad in a diplomatic Babylon whose ineffectual, feckless amateurism inadvertently assisted dictatorial aggression and the development and spread of totalitarianism. His positions of “watchful waiting” and “being too proud to fight” were just pusillanimous humbug.

I believe that Wilson was the first president who consciously worked at becoming a spiritual leader as well as a political leader. For all of Wilson’s highly-touted intellect he failed to see that a combination spiritual-political leader inevitably ends in theocracy. One can only surmise that Wilson thought every president who came after him would also be spiritual leaders.

I’m certain that Wilson would not have been thrilled about a Roman Catholic theocracy in America or anywhere else. In fact, his hyper-righteous, puritanical Presbyterianism had a lot to do with taking America to war against Germany (the Holy Roman Empire) on the side of non-Catholic Great Britain. I can only guess what he thought about Muslim theocracies (our current spiritual leader cum president loves them).

America’s earliest presidents were men of strong moral character while they never tried to mix governing with spirituality or organized religion. To put Wilson ahead of Thomas Jefferson at any time is beyond the pale even for liberals:

When the associations of (liberal) American historians first began 50 years ago compiling composite lists of the presidents in order of the general esteem in which they were held, Wilson came fourth behind the universally admired triumvirate of Lincoln, Washington, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and just ahead of Jefferson, . . .

Since liberals wail the loudest every time they smell the slightest breach of Jefferson’s separation of church and state it’s difficult understanding their thinking when they put Wilson’s flirtation with theocracy ahead of T.J.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History I believe furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purpose. Thomas Jefferson

On the other hand Abraham Lincoln was the exact opposite of Wilson. Lincoln was pure politician who adopted moral positions for political expediency. Both men were responsible for sending Americans into the bloodiest slaughterhouses the world had ever seen.

To his admirers, Woodrow Wilson was voice of sanity and intelligence and a prophet of peace . . .

Wilson should be remembered as a prophet of war! He abandoned America’s strict neutrality by taking America to war in Europe. Aside from that little detail the world has been at war almost continually since he took office in 1913, not to mention totalitarian governments making war on their own people to the tune of tens of millions dead.

and international law, . . .

Giving Wilson credit for International law has to be tongue in cheek. Nobody can define International law, or even cite one such law when it is supposedly violated. I’d hardly call that a positive for Wilson.

This next one is a definite negative for Wilson:

. . . the Federal Reserve, . . .

This next one laid the foundation for every environmental scam originated by Wilson’s inheritor; the United Nations:

. . . vastly increased conservation activities, . . .

Parenthetically, I’ll wager that much of the funding for the movie Noah can be traced to the United Nations. Darren Aronofsky must think that Noah was one smart dude because their was no manmade global warming at the time of the flood:

Noah's director Darren Aronofsky, a self-described atheist who made the Oscar-nominated hit The Black Swan, has described the movie as is "the least biblical biblical film ever made" and called Noah "the first environmentalist".


. . . the film did not adhere strictly enough to the Old Testament verses and portrays Noah as an environmental crusader to deliver a secular ecological doomsday message.

"The insertion of the extremist environmental agenda is a problem," said Jerry Johnson, president of the National Religious Broadcasters group.


In an article titled Darren Aronofsky's Noah: Environmentalist Wacko, he said the director transformed a scriptural story into "environmental paganism" by blaming the Great Flood on man's "disrespect" for the environment.

Noah epic awash in flood of controversy for green agenda and taking liberties with Bible
By Philip Sherwell, New York
9:12PM GMT 23 Mar 2014

Noah epic awash in flood of controversy for green agenda and taking liberties with Bible - Telegraph

To my way of thinking Wilson gets no credit for vetoing:

. . . the Volstead Act that brought in Prohibition, though Congress overrode his objection. Thus the most insane legislative initiative of the United States in the 20th century (until the War on Drugs) was adopted, the individual rights of Americans were curtailed, and one of the country’s largest industries was handed to what soon, thus lubricated, became organized crime.

Had Wilson been more politician and less spiritual leader he would have stopped Prohibition in its tracks.

Wilson does deserve credit for today’s Democrat party:

Wilson rescued the Democratic party from its oscillations between the harebrained populist bimetallism of three-time defeated presidential standard-bearer William Jennings Bryan, and the rule of the big-city party bosses sustained by patronage and exploitation of immigrant masses, last represented as a presidential candidate by Alton B. Parker, the sacrificial offering to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904.


Wilson set the Democrats on the path of rational reform that would be pursued by Al Smith, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John F. Kennedy, and even Lyndon B. Johnson, before the Democrats crumbled under the pressures of Vietnam and fell into the hands of completely unsuitable people such as the McGoverns, Carters, Mondales, and opprobrious candidates of more recent vintage who shall remain nameless.

Naturally, the myth would flourish in a book extolling Wilson’s virtues:

. . . Wilson’s opponents at home, taking advantage of his complete inflexibility, were able to sabotage. The League of Nations was launched without the United States; the promised defensive alliance between the U.S., Great Britain, and France, which would have prevented World War II, . . .

Our Prophet of Peace
Wilson: Pusillanimous humbug or great leader?
By Conrad Black – From the March 2014 issue

US membership in the League of Nations would not have prevented WWII. At the very least membership in the League would have given Nazi Germany and Japan more time to develop weapons that would have tilted the war in their favor.

The myth is kept alive for one reason: Justification for the United Nations which succeeded the League of Nations.

Finally, the gap between Wilson’s detractors and his admirers is widening as his policies, his image, his worldview slowly fall apart. It took a century to be sure but his detractors are growing in number while his admirers are fighting a rear guard action in a desperate attempt to save the failed progressive ideas of the early 20th century. Wilson himself was not a great leader, nor was his worldview very profound. Although Wilson was not a Socialist he rode in on the coattails of a powerful movement known as Socialism. The tenacity of that movement keeps his name and policies alive.
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Canada Free Press’ Sher Zieve is onto something although I cannot believe it is a shooting war:

After the infamous and aforementioned open-mic incident, I have been writing and saying that Obama and Putin had made a devil’s deal with each other that, ultimately, will involve the final destruction of the USA.

Putin & Obama Working Together to Split up the Spoils after the War?
By Sher Zieve Saturday, March 29, 2014

Putin & Obama Working Together to Split up the Spoils after the War?

Neither Putin nor Barack Taqiyya have any intention of engaging in a shooting war. Their game is strengthening the United Nations. Bet your last buck on this one. The Ukraine “war cloud” is heading to the UN for resolution. It’s win-win-win for the New World Order crowd all the way around:

1. The United Nations gets a huge bump in its legitimacy as a peacemaker and a global government.

2. Putin gets territory and an enhanced image in the eyes of the world.

3. Taqiyya the Liar abolishes America’s sovereignty.

NOTE: The average Russian does not want to surrender their country’s sovereignty to the United Nations either. In that sense Putin and Taqiyya the Liar face the same problem. The Muslim world is the fly in the ointment; especially with Iran about to join the nuclear club. Neither Russia nor the United States can prevent Muslim countries from walking out of the United Nations en masse. The US and Russia working together can prevent a walkout. Communist China has every reason to go along by remaining neutral, or playing one side against the other.

Woodrow Wilson took America to war to make the world safe for democracy. Taqiyya the Spiritual Leader has zero chance of taking America to war to make the world safe for the United Nations. That means that Putin is taking all the best of it because to Russians he is defending Russia, while Americans know instinctively that Taqiyya is NOT defending America. In addition, Putin can veto anything the US proposes; whereas, I cannot see one thing that Taqiyya can veto on Putin.

If Sher Zieve is right and my interpretation is completely wrong young Americans better start preparing to resist the draft. Reinstating conscription is a foregone conclusion should a war come over the Ukraine. Nothing new on that score. Wilson had to draft Americans to make the world safe for democracy.

Following America's entry into the war in April 1917 the question of recruiting sufficient men to fight a war in Europe arose. A policy of conscription was rapidly formulated and adopted, requiring men between the ages of 21 and 30 (inclusive) to register for military service.

Primary Documents - President Wilson's Proclamation Establishing Conscription, 28 May 1917

First World - Primary Documents - President Wilson's Proclamation Establishing Conscription, 28 May 1917

No matter how our spiritual leader sells the war Americans will NOT be fighting for their country, or for some philosophical garbage like the stuff Wilson peddled —— Americans will be fighting for the United Nations and against their own independence.
Judi McLeod adds more to Sher Zieve’s premise discussed in #2 permalink. This addition is most troubling:

Fact is while Obama was playing “nukes on the loose” in The Hague last week, Putin has had nothing to fear from America for the past four years.

“The fact that the President and Russia are about to sign the START Treaty is a good sign that we’re making cooperation and good progress with countries such as Russia,” a gloating Valerie Jarrett told ABC’s This Week on March 28, 2010.

“Just a few weeks later, Obama has made—perhaps with Jarrett’s influence—a sharp departure on nuclear policy. Under the new plan, the United States promises not to use nuclear weapons against nations that do not have them—even if they attack the United States first. (Front Page Mag)

Vlad and Barry Comrades in Arms
By Judi McLeod Monday, March 31, 2014

Vlad and Barry Comrades in Arms

To all intents and purposes the nuclear deterrent was rendered useless against enemy countries without nuclear weapons who use chemical or biological warfare in a surprise attack.

NOTE: Listen to Rush discuss Valerie Jarrett’s influence:

[ame=]RUSH: Did Valerie Jarrett Issue The Order To Stand Down In Benghazi? - YouTube[/ame]​

If she had anything to do with America’s nuclear policy she should be known as Cody Jarrett:

[ame=]James Cagney in White Heat - Top of the World - YouTube[/ame]​
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Wilson told America that he would never send Troops to fight in a foreign war and then he or his wife sent the Doughboys to fight for France. As always, the media and pop-historians are kind to democrats. We lost about 100,000 Americans in a horrible war and then we had to do it all over again about 25 years later during another democrat administration. Just as FDR's health in his 4th term was kept secret from the public, Wilson's debilitating stroke was kept secret and rumor has it that his (unelected) wife was the de-facto president.

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