The free market offers poor class and middle class opportunity. Socialism does not.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
You stupid fucking socialists. You dumb fucking morons. You fucking brainwashed sheep. You pieces of shit.

Love how the socialists say the "republicans" (as if they are capitalists) offer the middle class and poor class nothing. What they are saying is they do not seduce their loyalty with the promise of "free stuff."

#1 Elizabeth Holmes
#2 Diane Hendricks
#3 Doris Fisher
#4 Jin Sook Chang
#5 Oprah Winfrey
#6 Judy Faulkner
#7 Johnelle Hunt
#8 Judy Love
#9 Marian Ilitch
#10 Meg Whitman
Self-Made Women
There is a list of SELF MADE billionaires according to Forbes. Oh, they are all women. All benefited from the OPPORTUNITY. Let me know if you want me to add to that list, cause there are a lot more women that are on that list.

Awwww, does that fly in the face of the pawns who buy into the mythical utopia that their democrat socialists sell to them? Do they think there is some system out there that will be all "fair" for all of the poor people. Who, have become robotic votes for the democrats and since their situation predictably never changes, their democrat liars blame the scapegoats. White people, Christians, right wingers, republicans, the free market, take your pick.

The poor just lap it up, and the millionaires that benefited from that free market speak out against that same free market.

Want me to list the number of blacks who are self made millionaires? You know Dr Ben Carson grew up in slums. You think he was just given a PHD? You think he is thankful for his opportunity this country gave him?

Talk about an enemy of the democrat socialist narrative? Self made black man? Oh boy.
The majority of the poor don't want to attempt it, living off the government teat suits them fine. Why work when Uncle Sam will provide?
The majority of the poor don't want to attempt it, living off the government teat suits them fine. Why work when Uncle Sam will provide?

That's why the tit should not be available from cradle to grave.

Sometimes people fall, so we give them help but they need incentive to maintain their independence. Hunger is a great motivator.

There would be far more resources available for people who through no fault of their own can't earn a living.

The other problem with socialism is that the only means for upward mobility is through politics. That's what libtards love about it.

The majority of the poor don't want to attempt it, living off the government teat suits them fine. Why work when Uncle Sam will provide?

That's why the tit should not be available from cradle to grave.

Sometimes people fall, so we give them help but they need incentive to maintain their independence. Hunger is a great motivator.

There would be far more resources available for people who through no fault of their own can't earn a living.

The other problem with socialism is that the only means for upward mobility is through politics. That's what libtards love about it.

I've always been an advocate of limits on how long one can draw benefits. Unless one is disabled two years max
Indeed. Capitalism, despite its many flaws, is by far the best economic model the world has ever known.
Look at the current "socialist" example, Denmark. Higher suicide rate and their poor percentage is BARELY below ours. 11% is a SHITLOAD of people considering they only have 5 million people..
You would know this how? If that's all you have please go away

Bed wetters don't "know" anything. They have no capacity to "know" anything. All of the information that has been packed into their skulls is bullshit, therefor it's impossible to "know" something.

You can't "know" the earth is flat.

You can't "know" the moon is made of cheese.

You can't "know" the moonbat messiah is anything more than an incompetent meat muppet faggot.

You can't "know" Santa lives on the North Pole.

You can't "know" global warming is something other than a hoax to fleece the tax payers.

You can't "know" chickens have teeth.

You can't "know" Moochelle obozo is not a shaved wookie.

You can't "know" conservatives on this forum are all poor.

You can't "know" hitlary isn't a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

You can't "know" gnomes live underground.

When moonbats regurgitate such insipid drivel it's best to ignore them.

There is much more social mobility in countries with strong welfare systems.
You stupid fucking socialists. You dumb fucking morons. You fucking brainwashed sheep. You pieces of shit.

Love how the socialists say the "republicans" (as if they are capitalists) offer the middle class and poor class nothing. What they are saying is they do not seduce their loyalty with the promise of "free stuff."

#1 Elizabeth Holmes
#2 Diane Hendricks
#3 Doris Fisher
#4 Jin Sook Chang
#5 Oprah Winfrey
#6 Judy Faulkner
#7 Johnelle Hunt
#8 Judy Love
#9 Marian Ilitch
#10 Meg Whitman
Self-Made Women
There is a list of SELF MADE billionaires according to Forbes. Oh, they are all women. All benefited from the OPPORTUNITY. Let me know if you want me to add to that list, cause there are a lot more women that are on that list.

Awwww, does that fly in the face of the pawns who buy into the mythical utopia that their democrat socialists sell to them? Do they think there is some system out there that will be all "fair" for all of the poor people. Who, have become robotic votes for the democrats and since their situation predictably never changes, their democrat liars blame the scapegoats. White people, Christians, right wingers, republicans, the free market, take your pick.

The poor just lap it up, and the millionaires that benefited from that free market speak out against that same free market.

Want me to list the number of blacks who are self made millionaires? You know Dr Ben Carson grew up in slums. You think he was just given a PHD? You think he is thankful for his opportunity this country gave him?

Talk about an enemy of the democrat socialist narrative? Self made black man? Oh boy.

Now now, not to worry. There's still enough for you one percent people even after food stamps, unemployment, social security etc. The good news for you is that these programs will be cut aggressively more and more no matter who's in the white house.
There is much more social mobility in countries with strong welfare systems.

Venezuela is a shining example of Socialism fail

Try picking a 1st world nation as a comparison instead. Countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland are all examples of socialism working.

You really don't want me to go into Scandinavian socialism and the problems starting to rise due to it. Socialism has never worked...and never will. It starts out OK then guess what? They run out of things to tax and the implosion begins
Republicans don't understand the difference between a free market and a completely unregulated Wild West market where any kind of scam goes and consumers and their families are completely unprotected.
There is much more social mobility in countries with strong welfare systems.

Venezuela is a shining example of Socialism fail

Try picking a 1st world nation as a comparison instead. Countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland are all examples of socialism working.

You really don't want me to go into Scandinavian socialism and the problems starting to rise due to it. Socialism has never worked...and never will. It starts out OK then guess what? They run out of things to tax and the implosion begins

9 of the top 10 nations here I would consider socialist

World Happiness Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


8 of the top 10 nations here are also socialist

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The free market offers poor class and middle class opportunity. Socialism does not."

Preaching to the choir.
There is much more social mobility in countries with strong welfare systems.

Venezuela is a shining example of Socialism fail

Try picking a 1st world nation as a comparison instead. Countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland are all examples of socialism working.

You really don't want me to go into Scandinavian socialism and the problems starting to rise due to it. Socialism has never worked...and never will. It starts out OK then guess what? They run out of things to tax and the implosion begins

9 of the top 10 nations here I would consider socialist

World Happiness Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


8 of the top 10 nations here are also socialist

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki is junk source
There is much more social mobility in countries with strong welfare systems.

Venezuela is a shining example of Socialism fail

Try picking a 1st world nation as a comparison instead. Countries like Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland are all examples of socialism working.

You really don't want me to go into Scandinavian socialism and the problems starting to rise due to it. Socialism has never worked...and never will. It starts out OK then guess what? They run out of things to tax and the implosion begins
Notice how the loser does not and has never lived in those conditions. So he parrots the party line, proving what I claim.

The sock puppets think and believe it is utopia.

Of course massive numbers of Americans are not moving to those countries. Hey, how many people from the south American countries are going to those countries since their socialism is so much better than the socialist countries they are escaping?

Fucking liberals
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