The Glacial-Interglacial Cycle is Driven by Orbital Forcing

The hilarious truth is that the entire narrative of the Co2 FRAUD is blown away by the truth that Greenland froze while North America thawed.

That fact proves

1. atmosphere not the cause of Earth climate change since atmosphere was constant for both
2. Sun not the cause of Earth climate change since Sun was constant for both

So what did cause North America to thaw at the same time Greenland froze?

tectonic plate movement, Greenland NW while NA moved SW...

Other things completely disproved by Greenland/NA

1. glacials interglacials
2. the Co2 FRAUD definition of ice age
3. the fudge charts Ding and Crock keep polluting USMB with
The hilarious truth is that the entire narrative of the Co2 FRAUD is blown away by the truth that Greenland froze while North America thawed.

That fact proves

1. atmosphere not the cause of Earth climate change since atmosphere was constant for both
2. Sun not the cause of Earth climate change since Sun was constant for both

So what did cause North America to thaw at the same time Greenland froze?

tectonic plate movement, Greenland NW while NA moved SW...

Other things completely disproved by Greenland/NA

1. glacials interglacials
2. the Co2 FRAUD definition of ice age
3. the fudge charts Ding and Crock keep polluting USMB with

EMH is a dummy

Complete bullshit.

Greenland was completely ice free 2 million years ago save mountain tops...

Documents that the northern tip of Greenland, which is where its ICE AGE started, was completely green 2 million years ago

As the ICE AGE moved south, the center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago

And the Vikings were farming the southern tip until the 1400s, when they were frozen off, and their buildings are buried under 600 years of ice...
Complete bullshit.

Greenland was completely ice free 2 million years ago save mountain tops...

Documents that the northern tip of Greenland, which is where its ICE AGE started, was completely green 2 million years ago

As the ICE AGE moved south, the center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400-800k years ago

And the Vikings were farming the southern tip until the 1400s, when they were frozen off, and their buildings are buried under 600 years of ice...

This is the laughable attempt by the Co2 FRAUD to stave off the truth that Greenland froze while North America thawed. The Co2 FRAUD wants you to believe that Greenland was frozen when it was further south than today, and it has ZERO EVIDENCE of that.

Even worse is the Milankovich McBullshit about 2.5 mile thick glaciers on Chicago, which the Co2 FRAUD claims were only 75k years old...

This is the laughable attempt by the Co2 FRAUD to stave off the truth that Greenland froze while North America thawed. The Co2 FRAUD wants you to believe that Greenland was frozen when it was further south than today, and it has ZERO EVIDENCE of that.

Even worse is the Milankovich McBullshit about 2.5 mile thick glaciers on Chicago, which the Co2 FRAUD claims were only 75k years old...


Prior to 2012, the accepted version of North American Ice Age was that it was 50 million years in duration, backed up by the fact that there is no evidence of life in the area covered by NAIA for that time, 50 million.

Then this happened...

And then after 2012 the whole North American Ice Age was re-written into McBullshit, all because the truth, the indisputable truth that NA thawed while Greenland froze at the same time

The temperature of what?
What do you mean by surface temperature?

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Earth's tilt, or obliquity, affects glaciation by changing the amount of solar radiation that reaches different parts of the planet. Obliquity ranges from 22.1° to 24.5° every 41,000 years, and Earth's current tilt is 23.5°. When obliquity decreases, seasons become milder, with warmer winters and cooler summers. This can lead to the buildup of snow and ice at high latitudes, which can eventually form large ice sheets.


When obliquity decreases, the amount of solar radiation at higher latitudes increases, while the amount at lower latitudes decreases. This means that summers are cooler, which can prevent the previous winter's snow and ice from melting. Warmer air can also hold more water vapor, which can lead to more snow in the winter. As a result, snow and ice can accumulate over time, eventually forming large ice sheets.

Obliquity also affects the length of interglacial periods, the shape of the glacial cycle, and the geometry of glacial ice sheets. The relationship between obliquity and precession controls these factors. For example, some say that each deglaciation occurs when obliquity is large and at every other precession minimum.

Obliquity – The angle Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted as it travels around the Sun is known as obliquity. Obliquity is why Earth has seasons. Over the last million years, it has varied between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees with respect to Earth’s orbital plane. The greater Earth’s axial tilt angle, the more extreme our seasons are, as each hemisphere receives more solar radiation during its summer, when the hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, and less during winter, when it is tilted away. Larger tilt angles favor periods of deglaciation (the melting and retreat of glaciers and ice sheets). These effects aren’t uniform globally -- higher latitudes receive a larger change in total solar radiation than areas closer to the equator.
Earth’s axis is currently tilted 23.4 degrees, or about half way between its extremes, and this angle is very slowly decreasing in a cycle that spans about 41,000 years. It was last at its maximum tilt about 10,000 years ago and will reach its minimum tilt about 10,000 years from now. As obliquity decreases, it gradually helps make our seasons milder, resulting in increasingly warmer winters, and cooler summers that gradually, over time, allow snow and ice at high latitudes to build up into large ice sheets. As ice cover increases, it reflects more of the Sun’s energy back into space, promoting even further cooling.

The second change is in the tilt of Earth's axis, known as obliquity, which varies between 22.1° and 24.5° every 41,000 years. As you have learned, Earth's axis is currently tilted 23.5°. When the tilt is less, the winters are not as cold and the summers are not as warm. Warmer air can hold more water vapor and therefore, produce more snow during the winter months. Because the summers are not as warm, the previous winter's snow does not melt. This promotes glacier formation.

Today the Earth's axial tilt is about 23.5 degrees, which largely accounts for our seasons. Because of the periodic variations of this angle the severity of the Earth's seasons changes. With less axial tilt the Sun's solar radiation is more evenly distributed between winter and summer. However, less tilt also increases the difference in radiation receipts between the equatorial and polar regions.

One hypothesis for Earth's reaction to a smaller degree of axial tilt is that it would promote the growth of ice sheets. This response would be due to a warmer winter, in which warmer air would be able to hold more moisture, and subsequently produce a greater amount of snowfall. In addition, summer temperatures would be cooler, resulting in less melting of the winter's accumulation. At present, axial tilt is in the middle of its range.
As obliquity decreases, it gradually helps make our seasons milder, resulting in increasingly warmer winters, and cooler summers that gradually, over time, allow snow and ice at high latitudes to build up into large ice sheets.
Also not abrupt. :lol:
There you have it straight from the horse's mouth, orbital cycles aren't responsible for abrupt climate changes. :rofl:
AS the northern hemisphere deglaciates the oceans and the atmosphere warm. You are so dumb
Says the cultist who can't distinguish cause and effect.

Run from the point all you want, but the world is not deglaciating, and the warming is the strongest it's ever been, so your kook theory is disproved. Screaming in a SafeSpace won't change that.

So why isn 't anyone presenting your loony theory to the world of science? Why are you basically the one person in the wrold pushing it? It seems your theory is so embarrassingly bad, even other deniers don't want to touch it.
Says the cultist who can't distinguish cause and effect.

Run from the point all you want, but the world is not deglaciating, and the warming is the strongest it's ever been, so your kook theory is disproved. Screaming in a SafeSpace won't change that.

So why isn 't anyone presenting your loony theory to the world of science? Why are you basically the one person in the wrold pushing it? It seems your theory is so embarrassingly bad, even other deniers don't want to touch it.
When the northern hemisphere glaciates the oceans and the atmosphere cool. When the northern hemisphere deglaciates like it is doing today the oceans and atmosphere warms. There 3 million years of empirical climate evidence for this.
Obliquity and axial precession doesn't change distance ... slow or fast ... and only distance changes radiant heat ... still waiting for stupid to show us his math on how much distance is involved with eccentricity ...

Is "fast" considered 1ºC per 100 years? ... because I see that much change here in an hour every morning, so slow as to be imperceivable ... climate change is 8.7 million times slower ... we're better off watching Galaxy M87's jet than waiting for the climate to do anything but the same thing ... "A HURRICANE HIT FLORIDA, MUST BE AGW !!!" ... children shore do enjoy Fruit Loops, now don't they ? ...

Fast is 50 microseconds for a photon from Earth's surface to reach outer space ...
You seem to have stopped arguing. Have you now accepted the role of obliquity in the glacial-interglacial cycle?

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