In Germany, we see the same prices in ALDI as in other supermarkets. They do all sell cheap stuff with mostly identical prices, plus they have the more expensive brands too. ALDI is great to sponge up all the fat cats though, as they think they can save another penny there.
Aldi is awesome.
Aldi was German engineered after WW2 to be the most efficient grocery store. You know the Squareheads make good stuff.
Aldi is designed to keep the indecisive mouth breathers out. You want cheese puffs lard ass, we got one kind.
Aldi has excellent prices.
The Aldi cashier is a tier one cashier that will ring up your groceries in record time while sitting down, just because you are working and making money you don't need to be uncomfortable for the sake of being uncomfortable....Just box/bag-up your own shit.
Aldi says fuck your customer service, we don't take phone calls because our employees are too busy serving people who are actually in the damn store.
If you are a grocery store and focus on being only a fucking grocery store, it will make you really good at being a grocery store....Not a bank, not a florist, not a coffee shop, not a custom bakery, a grocery store.
Aldi is #1 in the country, Trader Joe's is #2.
Aldi and Trader Joe's are owned by the same company (kinda), so they are competing with themselves to be #1.
Oh, and if you are too fuckin' stupid to figure out the quarter in the shopping cart thing the world is far better off without you anyway.
Thank you.