The GOP base support for corporations, and what do they have to show for it?

yeah, it's interesting they support GM, which its CEO got $11 million in 2011 and it had only 68,500 employees.
They hate Walmart, whose ceo got $20 million in 2012, with 2 million 1 hundred thousand employees.
2,100,000 vs. 68,500 livelihoods
GM paid $160 a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
Walmart paid $9.52 cents a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.

I'm trying to figure out what you are saying. How many at GM are "skilled" workers with medical, dental and retirement benefits. What is it they do at GM?

Walmart is fighting to pay it's workers LESS than minimum wage and Republicans, want to hurt those workers by making sure they not only don't make enough to live on, they can't even get food stamps.
Ironic that you are giving those making a killing on employees your personal endorsement, but attacking those who don't make a killing on employees.

Destroy the good guys? I can't hear you, Deanie. :eusa_hand:

I have no idea what you are talking about.
Corporations are PEOPLE.
Stock holders own shares and most are middle class citizens.
Shareholders receive dividends and/or gains hopefully on their stocks.
Called Capitalism
Capitalists contribute to candidates that promote more business for that business.
Corporations do a hell of a lot more good than the evil that media would have the dumb masses believe.
Gee, I thought they would be all over this telling us all the "benefits".

Yep, some companies are doing things like this, of course it's for their own good.

Shell Oil: Helping Power America’s Future Through Education

You can read about it here: Shell Oil: Helping Power America?s Future through Education | Politic365

Look at the dollar amounts:

Shell has also committed to provide $200,000 in grant support and $100,000 of in-kind support through 2015 to the National Science Resource Center (NSRC) for its Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) Model. The program implements a comprehensive, research-based science program for 25,000 students and 1,000 teachers.

So that's 300,000 for two years or 150,000 for one year divided by 25,000 students and that 6 bucks a student???? Is that right?

I was trying to find their revenue, but it seems they are having a lot of problems over in Nigeria.
Corporations are PEOPLE.
Stock holders own shares and most are middle class citizens.
Shareholders receive dividends and/or gains hopefully on their stocks.
Called Capitalism
Capitalists contribute to candidates that promote more business for that business.
Corporations do a hell of a lot more good than the evil that media would have the dumb masses believe.

Most stockholders are "middle class" citizens? No links, no data. Just a statement thrown out there hoping it's true.

With a very well known widening income gap between the wealthy and the middle class, that wouldn't seem likely if it's the middle class who make up the bulk of "share holders".


Since so many at Enron had retirement accounts, how is it those accounts were wiped out when that corporation went under? I'm going to leave you to answer that just to see if you really are interested in learning something.
Gee, I thought they would be all over this telling us all the "benefits".

Yep, some companies are doing things like this, of course it's for their own good.

Shell Oil: Helping Power America’s Future Through Education

You can read about it here: Shell Oil: Helping Power America?s Future through Education | Politic365

Look at the dollar amounts:

Shell has also committed to provide $200,000 in grant support and $100,000 of in-kind support through 2015 to the National Science Resource Center (NSRC) for its Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) Model. The program implements a comprehensive, research-based science program for 25,000 students and 1,000 teachers.

So that's 300,000 for two years or 150,000 for one year divided by 25,000 students and that 6 bucks a student???? Is that right?

I was trying to find their revenue, but it seems they are having a lot of problems over in Nigeria.

Why is it never quite enough with you leftist, they could be spending twice as much and you wouldn't be happy. You think they may be starting off small to see if the program actually works? Don't know why I asked, the left has never been know for prudent investments.
All the support the Republican base has shown corporations and how is it "repaid"???? Unskilled family creating jobs shipped overseas. The money that's made there kept there because they don't want to pay taxes that would help those who have lost their jobs.

And when corporations need skilled labor, do they turn to the very base that has supported them?

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Advanced Degrees

U.S. corporations have complained for years that they can’t find enough qualified workers who are skilled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the so-called STEM fields.

Changing immigration law could solve the problem. Congress is considering legislation that would allow high-skilled foreign workers and students to work in the United States instead of taking their skills back to their homelands.



Federal tax revenue by state

So right away, Republicans will say, "But what can they do about it? They need scientists and engineers and researchers. That's why they get immigrants with degrees".

How about corporations invest in that Republican base? After all, with all that support, doesn't the base deserve to get something out of it? Unless, education is "too hard". "We can't do it". "All that study". "And everyone knows, liberal education turns you into Democrats".

So why all the support for corporations and you get nothing back except minimum wage, food stamps and no health care? Cuz that's where it's heading.

Are you guys sure you've thought this through?

You have once again forgotten who has had all the power since 2006 so I will remind you once again, the democrats. Yes the Republicans have a little power with control of the house but basically that only means they can stop some stuff. None of their initiatives have had a chance since 2006. Obama and democrats have made it abundantly clear they do not wish to work with Republicans. So any aid to corporation has come from the democrat party. Matter of fact look at your own chart. Tax revenue for corporations was spiking until when? 2006 and the Democrat take over.

Yes, if there is fault to be placed it is at the doorstep of those who have the power, DEMOCRATS. So let's do something to solve 2/3s of that problem in 2014. You in?

When you try to reduce politics to such simple numbers, it's only so much bullshit.

Bush had the house for 6 years and the senate for four. But with the senate needing a supermajority and the Democrats having Blue Dog conservatives that vote Republican, who really controlled the Senate?

And what is the "work" with Republicans? Describe the policies. Be specific, not the typical "make it better". You can't because they don't have any real policies and never did since Obama was elected. There only policy has been to make him one term and destroy his presidency. No matter what it did to the country. McConnell and others have been very clear, plotting even before he was sworn in.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Boehner: I got "98 percent" of everything I wanted in debt deal

And yet, it's all Obama's fault.
Yep, some companies are doing things like this, of course it's for their own good.

Shell Oil: Helping Power America’s Future Through Education

You can read about it here: Shell Oil: Helping Power America?s Future through Education | Politic365

Look at the dollar amounts:

Shell has also committed to provide $200,000 in grant support and $100,000 of in-kind support through 2015 to the National Science Resource Center (NSRC) for its Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) Model. The program implements a comprehensive, research-based science program for 25,000 students and 1,000 teachers.

So that's 300,000 for two years or 150,000 for one year divided by 25,000 students and that 6 bucks a student???? Is that right?

I was trying to find their revenue, but it seems they are having a lot of problems over in Nigeria.

Why is it never quite enough with you leftist, they could be spending twice as much and you wouldn't be happy. You think they may be starting off small to see if the program actually works? Don't know why I asked, the left has never been know for prudent investments.

Why do you say that? Our debt always comes from Republicans. Look at the presidents since Eisenhower. Just because you guys have said that lie so many times, you don't really believe it, or do you?
Look at the dollar amounts:

Shell has also committed to provide $200,000 in grant support and $100,000 of in-kind support through 2015 to the National Science Resource Center (NSRC) for its Leadership and Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER) Model. The program implements a comprehensive, research-based science program for 25,000 students and 1,000 teachers.

So that's 300,000 for two years or 150,000 for one year divided by 25,000 students and that 6 bucks a student???? Is that right?

I was trying to find their revenue, but it seems they are having a lot of problems over in Nigeria.

Why is it never quite enough with you leftist, they could be spending twice as much and you wouldn't be happy. You think they may be starting off small to see if the program actually works? Don't know why I asked, the left has never been know for prudent investments.

Why do you say that? Our debt always comes from Republicans. Look at the presidents since Eisenhower. Just because you guys have said that lie so many times, you don't really believe it, or do you?

Haven't you figured it out yet, a president can't spend a penny unless congress authorizes it. Take a peak and see who was running congress most of that time. Now the republican house wants to cut the spending and the left is crying like babies.
Why is it never quite enough with you leftist, they could be spending twice as much and you wouldn't be happy. You think they may be starting off small to see if the program actually works? Don't know why I asked, the left has never been know for prudent investments.

Why do you say that? Our debt always comes from Republicans. Look at the presidents since Eisenhower. Just because you guys have said that lie so many times, you don't really believe it, or do you?

Haven't you figured it out yet, a president can't spend a penny unless congress authorizes it. Take a peak and see who was running congress most of that time. Now the republican house wants to cut the spending and the left is crying like babies.

They don't want to cut spending. They want to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. That's why the carefully targeted tax cuts and the loopholes.
Not only that, look at QW from post 11:

the reason those businesses want to employ immigrants instead of hire Americans is not that there are no Americans with degrees, the proof of that is that you have a degree. If you can get one I am pretty sure my cat can get one, the problem has to be something else, like graduates from universities expecting to make enough money to pay off their student loans in a week.

Can you follow the logic? Business hires immigrants because American students want to pay off their loans faster????

Did I get that right? Is that what QW is saying? And it gets worse on post 14:

Why not ask yourself why corporations want immigration reform to allow a large number of unskilled workers to enter the workforce.

And Yurt is thanking QW for that useful post????

Do I have to explain that corporations aren't trying to get "unskilled labor" to come here? If they want "unskilled labor", they already have Republicans. Duh! Corporations want people with degrees who are already "skilled". If they felt they could get skilled workers by educating Republicans, the people who support them, I suspect they would. But clearly, that's not what they are doing.

My logic doesn't make sense to you because I use common sense and satire.

Sweetheart, the idea of you using "common sense" IS "satire".

Classic. And like many classic literary efforts, worth repeating. Thanks.
Democrats, rdean?


Nuf said, lad?

Time for you to take off those partisan blinders, pal.

Your heros are betraying you.
What about the Democrat support for corporations? You know, GE, Apple, Google, Any corp. owned by Soros, etc. Funny how you neglect them....


Deany and reality had a bad break up and are no longer on speaking terms
Democrats, rdean?


Nuf said, lad?

Time for you to take off those partisan blinders, pal.

Your heros are betraying you.

Jack "Citicbank Cayman Islands account" Lew

Timmy "Goldman Sachs" Geithner
When I was growing up at age 6 the family that lived behind us owned their own business and the man was always into other businesses around town. He owned a Ford T Bird and a Cadillac. When he drove by Dad would always say "There goes Mr. Reid, he sure drives a nice car and lives in a nice house. One day you need to try to be as successful as him".
These days a guy like Mr. Reid drives by and people say "There goes that selfish and greedy Mr. Reid. It is not fair he has more than me and I bet he stole an old woman's purse to get everything he has."
Class warfare is growing and Democrats are spreading it.
yeah, it's interesting they support GM, which its CEO got $11 million in 2011 and it had only 68,500 employees.
They hate Walmart, whose ceo got $20 million in 2012, with 2 million 1 hundred thousand employees.
2,100,000 vs. 68,500 livelihoods
GM paid $160 a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.
Walmart paid $9.52 cents a year to the ceo per employee to make sure they continue to have a job.

I'm trying to figure out what you are saying. How many at GM are "skilled" workers with medical, dental and retirement benefits. What is it they do at GM?

Walmart is fighting to pay it's workers LESS than minimum wage and Republicans, want to hurt those workers by making sure they not only don't make enough to live on, they can't even get food stamps.
Ironic that you are giving those making a killing on employees your personal endorsement, but attacking those who don't make a killing on employees.

Destroy the good guys? I can't hear you, Deanie. :eusa_hand:

It always amazes me when the facts are thrown out there how they suddenly ignore them, try to obfuscate and/or come up with excuses.
Why do you say that? Our debt always comes from Republicans. Look at the presidents since Eisenhower. Just because you guys have said that lie so many times, you don't really believe it, or do you?

Haven't you figured it out yet, a president can't spend a penny unless congress authorizes it. Take a peak and see who was running congress most of that time. Now the republican house wants to cut the spending and the left is crying like babies.

They don't want to cut spending. They want to move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%. That's why the carefully targeted tax cuts and the loopholes.

Yet Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg
Amazes me the spin from the left is always that when folks are allowed to keep more of the money that they earned the spin is always "they want to move the wealth"
Wealth is never moved or meant to be redistributed.
Wealth is EARNED and property rights need to be enforced.
Democrats, rdean?


Nuf said, lad?

Time for you to take off those partisan blinders, pal.

Your heros are betraying you.

Jack "Citicbank Cayman Islands account" Lew

Timmy "Goldman Sachs" Geithner

and yet you people keep stonewalling any kind of meaningful campaign finance reform including promises of future employment :eusa_think:
Democrats, rdean?


Nuf said, lad?

Time for you to take off those partisan blinders, pal.

Your heros are betraying you.

Jack "Citicbank Cayman Islands account" Lew

Timmy "Goldman Sachs" Geithner

and yet you people keep stonewalling any kind of meaningful campaign finance reform including promises of future employment :eusa_think:

I have no problem with campaign finance reform, how about we limit contributions to the area the politician represents?

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