The great government hoax of public safety


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

As the tyranny of destructive government envelops our once-free society, have you noticed how oppression, censorship and government aggression against the people is always defended as somehow protecting public safety?

Consider these astonishing contradictions:

• The government claims that every single air traveler must be intimately searched and confirmed harmless in order to protect the safety of a few hundred passengers on the plane, but that very same government conducts no safety testing whatsoever on each batch of toxic fluoride chemicals dumped into municipal water supplies that threaten the health of tens of millions!

• The government aggressively attacks raw milk farmers and food cooperatives who sell fresh milk to a few hundred people, claiming raw milk is extremely dangerous to the public, yet that same government does absolutely nothing to protect the public from MSG (obesity), aspartame (seizures and blindness), high fructose corn syrup (diabetes), sodium nitrite (cancer) and artificial food colors (behavioral disorders) that impact virtually the entire population! (At least a million times as many people eat MSG than drink raw dairy…)


Comment: pat us on the head with one hand, hold a knife in the other for we the people.
As for the TSA, the airways are part of the COMMONWEALTH of the nation. As such, the federal government has the duty and OBLIGATION to insure that it operates as it is part of our national economic infrastructure.

A series of federal appeals court cases after September 11, 2001, has generally said that constitutional rights are sharply limited in the secure areas of airports. More specifically, the 9th Circuit ruled in 2002 against a man who walked through the metal detector and whose bag passed through the X-ray machine without incident. He asked to leave, however, rather than have his bag randomly searched; the court ruled that he consented to that search by beginning the screening process.

Here's the law dumbass.
49 USC § 44902 - Refusal to transport passengers and property | LII / Legal Information Institute

Don't like it? Don't fly. Nothing elucidated in the original document about your right to FLY, is there you Constitutional originalists?
That you don't know that shows just how ill-equipped you are to discuss this issue.

Well, what's the difference between local dairies and the corporations who sell MSG and HFCS?

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