If the Dems weren't part of the uniparty, they'd bring Kennedy on in a second

He'd be a great candidate for them, and you would think they would welcome him. Here are some of his policies:

Raise the minimum wage
Prosecute union-busting corporations
Cut student loan interest to zero
Magically cut drug costs in half
Magical tax-free 3% government-backed mortgages
Rezone to allow more low income housing
Protect the environment from big corporations

However, the following positions make him as toxic as Trump to the uniparty and their corporate overlords:
  • Uproot the influence of Big Pharma and Wall Street firms that are heavily invested in the medical industry from medical regulatory agencies.
  • During RFK Jr.’s first week in office, he will convene a meeting at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to declare a major shift in priorities: The federal government will refocus its $50 billion medical research budget toward chronic disease prevention. Kennedy will start funding studies into the causes of chronic disease, including toxic chemicals (PFAS, glyphosate, neonics, etc.), air and water pollution, microplastics, electromagnetic pollution, ultra-processed foods, and pharmaceutical products.
  • Root out corruption and replace corporate-friendly agency leaders with reformers and whistleblowers dedicated to the national interest.
    Shut the revolving door by executive order with a five year ban on administration officials lobbying their former government agency.
    Make the agencies transparent to public view, so that the American people can once again have faith that their government works for them — not big corporations.
  • Transition from a toxic, degenerative industrial food system to an organic, regenerative system of agriculture.
  • Shift regulatory priorities to favor small farmers and regenerative practices. He will get corporate influence out of the USDA, FDA, and EPA. He will lobby Congress to change the system of agricultural subsidies so that they no longer favor the biggest corporate producers.
  • As President, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will start the process of unwinding empire. We will bring the troops home. We will stop racking up unpayable debt to fight one war after another.
  • Pledges to cut military spending in half
Basically cutting off the spigot of corrupting federal money to institutions that have been corrupted by it. Obviously unacceptable to the uniparty.
Same could be said of the GOP.
It really is a dilemma. You have two parties. Each has to show unity, or you lose. Your convention has to be carefully choreographed and scripted, or you lose.

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