The Green Paradox, We Must Destroy The World, To Save The World


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Jewitt City, Connecticut
It is really amazing. We must destroy the world to save it. More people, scientists, are realizing this paradox.

Yes, we have pointed out on the usmessageboard, for years the destruction caused by Renewables, one area we may have missed is the Amazon Rain Forest.

Science says we must destroy the Rain Forest to save us from climate change?

What has the destruction of balsa trees in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest got to do with the wind power industry in Europe? As the international commitment to renewable energy has grown in recent years, the increase in wind farms has triggered a huge demand for balsa wood, leaving a trail of deforestation in its wake.

This has created a green paradox. We need to decarbonise the global economy as soon as possible, and wind energy is a central part of that equation. However, this form of renewable energy will not be ethical or sustainable until every component involved is guaranteed not to cause further harm to the planet and its peoples.
not to mention, their mining practices for lithium and other minerals for "clean" ev batteries are decimating some 3rd world communities and destroying water sources... and forest land.
but i'm sure you just need to break a few eggs to make an omellete or something like that. As long as American liberals don't have to see it in their back yard it doesn't exist. Which is why they also prefer to pump for oil in countries who have looser environmental restraints than U.S. oil companies.
It is not good that the demand for balsa exceeded the supply available from cultivated balsa and I would like to see strong measures - perhaps funded by balsa consumers - to stop it. But, did you happen to notice this line from the OP's linked article: "This has had a terrible impact on the Indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, in a similarly brutal way caused by mining and oil extraction in recent decades, and the rubber boom at the start of the 20th century?"
It is not good that the demand for balsa exceeded the supply available from cultivated balsa and I would like to see strong measures - perhaps funded by balsa consumers - to stop it. But, did you happen to notice this line from the OP's linked article: "This has had a terrible impact on the Indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, in a similarly brutal way caused by mining and oil extraction in recent decades, and the rubber boom at the start of the 20th century?"
So, which would be worse, oil extraction or balsa tree farms?
Put another way: The quest to save the planet will involve immediate pain for the working class (higher fuel costs, higher EVERYTHING cost, shortages, inconvenience, etc.), in order to POTENTIALLY alleviate a tiny fraction of a problem that MIGHT occur in a hundred years. And while they use words like, emergency, existential, deadly, and such, there is really no scientific basis for the use of those inflammatory terms.

No one will drown if the seas rise dramatically - it will happen over a period of decades. It will be a LONG time before the number of people dying from too much heat rises to the level of those who ACTUALLY die from too much cold today.

This is one result of these bastards majoring in Ethnic Studies rather than a real subject. They lack the power to think logically based on known facts.
Put another way: The quest to save the planet will involve immediate pain for the working class (higher fuel costs, higher EVERYTHING cost, shortages, inconvenience, etc.), in order to POTENTIALLY alleviate a tiny fraction of a problem that MIGHT occur in a hundred years. And while they use words like, emergency, existential, deadly, and such, there is really no scientific basis for the use of those inflammatory terms.
That is pure ignorance. See Check out the Working Group I report "The Physical Science Basis"
No one will drown if the seas rise dramatically - it will happen over a period of decades. It will be a LONG time before the number of people dying from too much heat rises to the level of those who ACTUALLY die from too much cold today.

This is one result of these bastards majoring in Ethnic Studies rather than a real subject. They lack the power to think logically based on known facts.
It never fails to ASTOUND me how what was once considered an absolute truism: that dealing with a problem sooner rather than later was always the best approach - has been conveniently forgotten by those poo-pooing the hazards and costs of dealing with AGW.
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That is pure ignorance. See Check out the Working Group I report "The Physical Science Basis"

It never fails to ASTOUND me how what was once considered an absolute truism: that dealing with a problem sooner rather than later was always the best approach - has been conveniently forgotten by those poo-pooing the hazards and costs of dealing with AGW.
thank goodness global warming democrats are moving closer to the ocean everyday at least they will be the first tot drown
Paradoxically the hazards and costs of preventing AGW, is actual destruction of the Rain Forest in Eucador.

The felling of balsa trees also has consequences for the islands’ ecosystem and for the river. The loggers trail alcohol, drugs and prostitution in their wake, and contaminate extraction sites with plastic, cans, machinery, gasoline and oil. They abandon used chainsaw chains, eat the turtles and chase away parrots, toucans and other birds that feed on the flowers of the balsa trees. Illegal deforestation has profound impacts on the balance of flora and fauna, pushing the ecosystem to the breaking point.
Paradoxically the hazards and costs of preventing AGW, is actual destruction of the Rain Forest in Eucador.

The hazard of continued use of fossil fuels is the actual "brutal" destruction of rain forests throughout South America and in a manner that cannot be rectified by replanting, as can balsa trees.
The hazard of continued use of fossil fuels is the actual "brutal" destruction of rain forests throughout South America and in a manner that cannot be rectified by replanting, as can balsa trees.
Ok, then why do you support renewabkes that have dramatically increased the use of fossil fuel.

Balsa can be replanted, yet everything else that is part of thst ecosystem is destroyed by taking the balsa wood, and that ecosystem in which the balsa trees live, can not be rectified by replanting.

Crick, you stated the damage cant be fixed.

Renewables destroy the ecosystem in which balsa trees grow.

Renewables destroy the ecosystem where the fossil fuels rebewables need are found

Renewables destroy the ecosystem where they are installed.

Renewables also destroy miles of ecosystems where they will be buried.

Crick is right, renewables are accountable for the dramatic increase in the use of fossil fuels hence the damage caused bt renewables is ten fold that of using just fossil fuels.
The hazard of continued use of fossil fuels is the actual "brutal" destruction of rain forests throughout South America and in a manner that cannot be rectified by replanting, as can balsa trees.

plants breathe in CO2
Republicans believe they should die in increased floods or droughts or higher intensity hurricanes or drowned by rising sea levels, wiped out by radically changed weather patterns or just plain cooked by rising temperatures. They are SO thoughtful Particularly about birds.
Republicans believe they should die in increased floods or droughts or higher intensity hurricanes or drowned by rising sea levels, wiped out by radically changed weather patterns or just plain cooked by rising temperatures. They are SO thoughtful Particularly about birds.
Crick is saying he can stop people from dying in floods, droughts, hurricanes, and rising seas.

The Democrat party is God, democrats can control nature.
Crick is saying he can stop people from dying in floods, droughts, hurricanes, and rising seas.

The Democrat party is God, democrats can control nature.
[Shakes head and sighs]
Republicans believe they should die in increased floods or droughts or higher intensity hurricanes or drowned by rising sea levels, wiped out by radically changed weather patterns or just plain cooked by rising temperatures. They are SO thoughtful Particularly about birds.
You think the world can survive without birds?

Democrats, if they state Republicans, then democrats are actually the criminals committing the crime.

Dying in the heat, how many people can not afford fuel oil this winter because of the Democrats energy policy.

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