The Guarantee: the unmaking of modern Ireland


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
It’s only been six years since the imminent collapse of Anglo- Irish Bank inspired the sitting government to guarantee the holdings of that institution and its competitors. Yet those events have already taken on the quality of myth. The tightening of belts led us to misery, pessimism and, ultimately, the imposition of water rates. It’s a powerful narrative. Much of it may even be true.

Nonetheless, the intricacies of that decision remain obscure to all but the most well-informed economic anorak. This offers some explanation why Colin Murphy’s Guaranteed was such a success when staged by the Fishamble Theatre Company. The play disentangled the economics, made a drama of the events, and offered an outlet for the brewing anger.

Now it’s become a film.

The Guarantee the unmaking of modern Ireland

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