The Habit of Fishing in the Dirty Waters


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
1. As it always does, Justice and Equality Movement; one of the key negative armed groups in Sudan; continued on its utilitarian approach to maximize its profits of the currently unfolding war and conflict in the Republic of South Sudan; by overtly sidelining with the forces of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.

By doing that, JEM aimed at maximizing profits particularly acquisition of military hardware and other logistics regardless of various sections in the Republic of South Sudan where many stakeholders are in weak positions and they expressed their massive need of the JEM support namely in Unity State; where a JEM faction under command of Mohamed Al-Bilal Issa and Mahdi Hassab Allah and Bushara Adam Ali has been present since some time.

2. In an attempt to strengthen the already weak position of its troopers in the military fields in the State of Kurdufan and to recover from the recent devastating defeats JEM sustained recently following encounters with the Sudanese Forces; JEM Leaders and Commanders were very keen to vandal and loot each and everything they can within the territory of the Republic of South Sudan.

Through 28th December 2013 to 2nd of January 2014, JEM seized huge quantities of food stuffs, medicines, oil and petrol products, spare parts and others; from the stores of humanitarian NGOs in IDP camps in Ida area which is located in the northern part of the Unity State.

3. The same JEM faction seized considerable quantities of arms and ammunition and oil from SPLA of the Republic of South Sudan under the pretext of "preparation to fight Nuair and the rebels". Following that, JEM lifted all these logistics to its bases and fighters in South Kurdufan State.

4. Banditry vandal activities of that faction are limitless; they raided offices and estates of many oil companies in the areas where this JEM faction is present namely Faraing, Al-Hufra, Al-Wizain. This faction seized and looted everything they can including properties and furniture of those companies and eventually transferred them to JEM in South Kurdufan.

5. It may sound bizarre to mention that some of the senior field commanders and leaders of JEM used to reside in the personal farm of Taaban Deng in the Unity State; top of them was Abdul Karim Shalwi who is in charge of JEM intelligence.

It is even worth to note that some of them are residing along with their family members. Some of them had personal and special relation and interests with Deng at the time he was the Governor of the Unity State.

This fact further demonstrates how utilitarian and ethicalness they are; they forgot about all these facts and they are now fully engaged in killing family members and tribe-descendants of Deng, while the picture may sound more bizarre if we note that their belongings and those of their family members are still in Dengs farm.

6. What JEM is undertaking in the Unity State at this moment; including mass killing of Nuair Descendants, a part from whether those Nuair victims being militarized or not, whether old or young, male or female, elderly or children; JEM activities of looting humanitarian NGOs and civilians properties are deeds condemned by all observers except, of course, the Government of Salva Kiir.

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