Diamond Member

Mayor Ed Gainey addresses homeless issue as protesters picket his house
During a Monday afternoon news conference, Mayor Ed Gainey addressed concerns about decommissioning homeless encampments and ensuring adequate shelter...

Here in Pittsburgh, the homeless "crisis" is steadily increasing in magnitude as the civic officials fret over how to "solve" it. It is a little more urgent here than it is in, say, Los Angeles, because we will have a few days this Winter (thanks to Global Warming) when it could actually be life-threatening to be sleeping out on the streets.
My son recently sent me his thoughts on the matter, expressed in "music."
But the homelessness conundrum is, in my opinion, the more painless "we" make life for the homeless, the more people will simply decide that homelessness is a better option that their alternatives, e.g., working a lot of hours to rent a hovel. To illustrate, imagine that Elon Musk had his engineers devise an inexpensive retrofit for excess ocean shipping containers, making them into livable sleeping rooms with minimal but complete facilities. He makes them available to municipalities at a reasonable cost to address their respective homeless crises, and guess what? A LOT of people on the edge of homelessness decide to jump off and avail themselves.
In California, they spend BILLIONS on the "homeless crisis" and it never gets any better. Indeed, there are armies of NGO workers who would be - dare I say it - homeless themselves if the problem were solved because they would not have jobs.
In the face of this matter, as we, the general public, ponder what should be done, I think the relevant question to ask is, "Why is 98% of the general public NOT homeless?" And the answer is, Because we go out to work every day in order to put a roof over our heads. Nobody is giving us a place to sleep; we have to WORK for it. Aside from the "Deserving Poor" (mainly widows, orphans, and crazies), why should "we" fret over the lives of those who simply won't do what WE are doing in order to stay warm and dry There are a shitload of jobs out there for anyone who wants one.
I just don't care as much as I'm supposed to. Sorry.