Subsidized is just another factor in the economics of it. Even the VA is getting it. They built an overhead ceiling for their parking area. It didn't cost that much more to replace the normal roof covering with solar sales. Before the early 1970s, the VA Hospital provided their own Coal fired electricity. 30 years later, they are now providing their own Electricity while selling the excess back to the Power company. This was done without being subsidized by the State. Even it there were subsidizing, it just made good sense.
BTW, we don't use anything other than completely renewable energy for electricity around here. We have shut down the coal fired plants all except one. The way it's done for shutdown, an alternate electricity source must be present before the shutdown. Right now, the Craig Coal Fired has 3 turbines with only one running. And that is progged to be shut down by 2025. Colorado has been working in this direction for the last 50 years. It's not done over night and it's still ongoing.
Either lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.