The inconvenient math of "Police Brutality"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Someone posted a link showing deaths at the hands of police...justified or not. In 2014 there were 1100. Approximately 1, 000, 000 cops working 2080 hours per year (thats a full time job for you liberals wondering).

2, 080, 000, 000 BILLION hours of cop work. 1100 deaths...most of them justified.

Roughly....comes out to about 1 death per 2 MILLION hours of cop work. And most of those are completely justified. About 0.1% of American cops will kill someone. 0.1%.

Sorry folks. But you have a better chance of winning the lottery than being killed by a cop in any given hour in America.
Awww...come on liberals. I thought you all loved math and science? I know this math doesn't add up to the narrative you all want. But...much like climate change....the science is what it is.
Hmmm. More math.....

If you took a camera and followed a cop every day ALL day 24/7 with no many days until you saw a trigger happy cop kill someone?

Lets give you 4 hours of sleep a day. 20 hours of filming. Odds of 1 in 2, 000, 000 hours. You'd need 100, 000 days at 20 hours a day. Or....well....youd die of natural causes before seeing one.

Sorry cop haters. Math doesnt support your gripe.
Black lives mean absolutely nothing to many blacks as evidenced by the thousands of brothers and sisters who murder fellow blacks annually.

Anyone who thinks the police pose a similar threat is an utter fool. Dumb fucks.
According to liberals the only exact sciences are evolution and climate change.

Math? Not so much.

Yep. This science truly is an inconvenient truth.

100, 000 days for 20 hours a day is how long they'd need to ride with cops to see ANY death...and likely a justified one.
Hmmm. I informed USMB liberals of this data a couple hours ago...and no responses.

Surely they arent...whats the word they use....."science deniers" are they?
Hmm. Perfectly good, unbiased scientific stats. And for hours now...libs on here keep ignoring it.
I'm far from a liberal, but what your stats ignore is that citizen's cell phones capture police brutality almost daily. Good cops would use this information to purge their ranks of officers who abuse the badge. Bad cops excuse it.
I'm far from a liberal, but what your stats ignore is that citizen's cell phones capture police brutality almost daily. Good cops would use this information to purge their ranks of officers who abuse the badge. Bad cops excuse it.

Again....those officers are a tiny percentage. Its like people video taping a bad dog...then saying all dogs need to be dealt with.

Cops arent investigated by coworkers. They're investigated by the larger authority like state or federal law enforcement. You cant charge a bad cop with something unless you have law enforcement a higher law enforcement agency must do that.

Anyway...cop haters will dismiss this and say something like "Yeah but did you see THIS bad cop on youtube!? Huh? Explain that!"

0.1%. Math.
Again....those officers are a tiny percentage. Its like people video taping a bad dog...then saying all dogs need to be dealt with.

Cops arent investigated by coworkers. They're investigated by the larger authority like state or federal law enforcement. You cant charge a bad cop with something unless you have law enforcement a higher law enforcement agency must do that.

Anyway...cop haters will dismiss this and say something like "Yeah but did you see THIS bad cop on youtube!? Huh? Explain that!"

0.1%. Math.

Nobody, and I mean NO REASONABLE PERSON, is suggesting "all" cops needvto be "dealt with". Stop exaggerating like a liberal.

Cops ARE investigated by their coworkers, and this is a problem. Local PD frequently work with county sheriff, state troopers, and all-too-frequently with the Feds...this makes them coworkers.
Again....those officers are a tiny percentage. Its like people video taping a bad dog...then saying all dogs need to be dealt with.

Cops arent investigated by coworkers. They're investigated by the larger authority like state or federal law enforcement. You cant charge a bad cop with something unless you have law enforcement a higher law enforcement agency must do that.

Anyway...cop haters will dismiss this and say something like "Yeah but did you see THIS bad cop on youtube!? Huh? Explain that!"

0.1%. Math.

Nobody, and I mean NO REASONABLE PERSON, is suggesting "all" cops needvto be "dealt with". Stop exaggerating like a liberal.

Cops ARE investigated by their coworkers, and this is a problem. Local PD frequently work with county sheriff, state troopers, and all-too-frequently with the Feds...this makes them coworkers.

Then how can someone investigate and charg a cop with a crime...who doesnt have law enforcement powers? And...with all the links about cops getting arrested being posted...seems they're doing a good job.

0.1% isnt exaggerating. Just math.
Not many links (but certainly a few) about cops getting arrested, just being "reassigned" to desk duty or paid leave during an "investigation" by their buddies in blue who, like you, are incredibly biased.
Not many links (but certainly a few) about cops getting arrested, just being "reassigned" to desk duty or paid leave during an "investigation" by their buddies in blue who, like you, are incredibly biased.

All of them may or may not be accurate. Allegation doesnt mean guilt.

And Im not bias. Its raw mathematical fact that 0.1% is a tiny...nearly insignificant. ..number.
Tiny, but not insignificant if you are an innocent person who gets the hell beat out of them by a cop, and then convicted of something you did NOT do solely on that cops testimony.

There are bad cops. Good cops should work twice as hard to weed these guys out.
I'm far from a liberal, but what your stats ignore is that citizen's cell phones capture police brutality almost daily. Good cops would use this information to purge their ranks of officers who abuse the badge. Bad cops excuse it.

No...bad cops ACTIVELY SUPPORT it. They actively cover it up.
Tiny, but not insignificant if you are an innocent person who gets the hell beat out of them by a cop, and then convicted of something you did NOT do solely on that cops testimony.

There are bad cops. Good cops should work twice as hard to weed these guys out.

I agree with that. Fortunately. is a very tiny percentage. Not worthy of national protests and outrage. The occasionally 0.1% incidents should be concerns on the local level.

But...national media and Democrats want to make us think that 0.1% is more like 75%.
I think you are minimizing, especially in urban areas. While the "Hands up, don't shoot" crowd are fruitcakes, you are at the other end of the spectrum and just as fruity with your constant defense of the indefensible.
I think you are minimizing, especially in urban areas. While the "Hands up, don't shoot" crowd are fruitcakes, you are at the other end of the spectrum and just as fruity with your constant defense of the indefensible.

No. Im just showing the math. Just raw numbers.

Analogy fits: if asked to defend a pot hole on I-95s thousand miles....well....its inevitable that those happen. But overall...its a tiny problem. Fix it, sure. But national outrage? Not over 0.1%.

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