The indoctrination continues.......


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Some teachers are so out of line with the questions they ask of students. This survey that was handed out to 100 students asks questions about how many guns the families own, the reason they own guns and the political views of the parents.

Teachers who seek to invade people's privacy this way should be fired immediately. It's clear they have an agenda and it's not about teaching students about the 2nd amendment. It's about sizing them up and trying to turn them against parents who are gun owners.

This is just as bad as the teachers who made students recite quotes from the koran, including a pledge to convert to Islam. There are some things that should be up to parents to teach. Tough shit if the teachers don't agree. They should stick to teaching the basic skills and not attempt to overrule parents on religion and the Bill of Rights. It really is about indoctrination and not education. Common Core has further dumbed-down students and too many teachers are more focused on shaping views regarding social issues than teaching skills that will help students build a bright future.

All some will "know" is that government is great, guns are bad, wealthy people are evil and being dependent on others is a right.

This latest incident is just another sign that our schools are failing our children for the sake of their political agendas.

High school students asked to answer questions about parents’ gun ownership

A principal is being sued by the ACLU because he used the phrase, "May God bless you". when addressing students. How horrible to wish them well. The left is more angry at this than the hundreds of times Muslims uttered, "allah akbar", before murdering people. Even if you're a non-Christian, wouldn't you rather hear something meant to wish you well instead of some idiotic phrase to bid you farewell?
Some teachers are so out of line with the questions they ask of students. This survey that was handed out to 100 students asks questions about how many guns the families own, the reason they own guns and the political views of the parents.

Teachers who seek to invade people's privacy this way should be fired immediately. It's clear they have an agenda and it's not about teaching students about the 2nd amendment. It's about sizing them up and trying to turn them against parents who are gun owners.

This is just as bad as the teachers who made students recite quotes from the koran, including a pledge to convert to Islam. There are some things that should be up to parents to teach. Tough shit if the teachers don't agree. They should stick to teaching the basic skills and not attempt to overrule parents on religion and the Bill of Rights. It really is about indoctrination and not education. Common Core has further dumbed-down students and too many teachers are more focused on shaping views regarding social issues than teaching skills that will help students build a bright future.

All some will "know" is that government is great, guns are bad, wealthy people are evil and being dependent on others is a right.

This latest incident is just another sign that our schools are failing our children for the sake of their political agendas.

High school students asked to answer questions about parents’ gun ownership

A principal is being sued by the ACLU because he used the phrase, "May God bless you". when addressing students. How horrible to wish them well. The left is more angry at this than the hundreds of times Muslims uttered, "allah akbar", before murdering people. Even if you're a non-Christian, wouldn't you rather hear something meant to wish you well instead of some idiotic phrase to bid you farewell?
Oh the terror, and keep your God out of Our schools. If the kids want to bring him in, unofficially, that's all well and good. That's where it stops.
It was a poll, not a test. And it was probably voluntary and anonymous.

And it was in TEXAS. Hello?

5 of the 7 reasons listed for owning a gun were pro-gun. Only two were anti-gun.

And you were supposed to choose three. So even if you are anti-gun, you still had to pick one pro-gun reason!


"Ummmm...Danger, Fear, aaaaaaand...Law Enforcement, I guess."
I bet owning a gun is more important to the op then paving a road or educating their children.

Our road is paved, our children are receiving an education you could only hope for and there is an arsenal in our home. What the hell does one have to do with the other?
Yep. Like I said, it was voluntary. From the OP link:

According to a statement from the school, the survey was only handed out to about 100 students as part of a journalism class and was not mandatory.
I bet owning a gun is more important to the op then paving a road or educating their children.

Our road is paved, our children are receiving an education you could only hope for and there is an arsenal in our home. What the hell does one have to do with the other?
There is no gun-nut Jesus, or even a Christian for that matter. It's completely against the faith to use a G.U.N to defend yourself instead of a G.O.D.
Law Enforcement



Does this TEXAS poll strike you tards as a poll biased AGAINST guns? Reallly?
Some teachers are so out of line with the questions they ask of students. This survey that was handed out to 100 students asks questions about how many guns the families own, the reason they own guns and the political views of the parents.

Teachers who seek to invade people's privacy this way should be fired immediately. It's clear they have an agenda and it's not about teaching students about the 2nd amendment. It's about sizing them up and trying to turn them against parents who are gun owners.

This is just as bad as the teachers who made students recite quotes from the koran, including a pledge to convert to Islam. There are some things that should be up to parents to teach. Tough shit if the teachers don't agree. They should stick to teaching the basic skills and not attempt to overrule parents on religion and the Bill of Rights. It really is about indoctrination and not education. Common Core has further dumbed-down students and too many teachers are more focused on shaping views regarding social issues than teaching skills that will help students build a bright future.

All some will "know" is that government is great, guns are bad, wealthy people are evil and being dependent on others is a right.

This latest incident is just another sign that our schools are failing our children for the sake of their political agendas.

High school students asked to answer questions about parents’ gun ownership

A principal is being sued by the ACLU because he used the phrase, "May God bless you". when addressing students. How horrible to wish them well. The left is more angry at this than the hundreds of times Muslims uttered, "allah akbar", before murdering people. Even if you're a non-Christian, wouldn't you rather hear something meant to wish you well instead of some idiotic phrase to bid you farewell?

There are very few things teachers should be responsible for teaching, outside of the approved curriculum the have to go by.
Some teachers are so out of line with the questions they ask of students. This survey that was handed out to 100 students asks questions about how many guns the families own, the reason they own guns and the political views of the parents.

Teachers who seek to invade people's privacy this way should be fired immediately. It's clear they have an agenda and it's not about teaching students about the 2nd amendment. It's about sizing them up and trying to turn them against parents who are gun owners.

This is just as bad as the teachers who made students recite quotes from the koran, including a pledge to convert to Islam. There are some things that should be up to parents to teach. Tough shit if the teachers don't agree. They should stick to teaching the basic skills and not attempt to overrule parents on religion and the Bill of Rights. It really is about indoctrination and not education. Common Core has further dumbed-down students and too many teachers are more focused on shaping views regarding social issues than teaching skills that will help students build a bright future.

All some will "know" is that government is great, guns are bad, wealthy people are evil and being dependent on others is a right.

This latest incident is just another sign that our schools are failing our children for the sake of their political agendas.

High school students asked to answer questions about parents’ gun ownership

A principal is being sued by the ACLU because he used the phrase, "May God bless you". when addressing students. How horrible to wish them well. The left is more angry at this than the hundreds of times Muslims uttered, "allah akbar", before murdering people. Even if you're a non-Christian, wouldn't you rather hear something meant to wish you well instead of some idiotic phrase to bid you farewell?

Teachers suck. I believed that in school and I haven't changed that view. If anything the older I've gotten and the more teachers I've encountered socially, the more deeply rooted that view has become. They don't do anything if at all for students, they are tremendously overpaid, they can't get fired once they make tenior, and especially today with Internet their services are no longer needed as kids can educate themselves. It will be a happy day when school systems finally close their doors and all the trappings of the whole mess will go away.
I bet owning a gun is more important to the op then paving a road or educating their children.

You like losing bets? Educating our children is very important. Shame that Common Core was imposed because that doesn't educate our children.

You act like it's impossible to keep the Bill of Rights intact and still have paved roads and education.

The teacher is wasting money by failing to teach more useful things that the liberal agenda. Common Core is causing more students to fail. The schools ended teaching cursive writing and forbid students from doing that. Schools also teach children to fear guns and one school banned the game of tag because they fear it will harm children emotionally.

How is raising idiots who are afraid of their own shadow going to help us in the future?

Maybe teachers should get back to teaching kids, math, English and history instead of shoving their political views down their throats.
I bet owning a gun is more important to the op then paving a road or educating their children.

You like losing bets? Educating our children is very important. Shame that Common Core was imposed because that doesn't educate our children.

You act like it's impossible to keep the Bill of Rights intact and still have paved roads and education.

The teacher is wasting money by failing to teach more useful things that the liberal agenda. Common Core is causing more students to fail. The schools ended teaching cursive writing and forbid students from doing that. Schools also teach children to fear guns and one school banned the game of tag because they fear it will harm children emotionally.

How is raising idiots who are afraid of their own shadow going to help us in the future?

Maybe teachers should get back to teaching kids, math, English and history instead of shoving their political views down their throats.

The bottom line is that it's none of this teacher's business how many (if any) guns are in the house and is absolutley none of their business who belongs to what party

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