Will the National Guard shoot the students?

The university students are still fighting for Palestine now. We see the National Guard and Police help to maintain the order here and there. However, given the fact that the National Guard once fired on Kent State students in 1970, I am really concerned about whether there will be blood again.

What do you think?

Will the National Guard shoot the students?​

I hope so.
Will the NG/ MIL & LEOs engage the Sappers and Spy Handlers & The Single Military Age Male Border Jumpers on a Rampage of Attacks ( Midsommar)
Fucking liar.
They panicked due to the violence of the protest. The shame is only four were killed. What kind of training is that? With 67 shots fired, 60 at least should have been killed. It might give present day protesters something to think about.
By asking this question, I did not mean that the National Guard SHOULD or should NOT fire the students. I do not want to talk about whether students are right or wrong. Instead, I think it is necessary to ask for help from the National Guard to suppress the protest and keep universities and society working normally.
It will be kind of hard to kill students without firearms or ammunition, don't you think?
Maybe these stupid kids need to know who they support.

And if they still support that then yes, shoot them.

Maybe they can see something you can't... There is a difference between Hamas and Palestine...

ICC says they have proof of Isreali Leadership targeting and killing civilians. That is a War Crime.

Bibi is saying that is supporting Hamas. It is not, the charge isn't againt Isreal. The charge is against Bibi and other leaders.

Hamas being war criminals doesn't give you the right to target and kill innocent people.
Why do you keep posting "Midsommar"? That has nothing to do with this except your rants about some kind of imaginary riot or something you think may happen. Would you care to explain?
Was the Summer of Love a one off event ? ( or did they take over 8 Blocks of a Major US City for months , did they Riot & Burn sections of 57 Cities with deaths and serious injuries ,and was the 92 Los Angeles Riots a one time event that could never be repeated ?
Was the Summer of Love a one off event ? ( or did they take over 8 Blocks of a Major US City for months , did they Riot & Burn sections of 57 Cities with deaths and serious injuries ,and was the 92 Los Angeles Riots a one time event that could never be repeated ?
My God, that's ancient fucking history by now! Apparently, it was a one-off event. The 92 riots were 32 years ago. I'd say that was a one-time event if it has not reoccurred for the same reasons by now. You are being ridiculous!
The differences being...

In 1970, students were protesting American blood being wasted on a senseless war...

In 2024, students were protesting on behalf of Islamic Terrorists who are losing a righteous war that they started...

The Useful Idiots of 2024 lack the commitment and courage to stand against Israeli victory in an existential declared war...
Excellent post. Perfectly phrased.

When they came out against Seinfeld, it confirmed they are not taking their own “cause” seriously.
Maybe they can see something you can't... There is a difference between Hamas and Palestine...

ICC says they have proof of Isreali Leadership targeting and killing civilians. That is a War Crime.

Bibi is saying that is supporting Hamas. It is not, the charge isn't againt Isreal. The charge is against Bibi and other leaders.

Hamas being war criminals doesn't give you the right to target and kill innocent people.
You’re as fucking stupid as those college kids. That video is Palestine. Their the ones supporting these guys, they’re the ones turning a blind eye to it if not directly helping and then crying victim when the consequences arrive.

The ICC is just another ring in the ridiculous clown circus of worthless fucking international organizations. Then the UN, the WEF, WHO and all the others can fuck off. Stop their funding immediately.

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