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The Iron Dome:


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Old Post, New News:

The year is 2,048, Israel and the Muslim nations are still fighting their War of Attrition. Because of the constant rocket attacks, Israel has built a lid over its security walls, much like an American football stadium. It's called the "Iron Dome!”

Since its birth 100 hundred years ago, most of the Israelis have left for greener pastures. The population of Israel has been reduced to 857,000 and the Palestinian Israelis now number 7,000,000 people. A new proportional voting law passed twenty years ago gives Jewish voters 20,000 votes for every one Palestinian. This should keep them in power for 17 more years according to Israeli demographers.

America which provided much of its military hardware has long disappeared from the scene along with the depletion of oil in the Middle East. It is now self sufficient in new energy sources so that oil needed is miniscule.

Israel has a new ally in India but that alliance is in danger because conversions to Islam have greatly reduced the amount of Cow Worshipers to a minority. The Israelis tried to introduce Hinduism into Israel to show their solidarity with their ally but the high Rabbinate refused to allow that because you could not eat corned beef but would allow pork chops!

It just wasn’t Kosher!

The situation for the farmers is getting desperate too. The Wall is fine for keeping stolen Arab land but without sunlight their electric bills for grow lights is making their products too expensive for marketing.

There have been rumors that the government will try opening a rolling system of the concrete roof over Israel in different parts of the country, hopefully fooling the Arabs and staying ahead of the rockets.

Israelis finally elected a woman Prime Minister in since Golda Meir 70 years ago in Attilla Roseis. She promised to Kill ‘em all in her campaign. Roseis is a nice Jewish Grandma who loves her grandchildren in which she teaches them how to kill Arabs.

…It has been one hundred years since Roseis was elected PM of Israel, her great grandsons Sniffer and CamelPed are the only two Jews left in the last Jewish Settlement in the Occupied Territories. They were left with trying to convert Palestinians with promises of riches and gold. But alas, no takers, means that they lack the necessary ten Jews to form a congregation…

It has been 47 years since the wells went dry in the Middle East. Because of this the ME was no longer important strategically to anyone. America left fifty years ago and stopped sending military hardware to Israel because Israel could no longer afford these weapons because all Jewish Israelis had migrated all over the world seeking economic opportunities without the danger of constant war.

It is obvious that Israel's military dominance in the ME vaporized when Russia rolled over Israel's Ally (Armenia) who supplied them with Western Arms. Russia is now (if it hasn't already) putting missile shields in Syria and Iran...She probably will now give them missiles and who knows what else?

Hezbolah does it again with rockets deep into Israel. Israel retaliates with air strikes which are met with new Russian air defense systems. Israel escalates with a land invasion which fails because Hezbolah has new anti tank weapons transferred from Syria via Russia...Israel bombs Syrian Military positions but the Russian made air defenses take a 80% toll on their planes. Egypt masses troops and Israel threatens nuclear strikes....
Iran launches thousands of missiles with chemical war heads...Israel retaliates by nuking Tehran...Pakistan sends three dozen nukes into Dimmona and other major Israeli cities...
Russia and America nervously keep in contact and hold off their forces, the ME is no longer.
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feel better now Peeballs???--------good ---have a little nap----then get up and change the bedding
Old Post, New News:

The year is 2,048, Israel and the Muslim nations are still fighting their War of Attrition. Because of the constant rocket attacks, Israel has built a lid over its security walls, much like an American football stadium. It's called the "Iron Dome!”

Since its birth 100 hundred years ago, most of the Israelis have left for greener pastures. The population of Israel has been reduced to 857,000 and the Palestinian Israelis now number 7,000,000 people. A new proportional voting law passed twenty years ago gives Jewish voters 20,000 votes for every one Palestinian. This should keep them in power for 17 more years according to Israeli demographers.

America which provided much of its military hardware has long disappeared from the scene along with the depletion of oil in the Middle East. It is now self sufficient in new energy sources so that oil needed is miniscule.

Israel has a new ally in India but that alliance is in danger because conversions to Islam have greatly reduced the amount of Cow Worshipers to a minority. The Israelis tried to introduce Hinduism into Israel to show their solidarity with their ally but the high Rabbinate refused to allow that because you could not eat corned beef but would allow pork chops!

It just wasn’t Kosher!

The situation for the farmers is getting desperate too. The Wall is fine for keeping stolen Arab land but without sunlight their electric bills for grow lights is making their products too expensive for marketing.

There have been rumors that the government will try opening a rolling system of the concrete roof over Israel in different parts of the country, hopefully fooling the Arabs and staying ahead of the rockets.

Israelis finally elected a woman Prime Minister in since Golda Meir 70 years ago in Attilla Roseis. She promised to Kill ‘em all in her campaign. Roseis is a nice Jewish Grandma who loves her grandchildren in which she teaches them how to kill Arabs.

…It has been one hundred years since Roseis was elected PM of Israel, her great grandsons Sniffer and CamelPed are the only two Jews left in the last Jewish Settlement in the Occupied Territories. They were left with trying to convert Palestinians with promises of riches and gold. But alas, no takers, means that they lack the necessary ten Jews to form a congregation…

It has been 47 years since the wells went dry in the Middle East. Because of this the ME was no longer important strategically to anyone. America left fifty years ago and stopped sending military hardware to Israel because Israel could no longer afford these weapons because all Jewish Israelis had migrated all over the world seeking economic opportunities without the danger of constant war.

It is obvious that Israel's military dominance in the ME vaporized when Russia rolled over Israel's Ally (Armenia) who supplied them with Western Arms. Russia is now (if it hasn't already) putting missile shields in Syria and Iran...She probably will now give them missiles and who knows what else?

Hezbolah does it again with rockets deep into Israel. Israel retaliates with air strikes which are met with new Russian air defense systems. Israel escalates with a land invasion which fails because Hezbolah has new anti tank weapons transferred from Syria via Russia...Israel bombs Syrian Military positions but the Russian made air defenses take a 80% toll on their planes. Egypt masses troops and Israel threatens nuclear strikes....
Iran launches thousands of missiles with chemical war heads...Israel retaliates by nuking Tehran...Pakistan sends three dozen nukes into Dimmona and other major Israeli cities...
Russia and America nervously keep in contact and hold off their forces, the ME is no longer.

You seem to be stuck in a time warp; the Arab nations are no longer fighting against Israel or even preparing to fight Israel despite differences over Jerusalem. Israel's only real enemies are a few terrorist groups that are supported by Iran.
Too much I would not even try to figure out where Israel stands in relationship to the EVOLVING muslim world right now My sense is that the ISRAEL QUESTION is going to be exploited by this or that muslim leader-----IMO the real issue on the minds of the ISLAMICISTS is SAUDI ARABIA and how this or that muslim leader or country or sect can ACHIEVE CONTROL of both Saudi arabia and the muslim world In the minds of islamicists ----once they have totally islamofied the now existing islamic world------the rest of the world will be a piece of cake

for the record-----I do not see this interesting program getting very far beyond the cosmic sewer
Too much I would not even try to figure out where Israel stands in relationship to the EVOLVING muslim world right now My sense is that the ISRAEL QUESTION is going to be exploited by this or that muslim leader-----IMO the real issue on the minds of the ISLAMICISTS is SAUDI ARABIA and how this or that muslim leader or country or sect can ACHIEVE CONTROL of both Saudi arabia and the muslim world In the minds of islamicists ----once they have totally islamofied the now existing islamic world------the rest of the world will be a piece of cake

for the record-----I do not see this interesting program getting very far beyond the cosmic sewer

Regardless of the rhetoric, the indications are that no Arab state is contemplating violent conflict with Israel. The only Arab government that may have been considering such action, Assad's, is about to fall. The only external threats to Israel come from a few terrorist groups and Iran, and the greatest threat to Israel's security is the reluctance of some Israelis and some Israeli politicians to take military action against Iran's nuclear weapons programs without the support of the Obama administration.

In 1967, the US demanded Israel rely on US diplomatic efforts to resolve issues between Egypt and Israel despite that fact there were no more diplomatic efforts to be made that had not already failed. In 1981, the US demanded Israel rely on US diplomatic efforts to protect it from Iraq's nuclear weapons program despite the fact that there was no rational hope these efforts would succeed. In both of these cases, Israel attacked without US support and in both cases Israel became stronger and safer because of these military actions, and subsequent US administrations have concluded that the US is safer and stronger, too, because of these Israeli actions.

Today, the Obama administration insists Israel rely for its security on US diplomacy despite the fact that diplomacy and economic sanctions have clearly failed to slow down Iran's nuclear weapons program, and the greatest threat to Israel's security is that its government and its people will not find the resolve the Eshkol government found in 1967 and the Begin government found in 1981 to take effective military action in its own defense regardless of the demands of the Obama administration.
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Israel is an Industrialized 1st world democracy. A world leader in science, agriculture, MIS, diamond cutting, military tech, solar power, etc. They have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. They are better off than most countries in the world!!!

Second, your can believe the rhetoric if you want, but Israel is a very safe place to be. I been there a few times and you don't fear much. Murder, robbery, violence are all low,

Third, get your facts right, Israel's population isn't shrinking its growing! Jews make up 75% (which is larger from last census), Muslim Arabs make up 17%, Christians make up 2%, Druze make up 2% and the rest is others! Arabs grow at 2.6%, while Jews grow at 1.7%, but there is a catch. Orthodox Jews number close to 1 million which is close the 1.2 mil Muslim Arabs. They far out reproduce the Arabs. They reproduce at 5.5%! This is the fast growing group in Israel and willl always be.

Israel Central Bureau of Statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You say those missiles are creating a war of attrition. 10K were fired and wha 3-4 Israel deaths.

Nice try retard!

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