Zone1 The Last President, Written in 1896

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Well, I got the book.
Opening paragraph (about a riot in New York over a disputed election):

That was a terrible night for the great City of New York—the night of Tuesday, November 3rd, 1896. The city staggered under the blow like a huge ocean liner which plunges, full speed, with terrific crash into a mighty iceberg, and recoils shattered and trembling like an aspen.

The Titanic sank in 1912!

It seems we are given glimpses into the future, but can't understand until AFTER the event has passed. It almost seems the author has seen a "vision" of various events but got them a little jumbled.

Interesting book. I hope to finish it tonight when I have a little time. It's only 33 pages long. You can also read it for free online

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