Schumer calls JD Vance weird

Of course JD Vance doesn't wear eyeliner. It's something democrats made up.
Plenty of Vance videos. Check out a few of the more recent ones for yourself

I'm not sure that this guy is wrong. Why pick Vance? To get the working class vote? I mean, this is a dude who basically told working class people in his book that they're all a bunch of fucking retards who can't get off their own asses and go get jobs.
Meanwhile sucking up likely, in more ways than one, to a billionaire.
That bankrolled his entire campaign.

Chuck Schumer ridiculed former President Donald Trump’s selection of Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his vice presidential pick, and suggested the GOP nominee may want to ditch him.

“The addition of JD Vance to this ticket — it’s incredibly a bad choice,” Schumer (D-NY) told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “Every day, it comes out Vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic.”

“I’ll bet President Trump is sitting there scratching his head and wondering, why did I pick this guy? The choice may be one of the best things he ever did for Democrats,” Schumer added.

Schumer is Radical Left, Vance is mainstream
Of course, mainstream Americans seem "extreme" from Chuck Schumer's Radical Left prospective.
Vance is not a prolific liar like Schumer is either.
Vance also doesn't incite hate, fear and violence like Schumer does.
Can Chucky explain to us why he thinks it's weird for people with kids to pay less in taxes?

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